Thursday, March 25, 2021

Author Book Trailer: 2021 Edition!!!

 For those of you that have been on the lookout for it, the wait is finally over!!1  I have updated my Author Book Trailer, which now has ALL THIRTEEN book titles included in it.  It took a little effort, as I am dealing with a new video editing system, and I'm still getting used to some of the special editing effects, and transitions.  You can check it out here:

The video will also be posted on YouTube!!!  Let me know what you think of it!!  Feedback is always welcome.  I was trying to keep it in the same spirit as the older versions of the Book Trailer, but since I'm using a new system, I did the best that I could to keep it similar as possible..


Enjoy!!!  :-)


Uhuru sasa, y paz.




Sunday, March 14, 2021

One Year Later.... [Aftermath of the Pandemic]

 So....we've reached the anniversary of the COVID-19 Coronavirus lockdown that shut down the country.  It's been a full year since we all had to lock in place, and deal with this deadly virus that has wiped out over a half million people.  People are now contemplating and reflecting on what they've been through over the past year, as we've reached this tenuous anniversary.

I myself was impacted by this tragedy.  I'd lost my job working in both hospitality and food service, due to the pandemic. Technically, my last day had been that Wednesday, March 12th, as my days off were Thursday & Friday.  I was supposed to return to work that Saturday morning, but my boss called me before my shift to let me know that the party that was supposed to be coming to our restaurant, had canceled.  I was off for 2 more additional days, basically having a four day weekend.  At first, I didn't mind, as that was the weekend that I'd had held my dual release for my novels "Time Will Reveal" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2020), and "Suicide Amy" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2020) to celebrate my 10-year anniversary as a published author.  By that Monday, my boss had called me back, and let me know that I'd been laid off from the job, due to the impact of the pandemic.  


At the time, I have to admit...I didn't think much of it.  I truly though that, after maybe two weeks, this whole thing would blow over, and we'd all be back to normal, and I'd be back to work.  As time went on, and the numbers grew, that's when it really started to hit me that....this shit is serious!  Hundreds....then thousands...of people were dying of this super virus, and it was affecting the entire world.  I have to admit, I went through my own mental trials during this whole time.  My father was stuck out of the country in his homeland, and wasn't able to come back.  I worried about his safety & health on the daily.  Also...I was trying to establish a relationship with a particular young lady from my past.  That experience ended up not going very well at all, and we now don't speak.  A relationship can't work, if there's no communication.  Apparently, she didn't/doesn't know how to answer her mf phone, and return a gd text message.  The occasional selfie is fine, but her ass was sporadic with her communication, at best.  Fuck it.....I didn't/don't need the additional stress, especially if all I wanted was someone to talk to, and connect with...


After a full year after this disaster, it left me feeling a little empty.  I ended up shutting down my networking organization the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement, as I couldn't help to network and promote others, and let my own writing career suffer at the same time.  I realized that....I don't really have a hell of a lot of friends; close, or otherwise.  That's quite a lonely feeling.  I didn't feel all that supported of my writing career, as I had books available, and couldn't generate any type of sales, even during a pandemic, when everyone is stuck indoors, and I didn't have to compete with much outside entertainment.  I also felt quite lonely, because that relationship didn't work out.  Politically speaking, I'm becoming more & more disgusted by this country.  The actions, and inactions, of the politicians, the racial violence by the police, the weaknesses that I see with the so-called activist community...I'm just done.


So, a year later, we have all grown.  We have all survived.  Hopefully, we've gotten stronger & better through our survival of this pandemic.  I still have yet to return to work, and I honestly don't know if I really want to return to my old job.  Perhaps I just need a mental sabbatical, and take some time to be in a monastery, or something.  Here's to looking forward to better days, and excelling.  Let us overcome, and persevere.  Let's hope that we've come out better, after all of this.


Keep the fist raised.





Thursday, March 4, 2021

The tides of March/The Gimp Chronicles

 We have now entered into the month of MARCH.  The Veneral/Spring Equinox is right around the corner, which marks the official start of the spring season.  It is the time for new beginnings, and the start to better things to come.

March also marks the 7-year publishing anniversary of my comedic memoir "In My Lifetime: Finny Stories of Life Experiences" (Outskirts Press, 2014), and the 1-year publishing anniversary of my dual release novels "Time Will Reveal" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2020), and "Suicide Amy" (Kindle direct Publishing, 2020). Both books were published last year to commemorate my ten-year anniversary as a published author.  All three of the books are available in both paperback and eBook formats.  Please go out and support these novels (as well as my OTHER books) any way that you can.

March also marks one full year that I've been unemployed because of the COVID-19 coronavirus.  I'm living off of my savings, my unemployment benefits (when I was still getting it), and the insurance money for my mother's passing.  Good thing that I live well beneath my means, or I would be in some serious trouble, by now.  Which leads me to....




Basically, I seriously injured myself almost 2 month ago.  I was coming back from Dollar General, and there's this park by my residence.  I usually always cut through there, as it cuts down the time for me to make whatever trip I'm making on foot.  The problem with that is...dumb asses here in Delaware, Wilmington in particular, don't know how to keep their mf dogs on a leash.  And, it's always some idiot with a big ass, wild dog, like a Rotty, or a Pit.  I'm coming back from the store, crossing past the park, and I see some idiot walking with his Rotty off of it's leash.  I'm not saying that I'm scared....but, I ain't tryna get my ass bit.  So I process to try to cross the street to avoid the dog.  As I step off the curb to cross the street....


My knee twisted & buckled.  I went down like a ton of bricks.  I crumpled down to the floor in some serious pain.  To make a long story short, I later found out later on that I'd torn my left patella tendon.  I've been hobbled, and hobbling around ever since then.  When I finally took my ass to the hospital, I found out how badly I'd injured myself.  Needless to say, I've been on crutches and an immoblizer for a few weeks now.  I just had surgery to repair the tear yesterday, so now I am on the mend.  All of this, cause I was trying to protect myself, yet I end up injuring myself.


Ain't that some shit?!?!?!?  :-O


The worst part is over.  Now, all I need to do is heal up, recover, & rehab.  At least I got my medical expenses taken care of; apparently, I was able to qualify for the local Medicaid provided by the state, especially being unemployed.  That helps a lot; that's one less thing that I need to stress about paying.  Considering my porous book sales, that helps me out a lot.  I'm on the gimpy side, for now.  Hoping to make a speedy recovery, and get back to walking around like a normal mf human being.  When I get the chance, I want to dance.  That's right, I said it....I wanna DANCE!!!  Maybe I can invest in come resistance bands, or something....?

Anyway, that's all for now.  Just keeping my nose to the grindstone, continuing to push & promote my books.  Hoping to generate more book sales for "Knuckle Up" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2021).  Since its release, I've had a total of seven book purchases & downloads.  I seriously trying to up that, and generate more sales.  I'll let you know about my progress.


Keep the fist raised.

