Friday, November 9, 2018

My 250th Blog Post

Not exaaaaaaactly a milestone, but it is a serious accomplishment.  :-)

Basically, I started this blog 7 years ago to coincide with the publication with my second book, "Raise Your Brown Black Fist 2: MORE Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino" (Outskirts Press, 2011).  It was another way for me to express myself about my political beliefs, as well as a way for me to additionally promote my budding literary career.  Nine books in, and 250 posts later....well, you get the drift.  ;-)   

On the horizon, my eBooks are now available through Baker & Taylor, thanks to my eBook publisher Draft2Digital.  That makes 3 outlets that has my works available to libraries, at least in eBook format.  My upcoming sequel to "The Chronicles of The Black Fist" (CreateSpace, 2015) will definitely be dropping next year in 2019.  The cover art is already done, and the final finishing touches are being made to the manuscript.  I'm thinking of a January release...

Dealing with a new day job, and the work schedule that comes with it.  It's MUCH better than my last one, but it's VERY labor intensive.  Brother ain't as young as he used to be.  Either I need to get my workout on, or they need some more bodies to help me to do this job. It's nice to be earning a paycheck again, but I'd rather be getting paid off of royalties, and appearances (panel discussions, speaking engagements, book tours, etc).

Other than publishing my sequel The Chronicles of The Black Fist: F.U.R.I. of the People, 2019 is up in the air.  I would definitely like to do more public appearances, via vending at festivals & book fairs.  Seriously gonna try to get my promotion on, next year.  Might try to invest in a manager, publicist, or business partner; this broke shit is for the mf birds!!!  I need to be able to make a living off of my art.  Punching someone else's clock for a paycheck just ain't for me.

Really gonna try to figure out what direction to take my writing career.  I have a few w.i.p. projects that I'm juuuuust not feeling.  I might scrap them...who knows?  I have other projects that I'm more interested in writing, namely turning The Black Fist into a book series.  I have a few other conversion projects that I want to do, as well.  I don't plan on only writing Afro Latino stories, especially if cats ain't gonna support my work.  Fuck that dumb shit...don't talk about it, and then NOT be about it.  You have someone like me putting out books with Afro Latino lead characters, but then don't go out and buy/download my works cause, what....I'm not with some major publisher?  I'm not getting mainstream recognition?  Fuck that!!  The underground/independents is where all of the talent, and the effort, is being put.  Don't be jumping on the bandwagon, and then not supporting things cause they're not being pushed by the mainstream machine!!


Here's to my continued career.  Continuing on the path of the literary word.  I'll do my best to maintain this blog, and provide intriguing content for you.  See you all at number 300!!!

Uhuru sasa, y paz!!!


Monday, October 22, 2018

When It's Time To Say Goodbye....

So, I had to go out of town this weekend to attend a homegoing for a dear brother and comrade of mine...

I was stunned and hurt when I found out that he'd joined the ancestors.  I literally had just talked to him, not too long before he had passed.  We had exchanged text messages, and then we both had gotten busy with life.  I didn't find out until a month ago of his passing.  It was a deep shock to me, as the brother was not a sickly person; quite the opposite.  He is/was vegan, a holistic health practitioner, a wellness life coach, vegan chef, certified Reiki massage therapist, as well as being an artivist (artist +  activist).

I returned to Richmond, VA this past weekend; 8 years since I'd originally moved out, after having relocated there the end of '06.  The service was held for him, mostly attended by family, and a few friends and comrades.  I had my emotional moments, but I was glad to have attended, and had the opportunity to say goodbye.  It was also good, as I was able to reconnect with another dear brother/comrade, since our brotherhood has mostly been phone-bound since my relocation....several times over (with my nomadic ass).

I became very reflective afterward.  The ride home on the bus (FUCK GREYHOUND!!!!) gave me a lot of time to think.  I was glad to be able to say goodbye to my dearly departed brother, now that he has joined the ancestors.  At the same time, there were things that troubled me after his transition.  Part of it, is the lack of info as far as his passing is concerned.  I would be able to swallow this better, if he had been a sickly individual, or addicted to drugs, or even if he had died violently at the hands of some knucklehead on the streets.  None of the above applies, so it's a little harder for me to accept.  He was extremely healthy, and health conscious, and knew how to take care of himself.  I guess, that's just one mystery I'll have to live with, until I see him in the other realm...

The other thing that got to me will I be remembered when I'm gone?  There were certain things about the service that left much to be desired, knowing what I personally knew about my now-departed bredren.  How will MY memory and legacy be preserved, and honored when I pass from this realm? Will all of my friends and associates be contacted about my passing, and if/when the funerary rites will be held?  Will my sendoff be to my wishes, and not get convoluted into something that I wouldn't wish for..?  Even if I do leave my funerary wishes written down, will they be honored, and carried out?  How will anyone find my written wishes?  As an independent artivist myself, I have no legal team, or lawyer to help with this; I can barely afford my general basic living expenses....

It also makes me think about the things that I still want to accomplish in life.  I still want to get married, and have children.  I'm still young enough to make that happen.  That actually is a major goal for me right now, despite the current writing career.  Other than the legacy of the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement still continuing on after my own transition,  I would need to find a dedicated team to put in place to carry that out.  It kind of saddens you a bit....  :'-(

Dedicated to my brother Etaniel Ben Yehuda.....artivist, poet, actor, musician, singer, GREAT bredren/brother/friend/comrade, published author, and SO, SO much more.

Uhuru sasa, y paz.

Etaniel Ben Cohen Yehuda


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

October Flow....

Okay.....I've been away from the blog for a while...

It's birthday month.  Just turned 44.  Yay, me!  :-)  Got to see another year of life, so THAT'S always good...

It's the second half of Latino Heritage Month  (just officially ended this past Monday).  Been on my grind trying to promote both "Fiesta Girl" (Draft2Digital, 2018) AND the "Raise Your Brown Black Fist" book series (Authorhouse, 2010, Outskirts Press, 2011) via e-blasts.  Don't really know how effective I've been with it, but, that's how I do every year, this time of year.

A new day job is on the horizon.  Just got to go through a few more steps, and I should be starting by next week.  I'm glad; getting kinda low on cash, though I will definitely miss the free time.  Haven't had an official vacation since moving out here to DE, so this time off was very helpful.  Especially with how they were shitting on my at my last gig, I needed the break....

Continuing to work on my latest literary project.  I finally got around to converting one of my screenplays into a novel.  The latest project is called "Suicide Amy".  The first draft is already complete; now, I just have to concentrate on the editing process.  I'm hoping to have it completed by 2020.  I want to give myself more than enough time to get it to where I want it to be, literarily speaking.  I have a literary standard to keep, ya know....  ;-)

Have an idea rolling around in my head.  Want to do a web based TV show; an interview type of show.  Kinda got inspired watching "Uncensored" on TVOne; wanted to do something similar for writers, comic book artists/publishers, etc.  Haven't come up with a name for it yet (actually...I do have a name for it; I just don't want to say it here, and have someone jack the idea before I can do it), but the premise is basically to highlight those of us that are struggling for exposure.  We're out here, but we're not getting the recognition, or the support.  Just wanted to create a platform for us to get our shine, and some exposure.  Wanted to combine it with my Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement, since all of us are out here trying to get exposure, and (financial) support from the masses.  Maybe do it as a web series, or a vlog, or even as a cable access show.  I'm still working on it.  I'll let you guys know how that turns out....

Since the end of the year is coming, I need to concentrate on end-of-year holiday sales.  That has always been a tough sell for me.  People will spend loads of money buying a bunch of expensive shit, but NOBODY will buy any of my books, no matter how much I e-blast/cyber promote their availability.  Other than vending at a Kwanzaa event, or two...I don't know htf to get over this hurdle every year.  My online sales are a joke, so I guess hand-to-hand sales are my best option, as I'm always stating.  Of course, having the free time to actually do those types of sales, is the major hurdle.


That's it for me this time around.  Will keep y'all updated on my latest efforts.  Try to support a brotha.  It's not just paperbacks...I have eBooks too.  And, YES...they're on Kindle!!!

Uhuru sase, y paz!!!!

Monday, September 17, 2018

September Updates So Far....

What's good, peoples?  How you feeling, mi gente?

So far...I FINALLY attended a Latino festival out here.  It was a 3-day event, but I only ended up attending one day.  It was rainy for most of that weekend, so I ended up missing the last 2 days, where they had musical performances, and a parade.  The one day that I attended wasn't too bad.  and no, I'm NOT going to try to compare their festival to anything in NYC.  I'm hoping to return next year, hopefully as a vendor this time to sell some of my book titles.  I'll let you know, next year...

The day job situation is up in the air.  All of a sudden, these people are now being uncommunicative.  All a brother wants is some answers.  I was supposed to have started last week Wednesday, but never got the call for what time I was supposed to come in, like they told me they would. I'm just chalking it up as a loss, and still continuing to job hunt.  Fuck it, I can't afford to sit still.  I've got debts to pay, and other shit that I wanna do that takes funds....

GREAT news from my eBook publisher!!!  They've made a deal with WalMart to distribute eBooks listed on the Kobo platform.  And...since ALL of my books are listed on Kobo, ALL of my eBooks are now available at WalMart!!!  YAAAAAAY!!!!  Now, nuccas have NO excuse as to why they can't support my work.  The shit is available at WalMart, now.  I hope that this helps to increase my sales.  The Creator knows that I could use an economic boost....

Been feeling a little down, as of late.  Been having some personal stuff happen.  Someone who I consider a dear friend is going through some tough times right now, and I feel quite powerless to help.  Since I'm not in that great a situation myself, there is not much that I can do to help.  It's another reason why this job thing is working my nerves; I'm not where I want to be financially, where as I could help out this friend, not to mention, finally get myself to where I want to be.  I'm sick of renting a room; I want my own flipping place!  I hate when I feel blocked, and stuck....stagnation is a killer.  I not moving forward, nor back.  Hopefully, I can shake this feeling, and improve my situation soon...

Well, that's about it for now.  Been doing the whole e-blast, email promotion for Latino Heritage Month.  Will be continuing to do it through the end of October.  After that, I have no idea.  I'm still planning on publishing my Black Fist sequel "F.U.R.I. of the People", but I just haven't set a date yet.  I'm also considering another conversion project of one of my other screenplays, but who knows.  My head's not really in the game right now....

Anywhoo....later peoples!  Uhuru sase, y paz!         

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Celebrating Latino Heritage Month/Celebrando El Mes de la Herencia de Los Latinos!!


Wilmington, DE-- Celebrating Latino Heritage Month!!  Celebrando el mes de la herancia de los Latinos!!

As we enter into September 2018, Author/activist Kevin Alberto Sabio continues to celebrate his most recent literary release, the Urban Lit tale of "Fiesta Girl" (Draft2Digital, 2018), an Afro Latino love story set in 1990s NYC to the rhythms of Latin Freestyle and Hip Hop.  Published this past February, the book is still available as an eBook. 

ALSO, in honor of Latino Heritage Month, Mr. Sabio will be celebrating his seminal book series "Raise Your Brown Black Fist: The Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino" (Authorhouse, 2010), and "Raise Your Brown Black Fist 2: MORE Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino" (Outskirtspress, 2011); a collection of political essays speaking on issues of race/racism, history, political ideology, and Afro Latino issues & affairs. 

Raise Your Brown Black Fist books I&II are available in BOTH paperback & eBook formats, and are available through online distributors such as, Barnes & Noble, and Books-A-Million. Fiesta Girl is available in eBook format only, through distribution channels such as Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Kobo+, iTunes, Scribd, Overdrive, Playster, 24Symbols, Bibliotheca, and internationally through TolinoDigital ARCs (Advance Reader Copy) are available upon request for interview and review purposes.

KEVIN ALBERTO SABIO is an author and activist, born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. He is the youngest child of Honduran Garifuna immigrant parents.  He is the founder of the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement.  He is the author of NINE books of nonfiction and fiction. He currently resides in Wilmington, DE.

Keep the fist raised,

Kevin Alberto Sabio

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

End of August Roundup....

The month of August is almost at an end.  As the month closes, it is time for me to reflect on my progress made this month..

Still continuing to job hunt for a new day job.  Been applying to several places, but no interviews or callbacks as of yet.  I'm still plugging away, and watching my expenses.  I'm still good financially for another month, or so, but would be nice to be making some paper....

My book event was a bust.  Didn't really go as planned.  Not many people came out to support it.  Since we offered food platters at the event, people literally ate, then ran.  That was quite disrespectful.  The few people there that did listen to the reading, weren't very receptive to it.  Definitely, they just weren't the right crowd for it.  Not to mention, I had to share the event with another local "author".  Yes...I used quotes around the word.  PLEASE....a one-book-wonder that hasn't even been published for two years, yet this wack ass chick came at ME with a mf attitude.  She was unprofessional as SHIT; didn't even come dressed for the occasion.  I did your stupid ass a favor by adding you on to the event...which wasn't even my idea, and against my better judgment.  My literary resume is how long compared to yours....?  Heifer please...

Getting myself together for September/Latino Heritage Month.  Probably going to do another mass email blast to promote my books, and LHM.  After that, I might just concentrate on publishing "FURI of the People", and doing promotions for all of my books.  I'm pretty tired of this whole online/social media promotion thing.  I wanna get back to doing festivals/book fairs/conventions, and doing more face-to-face events.  Don't think that I'll continue to do any here in Delaware; niggas just ain't that receptive to stuff.  If you don't already have a name for yourself, and have the white folks chasing after you to do their events, they pretty much don't fuck with you, out here.  They're pretty close minded, like that.

Pretty much, just focusing on Kwanzaa for the end of the year, and really getting on the ball of promoting my books, and doing the festival/book fair/convention circuit next year.  Hopefully, I can find a day job with a decent schedule, (as well as a decent paycheck), and be able to fund my literary dreams.  whether digitally, or physically, I've got the keep pushing my work out there.

Here's to closing  out the end of Black August.  I'll keep you guys updated.  Uhuru sase, y paz.

Keep the fist raised.  

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Novel Reading, and Author Q&A!!!

GREAT NEWS!!!!  :-)

I have teamed up with a local organization called The People's Voice Mid-Atlantic, and am organizing a reading of my latest novel "Fiesta Girl" (Draft2Digital, 2018)!!!

Come one, come all!!!  The reading & Q&A will be held on Saturday, August 18th, from 2pm to 6pm.  The location is at Umoja House, 751 S. Maryland Avenue (corner of S. Maryland Ave & Oak Street) Wilmington, DE 19805.  The event is FREE, and open to the public.  If you're in Wilmington DE, please come through!!

I'm pretty excited.  This is my first literary event since moving here to Delaware almost a year and a half ago.  I'm finally getting the chance to gain some exposure, and build up a local fan base.

If you're in town by then, PLEASE come through!!  Help to spread the word!!!

Uhuru sase, y paz!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Latest Release, & Publishing Anniversary: AUGUST 2018

Jambo, mi gente!!!  Celebrating Black August!!!


Wilmington, DE--  As we enter into August 2018, Author/activist Kevin Alberto Sabio continues to celebrate his most recent literary release, the Urban Lit tale of "Fiesta Girl" (Draft2Digital, 2018), an Afro Latino love story set in 1990s NYC to the rhythms of Latin Freestyle and Hip Hop.  Published this past February, the book is still available as an eBook.

ALSO, Mr. Sabio celebrates the three year publishing anniversary of his eBook of poetry "Spittin' Lyrics N Waxin' Poetic" (Draft2Digital, 2015), a collection of the author's poetry, rhyme verses, and rap songs speaking on love, street life, and revolution.

Spittin' Lyrics N Waxin' Poetic and Fiesta Girl are BOTH available in eBook format only, and are available through distribution channels such as Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Kobo+, iTunes, Scribd, Overdrive, Playster, 24Symbols, Bibliotheca, and internationally through TolinoDigital ARCs (Advance Reader Copy) are available upon request for interview and review purposes.

KEVIN ALBERTO SABIO is an author and activist, born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. He is the youngest child of Honduran Garifuna immigrant parents.  He is the founder of the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement.  He is the author of NINE books of nonfiction and fiction. He currently resides in Wilmington, DE.

Keep the fist raised,

Kevin Alberto Sabio

Uhuru sase, y paz!!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

July Updates/Rant Session...

Soooooooo.....where was I?

Oh yeah....still working on my sequel to my Black Fist novel.  I'm actually planning on updating the files to the original novel, as I've noticed a few grammatical mistakes, that I thought I'd already fixed.  The revisions are going very well, and I am happy with my progress.  No publishing date so far....don't know if I'll choose to drop it next year, or not.  Kiiiiiinda tired of dropping books, and nobody buying them (at least, online).  Then again...what I really need to do is get back onto the festival/book fair/convention circuit again, and try to get some face time, and hand-to-hand sales.

Got a new eBook distributor in Bibliotheca, thanks to my e-publisher.  The files should have cleared last week, or so.  That's another outlet available to me; they distribute to libraries across the country.  I should start contacting some local branches, and see if they'll carry my stuff in their archives...

Things didn't work out with the new girl at the day job.  She ended up leaving the day job before I could get her contact info.  I'm a little hurt by that.  She was cuuuuuuuute!  Really down to earth, and had some spunk to her.  She reminded me of the hermanas from back in BK that I grew up with.  I don't know....maybe I'll try to friend her through social media...?

Considering opening an account with Instagram.  Talked with a few of my peoples, and they think that Instagram will serve me better, as far as reaching out to my audience....or, at least, gaining an audience for my literary works.  I don't know...that'll be yet another social media account that I'll have to maintain, and monitor, and contribute to.  That's basically a full time job...

Speaking of jobs....I LEFT my day job.  FUCK THAAAAAAAT!!!!  These people were disrespectful, and treated me like a mf slave!  I'm tired of busting my ass for people who don't appreciate my hard work.  Cats wanted me to do all of this work, and give me absolutely NO help.  I just quit that mf; just walked the fuck off.  The other night guy who also worked there quit a good week and a half before I did, because they tried to pull the same shit.  We have a trifling ass old dude who works in the mornings, and don't do SHIT...but he doesn't get written up, or fired for it.  Then...after the other night worker left...they tried to put all of that work on ME!!!  Fuck that...this job ain't worth it. 

I'm pretty okay, financially speaking.  I can survive unemployed for a little while.  I have a few prospects in the winds, anyway.  Besides, this is can easily find a job, as long as you have a good work ethic.  At least, i can catch up on some much needed sleep that I've been denied the last week and a half...

I'm keeping the faith, and moving forward.  I'm in good spirits, and keeping my eyes on the prize.

Uhuru sase, y paz. 

Monday, July 2, 2018

July Musings.....

So, the new business cards are IN!!!  Much better looking than the ones that I got back from GotPrint.  Will be sticking with VistaPrint, again, from now on.  I tried to support those guys, but the results were less than stellar.  Presentation matters, y'all...

So apparently, I have a new distribution outlet through Draft2Digital.  They're called Bibliothetca, and they distribute eBooks to libraries.  That should REALLY help me, as a few of my titles would interest teens, and other urban readers.  They would like my novels, and hopefully my nonfiction works, as well.

Still doing revisions for "FURI of the People", my Black Fist sequel.  I've even added a few chapters to Book III, "The Diaspora United".  I'm ironing out the concept for Book IV, and should also be starting on that project pretty soon, as well.  This will be the first book series that I've actually written.  When I initially started my writing career, focusing mainly on screenwriting, I never intended to turn any of my film projects in to a film series; maaaaybe one, or two action film ideas that I had.  At the time, I didn't feel that any sequels were necessary, and that they were being done primarily as a money maker; basically, milking that project for what it's worth.  I wanted to write quality project, that had longevity; instant/modern/cult classics, if you will.  As a novelist, on the other hand, it's a great character and storyline, and I definitely want to be able to expand on it.

Now that I have the business cards, I need to work on making some appearances, at least locally.  Once my work schedule straightens itself out, I'll be able to better plan some appearances, and events.  I was hoping to make it back to NYC for an even that a brother that I know throws; The Pre-Harlem Book Fair Meet-&-Greet.  Because of my constantly changing wack work schedule, I won't be able to go....not to mention, I don't have any PTO time on the books to request off; courtesy of my bitch ass former boss (GOOD RIDDANCE, MU'FUCKA!!!!).  Hopefully, one of these other jobs that I've been applying to will hire me, and I can actually have a consistent work schedule.

Speaking of the job...there's a new girl working there.  She's cute!  From back home.  I like her.  Kinda young...but, I like her!  Might be a new friend.  I'll let you know how it works out...  ;-)

That's about it for me.  Still trying to work on that video that I promised.  Hit y'all later!!!

Uhuru sase, y paz. 

Monday, June 18, 2018

Sequel COMPLETED!!!!

SO I have some great news.....THE SEQUEL IS COMPLETE!!!!  :-D

Just finished writing Book II to The Black Fist saga!  I'm totally ecstatic about that!!!  The first draft to "F.U.R.I. of the People" is finally completed, and I can now move on to the future drafts.  I still have no idea when I'm going to publish it, but I'm just glad to have that one in the books, as they say.  I've already designed the front cover for it, and just need to clean up the story, until I feel that it's just right.  I've added more characters this time around, on both sides of the battle.  I'm still using a lot of symbolism and metaphor in the story, just not as much as in the first book.  I can't wait to get it perfect, for when I finally decide to publish it.  I'm already working on Book III, and already have a working concept for Book IV.  I'll give you the details later on that of the book series....

Finally reordered my business cards, today.  They should arrive by the beginning of next week.  I went back to VistaPrint to print up my business cards.  They ended up costing me around the same amount of money as with GotPrint, but I'm expecting a much better quality of product with VistaPrint.  They haven't let me down before, so I'm expecting the same quality of work, if not better.  Shoulda never went with the new guys; I knew what I had with VP.  Oh well, live and learn...

Other than writing the new Black Fist series, I'm considering my options as far as my other literary projects are concerned.  I still have a few projects that I want to complete, and others that I'm contemplating writing.  Ah....the mind and life of a writer...

So, for all of the fathers out there...Happy (belated) Fathers Day!!!  Hope that you all feel appreciated, and I give you much respect.  I haven't joined the ranks of fatherhood yet, but I seriously want to join the club.  I very much want children...just not no crazy chick coming with them, lol, lol...

For all my Boricua gente out there, specifically in Nueva York...DICE WEEEEEEEEEEEPPPAAAAAA!!!  I know that the annual Puerto Rican Day Parade recently passed, and wanted to give my shout outs to my Boricua peoples out there.

Que bonita bandeeeeeera....
Que bonita bandeeeeeeera...
Que bonita bandera puertorriquena!!!

Working on doing a video blog (vlog) to talk about my books.  I need SOME way to generate interest in my books, and boost sales.  I'll let you know when I actually shoot it, and post it online.

Later peoples!  Uhuru sase, y paz!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Latest June Updates......


My new business cards FINALLY arrived, after like...a two 1/2 week wait.  NOT happy with the final product.  That'll teach me to go with a company on the cheap.  Stay away from GotPrint.  My cards look like trash.  I could've done better on my own, if I had access to my old printer.  I knew that I should've stuck with VistaPrint.  Oh, I WILL be going back to them.  Glad that I never cancelled my account with them...

My sequel to The Black Fist is almost complete.  Like I said last time, I have about another chapter, or two, before the first drafty is complete.  I don't have any real plans to publish that particular story any time soon.  Besides, I'm planning a SECOND sequel to the series.  I've already started writing that next sequel, which was actually initially part of the first sequel.  The upcoming sequel (book 2) will be titled "F.U.RI. of the People", while the next sequel (book 3) will be titled "The Diaspora United".  I'm expanding the character base on both sides, including more heroes to fight along side The Black Fist, as well as new villains to fight against.  I can't wait to finish writing the series.  I've already got ideas swimming around my head for a fourth book.  ;-)

The day job is in flux.  My boss finally left [YAY!!!!!], and we have a new boss.  Don't really care for him off the bat, but that could change.  As it is, I'm still looking for a new gig.  Been at this one for about a year already, and I'm done with it.  Why continue to bust my behind for people who don't appreciate my hard work?  F**k that!  I need a better (and more consistent) work schedule, anyway.  If I want to get back onto the festival/convention/book fair circuit, I need a decent schedule to be able to plan around.

Not much else is going on.  I don't have any plans as of yet to do any events, or set up any reading & book signings.  I need my work schedule to straighten out first, as well as being able to bring in more income to pay for everything.  Working independently ain't cheap, ya know.  Especially since book sales have been abysmal, it makes me wonder why I bother, sometimes.  I love writing, but obviously, niggaz don't respect what I do as a career.  I either need a new strategy, or need to throw in the towel...

Hopefully, I can get that issues with my business cards straightened out, and be able to move on.  That's an important first step.  Once I have my business card, I can easily move forward.  I can (hopefully) organize local appearances, and then move forward from there.

Wish me luck.  Uhuru sase, y paz.  

Friday, June 1, 2018

So it's now June....

We have now entered the month of June...

It's the beginning of summer, and the weather is warming up.  People are ready to head to the beaches for some summer fun.  All of the literary and cultural festivals are about to kick into high gear...

So, what's up with me...?

I finally got around to ordering some new business cards.  I hope that they'll arrive soon.  That just brings me one step further to where I want to get to in my literary career.  At least I've recently gotten that out of the way...

I'm still missing our old Restaurant Manager.  I miss her presence, and she was a FOINE woman to look at, as well  ;-).  I guess I'm going through some form of withdrawal, considering the huge ass crush that I have on her, lol, lol, lol....

At least my own manager is leaving.  Good riddance!!

Nah, nah, naaah, naaaaahhh....
Nah, nah, naaah, naaaaahhh....
Heeeeey, heeeeey heeeeeeey...

Did y'all really expect me to say something nice, and good about him?  Y'all don't know me very well, if you actually did.  Either that, or y'all are stuck on some old religious bs that you KNOW that I don't subscribe to!  Fuck outta heeeeerrrreeeeee....

On a more positive note.....I'm almost done writing the first draft to the Black Fist sequel.  I've got maybe a chapter, or two to go until it's finished.  Once the first draft is done, I'll look into doing  the revisions, and getting the story to where I finally want it to be.  I've actually already designed the cover for it, though it's not that different from the original cover to "The Chronicles of The Black Fist" (CreateSpace, 2015).   It's pretty much the same cover...

ALSO....."Demure Nights" (CreateSpace, 2015) will be celebrating it's 3-year publishing anniversary in June!  I still say that it's a slept-on story.  From the few people that have actually read it, I've gotten plenty of positive feedback for it.  I'll be sending out the usual e-blasts to promote it to my circle of media contacts, and others, though ti don't know why I bother sometimes...

So, this is to stepping off on the right foot for June.  I hope that this month is more positive, and progressive for me.  Looking forward to any positive vibes that come my way.

Uhura sase, y paz.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Updates, Plans, & Projects

So, things are looking up a little bit.  I've gotten my writing mojo back a little bit.  I've actually been working one of the sequels to my novel "The Chronicles of The Black Fist" (CreateSpace, 2015).  It's going pretty well, and I should be done writing that first draft by the middle of summer at the latest, if the inspiration keeps hitting me the way that it has been.  I'm actually pretty happy about that.  I've been in a bit of a funk ever since I published "Fiesta Girl" (Draft2Digital, 2018), and the sales for it have been dismal, to say the least.  I'm continuing to promote it to my contacts, but nothing seems to be working.  That's basically been affecting my writing ever since.  The story line for the new Black Fist book, however, has inspired me to continue on writing.  I finally found the angle that I needed, and have been able to continue on with the story. Don't know when I plan to publish that particular book, but I'm enjoying the process of writing it.

On a sadder note, one of my coworkers is leaving the day job.  It really hurts, considering the fact that I have a HUGE crush on this coworker.  I understand why she'd leaving though, and wish her the best of luck.  I'm looking forward to seeing her on her last day of work, and giving her a going-way present that I got for her.  I hope that she really enjoys it, and knows that I'll miss her very much.  Then again, maybe now I can actually ask her out, without the fear of getting fired, lol, lol, lol (she's a manager, after all).  Why the hell not...?  She's FOINE as all get out.  The least that I can do is ask.  ;-)

My hours are picking up, ever so slightly, but I'm still looking for another day job.  Fuck this place; they don't know how to treat their employees.  And now that my favorite coworker isn't going to be there anymore...?  Eff that!!!  I have no reason to stay.  If I can't earn enough money to get my own place, I can at least invest in my writing career by investing in new business cards, at least.  Maybe afterwards, I can concentrate on doing a local festival/book fair/convention, or two.  Since I always create the Schedule of Events (SoE) list for my group the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement, I have access to the different events that I can (possibly) go to to promote my book(s).  I also have good friends here locally in DE that would be willing to help me do a showcase of my books, or something.  I'm keeping my options open....

Right now, the main book project is the sequel to the Black Fist series.  I'm also working on a third book for the series, and have ideas for how I want to do a fourth book; story direction, new characters, etc.  Once it gets the proper support that I feel it deserves, I know that it'll take off.

I'll keep you all updated.  Uhuru sase, y paz.   

Monday, May 7, 2018

Spring time in May

So we have now entered the month of May....

"Fiesta Girl" (Draft2Digital, 2018) is now entering its third month of publication. 

Still working on the promotion of the book.  It's definitely a grind, and a bit of a headache, but I'm still plugging through.  Been sending out a new e-blast for it to my usual list of contacts, which I'm trying to expand, by the way...

ALSO.... "Seductra: Web of Desire" (CreateSpace, 2017) is celebrating it's ONE YEAR PUBLISHING ANNIVERSARY

Sales definitely haven't been where I wanted them to be for that particular project, but I was going through a transitional phase at the time I dropped that particular book. I had just moved, was still dealing with a new job, and still getting  myself acclimated to being a working writer again.  Still putting forth the effort to promote it, as I always should, and trying to help keep that story alive.  It's a really good book, if I do say so myself, and wish that I could get it the attention that it deserves.

I'm hoping to be able to participate in a few festivals/book fairs/conventions this year.  It's looking kinda bleak, financially.  If I can get a decent amount of hours at work, I actually might be able to pull it off.  I'm still looking for another day job; fuck this one.  My boss is a disrespectful dick, and they ain't trying to give me no decent hours...not unless it benefits them.  Homey don't play that.

I'm actually in a better mood.  Been connecting with some really cool comrades out here in DE.  I even recently got the chance to finally meet an online friend in person.  I'm hoping to get a little more involved in the community this year; I actually have more options to do that.  Might even participate in a few of the festivals and stuff out here, now that I'm getting to know more people.  Wilmington is not as boring as certain people are portraying it out to be; there's actually a good amount of stuff to do out here...if you know the right people, and where to look.  If you only interested in doing 'nigga' shit, like smoking and getting drunk, then do you.  There are actually a good number of events going on being done by various individuals, and organizations in the city.  Bottom line....I STILL don't regret the move out here.  Yeah...the attitudes of the people take a bit of getting used to, but that's basically anywhere you go.

Hoping to increase my sales.  also looking forward to what the future holds.  My partner and I are still working on "Ethnic Eats"; we had a delay in production cause of his crazy work schedule, and my recent sickness (caught a bit of a cold that hasn't fully gone away), but we're getting back on track. I've even started working on one of the sequels to my novel "The Chronicles of The Black Fist" (CreateSpace, 2015).  I'm hoping to finish the first draft before the summer is out.

I'll keep you guys updated.  Uhuru sase, y paz. 

Friday, April 27, 2018


So, I'm feeling a little bit better...

I'm just getting over a cold.  I'm still a little salty as far as my sales are concerned.  It seems that there's only so much that you can do, to TRY to get people to be interested in, and support your work.  But, I AM getting some ideas to work on one of my other writing projects.  Gonna try to finish one of my rough drafts that I haven't completed yet.

So, next week is May.  Seductra: Web of Desire (CreateSpace, 2017) will be celebrating its one-year publishing anniversary, starting next Tuesday (May 1st).  I'll probably send out my usual e-blast about my latest publishing anniversary.  Don't know exactly how effective it will be, considering that no one seems to gaf...

But....I digress....

The current day job still sucks ass.  My boss is a jackass.  And....I don't care if his pussy ass sees/reads this.  I'm done with him.  Mofo don't know how to treat his workers, so why the fuck I'm gonna try and be nice for his selfish, uncaring ass?  The hell Imma bust my ass for you, and you don't even appreciate it?  Been looking for a new day job, but some of these employers out here don't have much sense.  When I didn't have a phone, and needed to get in contact with these people,  I would tell them to email me; but they had a problem with emailing me back.  NOW that I have a gd phone, and I'm looking for other work, these cats only wanna email my ass....and I don't regularly check my email.  I can't win, smdh...  

Well, at least I'm getting job offers.  Fuck this current day job.  If I'm not gonna be treated like a person, and shown some appreciation and respect, fuck am I gonna stay there for?  Let his pussy ass read this, like he did last time, and snitch on me to HR.  It'll give me the reason I need to punch him in the nose, and walk off the job.  Fucking bitch ass....

But....I digress....

The weather is changing, and hopefully, so will my fortunes.  I still don't regret moving out here.  I needed some new energy to surround and immerse myself with.  I'm actually making a bit of headway out here, so fuck it.  It was worth it.  Other stupid niggas wanna stay stuck where they're at.  That ain't me.  I ALWAYS  move forward....with, or without you in my corner.  I'm not where I want to be yet, but at least I'm getting there....

Uhuru sase, y paz.

Friday, April 6, 2018

When You Need Some Motivation......

So...kinda continuing from my last post....I'm not really motivated to write anything right about now.  I usually always have a project that I'm working on, even after I've finished publishing my most recent project.  Not to say that I don't have any projects that I'm currently working on; to the contrary.  I actually have several ideas that are still in the early draft phase.  I just don't feel like writing them right about now.

I wouldn't necessarily call it writers block; I know what I want to write for those projects.  It's just that I don't FEEL like writing them down.  It's like I'm wasting my time.  I did the pre-publishing promotion for my latest novel Fiesta Girl (Draft2Digital, 2018), and all I got for it was THREE measly downloads.  Nuccas pressed the 'like' button a whole lot on social media, but ain't nobody really bought/downloaded a copy.

Fuck you, too...

I was thinking about converting two of my other screenplay ideas into novels, as well as completing a few other projects that are still in the 1st draft stage...but, what's the point?  If I can't even get my so-called 'friends' on social media to support my work, how am I going to attract total perfect strangers to purchase my books?

But, ninjas can press a 'like' button for a new mf profile pic, though....smdh....

But....I digress....

I want to get out of this rut, and get back to being creative, again.  Not to say that I'm solely in this to make a profit, but....what's the point of publishing a book, and making it available to the open market, if you're not expecting to make some sort of sales from it?  It's been EIGHT years...I'm kinda sick of grinding already.  I should've gained SOME sort of a fan following by now....ESPECIALLY with all of the activism that I do....

I don't know.  Hopefully, things will change soon enough.  I've got some planning going on behind the scenes that should bear some sort of fruit, coming next week.  I know that I need to continue to be positive, and keep looking forward.  Like I said move out of NYC taught me that I need to have a wee bit more patience.  I just needed this first year to get back on my feet.  Perhaps with this second year, I can finally reach my goals that I'd set for myself after I'd gotten out here.

Only time will tell....

Uhuru sase, y paz.

Monday, April 2, 2018

When You Just In a Shitty Ass Mood....

So, it is now April.  The first third of the year is now in  the books.  In literary circles, it is National Poetry Month.  I have a poetry eBook that is available for download, called "Spittin' Lyrics N Waxin' Poetic" (Draft2Digital, 2015).  You can acquire a copy (through Kindle) from here:

It is available through various eBook channels.  So, if you are NOT on Kindle, it is also available through other distributors.  Since people always wanna give some damn excuse for not purchasing my stuff, I've made my books available through a wide distribution base.

But.....I digress......

Sales for "Fiesta Girl" (Draft2Digital, 2018) haven't gone the way I planned at all.  We're going into the second month of it's release, and I've only had a total of THREE downloads so far.

Really......?   :-(

What's the fucking point?!?!  Hell, I'm not even getting 'likes' anymore when I share the flippin' links to my works.  But....cats will always wanna post some dumb shit in response to a rant that I'll write online, and say, "How can I support you...?".

Buy/Download a mf book...actually READ it...WRITE a gd review....TRY to get some of your peoples to help support my work!  Yeah...shares of the link(s) are nice, but....have YOU actually read it?  What are you gonna tell ya peoples about my book, when they ask you what it's about, hmmmmmm...?

But....I'm the dumb one here, smdh....

I want to be able to invest further in my writing career, but that is becoming extremely hard to do.  My current day job isn't giving me enough hours to pay for anything, other than my living essentials (dickhead ass boss!!!).  I can't invest in business cards...can't order copies of my book titles to do either a local book signing, or a festival/conference/book fair/convention....can't afford to pay for vendor fees to any conference/book fair/festival/convention that I may want to attend, local or otherwise.  At the same time, I wish that I didn't have to rely on the day job solely to fund everything that I need to do.  I have NINE books published, damn it!!  I should be able to make SOME sort of living off of all my titles.

Yes...I'm ranting!  This shit is frustrating!  Niggas won't support SHIT that you do.  I've done all that I can think of (that is financially possible) to promote my work on a grassroots level, hoping to reach SOMEBODY with my work.  I'm getting sick of this.  If you don't have some sort of machine behind you, pushing your product, it's like people just won't give a damn...

But, y'all will run out to watch some commercial ass movie, financed and created by white folks, profiling and perpetrating like you doing something culturally Black, smdh....

Hopefully, my next post will be more positive.  Sometimes, you just gotta let off some stream....

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Veneral Equinox

So, today is the first official day of Spring....the Veneral (Spring) Equinox.  It's actually quite cold and cloudy today.'s a new season, and the energy is coming anew.  Makes me feel like spittn' somethin' all poetic, and whatnot.....



"When ya crushin', really crushin'.....

When she lights up a room when she enters, just by her presence,
Those beautiful eyes, that smile, the sexiness of her voice...
Straight up being sexy, without even trying to be,
That swing, that gait, that sassiness, that shape...
Whether you handlin' your business, or being ride or die,
When temples should be built in your name and honor...
When ya wanna bow down every single day, every single time, in her presence,
When you deserve to be deified, and blessed every waking moment of every day...
As the song says, "You got got it bad..."...

When ya crushin', really crushin'....."

(C) 2018's a work-in-progress.  If you want better examples of what I can spit, check out my  poetry eBook "Spittin' Lyrics N Waxin' Poetic" (Draft2Digital, 2015).

Hoping that the change in season will help to move me forward, and get to where I want to be.  Had to shed some negative energy recently; some punk ass from my past that I had to cut off (actually, had to cut off AGAIN).  Hadda block his stupid ass on social media, this time.  Fuck it....he wasn't worth it.  You can only go so far with certain people in your life.  Snip, snip.....

Trying to boost sales for "Fiesta Girl" (Draft2Digital, 2018).  Been doing my usual outreach, but it's going reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaally slowly.  Not trying to say that I should be a millionaire by now, or anything like that, but come ON!  Can a brother get SOME sorta support?!?!?


Primarily focusing on outreach, and promotions right now.  I'm not even bothering to write a new project.  I'm a little tapped out, right about now.  Sales have been ridiculously stagnant, and I'm trying to gain some sort of momentum.  Basically been spending all of last year trying to rebuild, and get my paper straight, so that I can continue to invest in my writing career.  Hoping to hit the festival circuit this year, and do a few events.  Only time will tell.  Got some other issues that I'm dealing with that might hinder that....

But....I digress.

Hit you back next time!

Uhuru sase, y paz!!!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Author Book Trailer ***UPDATED 2018***

With the release of my latest book "Fiesta Girl" (Draft2digital, 2018), I've updated my Author Book Trailer promoting my literary works.  I've included the cover to my latest project to reflect ALL of my titles that I've written.  So, for all of you that consider yourselves my fans, heeeeeeeeerrrrrreeeee we go:

Hope that you enjoyed the *updated* video book trailer!  Please spread the word about the video, and PLEASE purchase copies of my books.  Available in both paperback & eBook formats!!

Keep the fist raised!!!

UIhuru sase, y paz!!!!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Literary Progress So Far......

So "Fiesta Girl" (Draft2digital, 2018) has been on the market for about two weeks now.  The sales are as I expected them to be....

.......Utterly dismal.

I created a Facebook event for it....created an email e-blast campaign for it....tagged a bunch of people with the link once it was finally published, aaaaaaaannnnnnnnd......

...absolutely NOTHING!!!!  Just my sister, and one sister/comrade purchased a copy.  Oh...a few people clicked the 'like' button, as usual.  But as far as purchases and downloads are concerned...?

Nada. that's my literary career in a nutshell.

Makes me just want to delist all of my shit, and just throw in the towel.

I don't believe in that whole 'just-write-for-yourself' bullshit.  If that was the case, then why the hell bother going through the trouble of publishing your book/novel, and bringing your work to market then?!  I might as well just write it up, go to Kinkos or Staples to print out a copy for myself, and call it a day.  Why go through all that extra headache of trying to promote and market your work, then?  Especially if you are independently published, or self-published?!

I have a lot of stories to tell, and I want to tell them.  I've been a storyteller for a VERY long time.  what's the point then, if people seem to not want to hear them?!  Even when I tell people that I'm a published author, they seem unimpressed. many published authors do YOU know?!?!  Especially someone who has written multiple books....?  I don't do that out of arrogance; damn it, it's what I do for a fucking living!  I know plenty of mf who claim to be rappers, or singers....even poets.  Actual published authors/writers....?  Not so much....not unless I'm traveling within those circles.

I would understand if I was wack, and had no talent.  I've gotten plenty of positive feedback from my work.  Even during  my days as an indie screen writer, people have complimented my work.  I have the gift and the skill...just not the support.

STOP pressing the 'like' button, and START supporting the work!  And it's NOT just me...I know PLENTY of my fellow creative artists who are suffering through the same thing.  Y'all can go out and frivolously spend your money with these commercial entities for shit that you don't need, but when any of us indies creates something and for your support, you look at us with some stupid look on your face, and say dumb shit like, "You shouldn't/can't try to shame me into supporting you", or "How do/can I support you?".

Does Samsung have to tell you how you can  support them whenever they drop some new electronic device?  Does Nike have to tell you how to support them whenever they drop a new sneaker?  Does Hewlett Packard have to tell you how to support them whenever they drop a new computer?  Does Sega or Nintendo when they drop their latest gaming system?

But, I digress.....

Learn to support us.  You can run out, and support some commercial entity that's part of the machine, but you can't seem to support any of us on the independent front?

No wonder they just tell you to just get a job, smdh....

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Fiesta Girl eBook Novel


My latest novel "Fiesta Girl" is finally live!  Published through Draft2Digital, this Urban Lit/Romance novel is one Urban (Afro) Latino love story that you won't want to miss!!!

"Brooklyn's own Alonzo Carrion is a gifted writer and poet....and a hopeless romantic.  After being the victim of a recent heartbreak, not even his writing can help him to clear his mind, and ease his soul.  Enter Rita Lebron, a down-to-earth Fashion Design student student from the Lower East Side, ready and willing to become his muse.  After a chance meeting while out with friends at a party, they fall for each other, fast and hard.

But...Rita has some dark relationship demons that she has to deal with.  Will the lovestruck couple fight through the darkness, and persevere....or, will they let their personal demons control their hearts, and derail their relatioship?  Set in 1990's New York City to the soundtracks of Latin Freestyle and Hip hop, this is one Urban Afro Latino love story that you won't want to miss.  Based on the original screenplay by the author!!"

Available exclusively in eBook format only!!  Distributed through such channels as Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Kobo+, iTunes, Scribed, 24Symbols, Playster, Overdrive, and internationally through Tolino!

Keep the fist raised!!!!!   

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

So It Is February......

The month of February is now here.....

I'm not as psyched as I usually am for the month, as February has become a special month for me in recent years.

February is the start of Black History Month (BHM) in the United States...
It's also my anniversary month for being a published author (currently EIGHT years)...
It's also the publishing anniversary for my fourth book, and first novel, "The Chronicles of The Black Fist" (CreapsSpace, 2015)...
I'll be dropping my latest novel this month, this year in 2018 [Fiesta Girl, Draft2Digital, 2018]...
Akoma Day is this month (February 14th-20th), though I don't have a special lady to celebrate it with this year...
....And finally....this month also marks my one year anniversary living in Delaware.

Call it what you want; battle fatigue...depression...the 'blahs'....I'm kinda going through it right now.  Thought I'm principally concentrating on my latest book project, I'm just not feeling it right now.  I'm a lot better off now personally, than I was a year ago (hell...try four), but I'm still not close to where I want to be.  My life has improved, but not the way that I've expected it to be, nor have I come as far as I would like to.  I know that I said in an earlier post, that I'm still learning to practice patience, but come ON!!

But, I digress....

Fiesta Girl is coming along.  She drops NEXT WEEK!  I'm excited about it, though my optimism is still negligible, considering my past book launches.  It's always the same; a lot of 'likes', but never any meaningful amount of purchases.  HOPEFULLY, this time will be different.  I'll be making a post about it here on the blog, complete with a few links to download the book.

Working on the latest listing for the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement.  It's coming along really well.  The first draft of the listing is pretty lengthy.  I hope that it helps the other members of the Movement.  It's should be done in another week, or so.  Hopefully, this year, I can participate in a few of those events myself...

Other than that, just keeping my head up, and doing what I do.  Will be branching out to to a web-based TV show with a comrade of mine out here.  We'll be showcasing local ethnic restaurants, and promoting them on the show.  It's a great idea, and a boon to these local ethnic food spots.  Hey...if WE don't support our own businesses, who will?

Catch you on the flip side!!!

Uhuru sase, y paz!!!!  

Friday, January 19, 2018

Publishing Updates.....

I'm going through the final rounds of editing to get "Fiesta Girl" ready for publication.  I'm actually quite excited about this.  I've already posted a Facebook event about it, but only a handful of people replied to it.  I guess that I shouldn't be all that surprised; that's pretty much the standard response that I get to my efforts, whether activism or otherwise....

I remember when I first wrote it as a screenplay.  I was really proud of that particular script.  I put a lot of myself into that particular project. It encumbers a lot of creative elements; my poetry, some of my songs that I'd written for my never-existed group New Latin Swing, a clothing line idea that I had to promote the group, and a music video TV show idea that I had.  Hopefully, I'll have some success with it as a eNovel, that I didn't have as a movie script.  Then again, if sales are successful, you never know...

Other than trying to get my new business cards printed up, I don't have any real plans, other than trying to promote my stuff this year.  Don't know how much I'll chill out this year, and just concentrate on the promotions for my book titles.  I still want to work on the sequels to "The Chronicles of The Black Fist" (CreateSpace, 2015), and get them published.  Maybe when I find the time and motivation....

Still hoping to get my own place.  Next month marks one year that I've been here in Delaware.  Can't say anything negative about it.  I'm on my own, so to speak...I'm working....I have some money in my pocket; I can't complain.  Slowing making friends, and getting my name out there; professionally and culturally.  I'm looking forward to tackling a few new projects in the new year.  The Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement is celebrating its 'unofficial' 10th year anniversary this year.  I can't believe that it's been 10 years, already!  My, how time flies, and how much of an impact I've/we've had. The movement has been around for ten years, and still going strong.  I've made some great friends and connections through the Movement, and hope to continue going on strong.

Well, if I don't get any time next week, to post another entry, hopefully the next post will be "Fiesta Girl's" release.  Stay tuned, and take care!!!  :-)

Uhuru sase, y paz!!!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Welcome to 2018!!!!


What's good, my peoples?  Happy new Year, and welcome to 2018!  2017 was a transition year for me, and I actually ended the year on a pretty strong note.  I was able to attend a number of Kwanzaa events here in Wilmington that were off the chain, and actually ended my work week on a positive footing . 

2018 is going to be a good year.  I am in better spirits, and I'm in a better place on many different levels.  Though my money could be a little bit better, at least I'm in a better position than I have been over the last few years.  I will be celebrating the 10th year anniversary of operation for the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement; quite an accomplishment I might add, especially without any manpower, or financial assistance.  I will also be celebrating my EIGHTH year as a published author, and will be dropping my NINTH book next month in February.  I'm really looking forward to the release of "Fiesta Girl"; it was definitely a labor of love.  It was formerly a screenplay that I'd written over 20 years ago, and I didn't want the story to go to waste.  Here is the cover for it:

I'm scheduling to have it released during the week of Akoma Day (February 14th-20th), my own way to celebrate the institution of Black love.  February also marks the 3-year publishing anniversary of "The Chronicles of The Black Fist" (CreateSpace, 2015), my Action/Adventure superhero novel.  Though I'll be concentrating primarily on marketing Fiesta Girl, I'm hoping to make a splash in sales for that particular novel; one of my favorite projects to date.

On the personal side, I'm hoping to meet Mrs. Right, settle down, and hopefully start a family.  Brother ain't getting any younger, and I would like to be young enough to enjoy at least one child.  Now If I can juuust find a decent sista/hermana to connect with......   ;-)

I hope that the new year has great plans for you.  Let's make it happen, and move forward.  Hoping to keep the positive vibes going, and to keep progressing.

Keep the fist raised!!!  Uhuru sase, y paz!!!!