Tuesday, July 17, 2018

July Updates/Rant Session...

Soooooooo.....where was I?

Oh yeah....still working on my sequel to my Black Fist novel.  I'm actually planning on updating the files to the original novel, as I've noticed a few grammatical mistakes, that I thought I'd already fixed.  The revisions are going very well, and I am happy with my progress.  No publishing date so far....don't know if I'll choose to drop it next year, or not.  Kiiiiiinda tired of dropping books, and nobody buying them (at least, online).  Then again...what I really need to do is get back onto the festival/book fair/convention circuit again, and try to get some face time, and hand-to-hand sales.

Got a new eBook distributor in Bibliotheca, thanks to my e-publisher.  The files should have cleared last week, or so.  That's another outlet available to me; they distribute to libraries across the country.  I should start contacting some local branches, and see if they'll carry my stuff in their archives...

Things didn't work out with the new girl at the day job.  She ended up leaving the day job before I could get her contact info.  I'm a little hurt by that.  She was cuuuuuuuute!  Really down to earth, and had some spunk to her.  She reminded me of the hermanas from back in BK that I grew up with.  I don't know....maybe I'll try to friend her through social media...?

Considering opening an account with Instagram.  Talked with a few of my peoples, and they think that Instagram will serve me better, as far as reaching out to my audience....or, at least, gaining an audience for my literary works.  I don't know...that'll be yet another social media account that I'll have to maintain, and monitor, and contribute to.  That's basically a full time job...

Speaking of jobs....I LEFT my day job.  FUCK THAAAAAAAT!!!!  These people were disrespectful, and treated me like a mf slave!  I'm tired of busting my ass for people who don't appreciate my hard work.  Cats wanted me to do all of this work, and give me absolutely NO help.  I just quit that mf; just walked the fuck off.  The other night guy who also worked there quit a good week and a half before I did, because they tried to pull the same shit.  We have a trifling ass old dude who works in the mornings, and don't do SHIT...but he doesn't get written up, or fired for it.  Then...after the other night worker left...they tried to put all of that work on ME!!!  Fuck that...this job ain't worth it. 

I'm pretty okay, financially speaking.  I can survive unemployed for a little while.  I have a few prospects in the winds, anyway.  Besides, this is Delaware...you can easily find a job, as long as you have a good work ethic.  At least, i can catch up on some much needed sleep that I've been denied the last week and a half...

I'm keeping the faith, and moving forward.  I'm in good spirits, and keeping my eyes on the prize.

Uhuru sase, y paz. 

Monday, July 2, 2018

July Musings.....

So, the new business cards are IN!!!  Much better looking than the ones that I got back from GotPrint.  Will be sticking with VistaPrint, again, from now on.  I tried to support those guys, but the results were less than stellar.  Presentation matters, y'all...

So apparently, I have a new distribution outlet through Draft2Digital.  They're called Bibliothetca, and they distribute eBooks to libraries.  That should REALLY help me, as a few of my titles would interest teens, and other urban readers.  They would like my novels, and hopefully my nonfiction works, as well.

Still doing revisions for "FURI of the People", my Black Fist sequel.  I've even added a few chapters to Book III, "The Diaspora United".  I'm ironing out the concept for Book IV, and should also be starting on that project pretty soon, as well.  This will be the first book series that I've actually written.  When I initially started my writing career, focusing mainly on screenwriting, I never intended to turn any of my film projects in to a film series; maaaaybe one, or two action film ideas that I had.  At the time, I didn't feel that any sequels were necessary, and that they were being done primarily as a money maker; basically, milking that project for what it's worth.  I wanted to write quality project, that had longevity; instant/modern/cult classics, if you will.  As a novelist, on the other hand, it's a great character and storyline, and I definitely want to be able to expand on it.

Now that I have the business cards, I need to work on making some appearances, at least locally.  Once my work schedule straightens itself out, I'll be able to better plan some appearances, and events.  I was hoping to make it back to NYC for an even that a brother that I know throws; The Pre-Harlem Book Fair Meet-&-Greet.  Because of my constantly changing wack work schedule, I won't be able to go....not to mention, I don't have any PTO time on the books to request off; courtesy of my bitch ass former boss (GOOD RIDDANCE, MU'FUCKA!!!!).  Hopefully, one of these other jobs that I've been applying to will hire me, and I can actually have a consistent work schedule.

Speaking of the job...there's a new girl working there.  She's cute!  From back home.  I like her.  Kinda young...but, I like her!  Might be a new friend.  I'll let you know how it works out...  ;-)

That's about it for me.  Still trying to work on that video that I promised.  Hit y'all later!!!

Uhuru sase, y paz.