Wednesday, June 26, 2019

End-of-Month Wrap-up [JUNE]

So, we've entered the final week of the month of June.  Time really does fly, dosen't it?

The Summer Solstice has just passed.  Welcome to summer!!!  I had to work that day, but wanted to send out some positive energies for the official coming of the summer season.  Light a candle, light some incense, and say a prayer or two to the Creator.

Just entered a THIRD book entry into the North Street Book Contest.  I decided to enter my short story anthology "Drum Speaking: Tales From An Inner City Griot" (CreateSpace, 2016) into the mix.  Since the deadline is this coming Sunday (June 30th), I decided to take advantage of the opportunity.  It couldn't hurt; hell, it might actually up my chances at winning at least one of the three main prizes.  Getting the recognition is what really matters to me.  Since my sales are stagnant, I need to generate some attention for my work somehow.  The exposure is what really counts, for me.

I just outlined the first four episodes of "The Rough Draft".  I'm hoping to start shooting some footage for it by this weekend/the start of next week.  Once it's shot and edited, I'll post it here on the blog, and on Youtube.  I already have my Author Book Trailers uploaded there, so feel free to look me up, and view the videos.  I might share them on Facebook as well, but as a link. 

The day job is going pretty well, so far.  Not that I'm looking to hook up with any co-workers there, but we got some niiiiiiiice looking women working in my department. My first month has gone by on a good note, and I've earned my boss' and coworkers' respect for my work ethic.  As long as they treat me right, I might actually stay there for a while...

Been networking with a brother out here, who is ALSO a transplant from NY.  Met him at the local library out here ( and people wonder WHY I like going to the library so much).  I'm getting that hustle-mode mentality back, like I've always had.  Since he knows of my literary activism, he's trying to help hook me up with some people that  he knows that could help me, not just with my literary career, but also with my efforts for the Universal Africana Literary Arts MovementANY help that I can get with both would be much appreciated.  a brotha is TIRED of struggling, and not getting supported....

That's about all for now.  Hoping to hit you back in July with some good news.  Hopefully, I'll have the first episode shot & edited in time to upload it here.  Wish me luck!!!!

Keep the fist raised.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Mid-Month Stride.....

Wow.....the month is already half over.  Where has the time gone.....?

Father's Day has recently passed.  I hope that all of the fathers out there that have been holding it down get the proper respect that they deserve.  No disrespect to the sisters out there that are holding it down, handling both positions, but don't disregard the men that are doing what they're supposed to do, and are holding it down, as well.  You also have single fathers out there that are holding down both roles, as well.  Don't down one gender, just to lift up the other.

Today is the last day of Juneteenth.  Me personally, I 'celebrate' the cultural event from the 16th to the 19th.  Most people, if they even celebrate the event, only celebrate it on the 19th, and that's it.  I think we need to look at the entire scope of what this event stands for, and give it its proper observance.  But...that's just me...

"The Chronicles of The Black Fist: F.U.R.I. of the People" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2019) celebrates its 6th month of existence, this month.  It's available in both paperback AND eBook formats.  Still struggling to make sales off of it.  Still considering doing a reading for it; I just need to find the proper venue for it, and a date when I can get it done.  Juggling the new day job kinda complicates that.  I'm not complaining; at least I'm getting some money in my pockets, now...

Still working on getting an episode of "The Rough Draft" done.  I might just do a cheapo version of it, and post it here on the blog, and to Youtube.  As long as I get it done, and stop trying to be so anal about it.  It's just my Communications college major background kicking in.  I know how to do this shit professionally, and don't want to do some busted ass production, and put my name behind it.  Then again, I've seen some terrible videos posted on YT, and they have thousands of viewers.  Go figure for quality....

I think that I'm finally over my writer's block.  Did some editing for "Time Will Reveal" (2020), and I'm adding more content to "Walk Like A Warrior" (2021??), yet another literary project that I have.  I still need to create the cover for TWR, but at least I have the basic concept in my head.  Plus, I have time before publication; I'm not planning on publishing it until next year.  I haven't touched "Suicide Amy" (2022???) yet, though I'm still editing that one.  Not to mention, I'm still working on the other two sequels to The Black Fist book saga.  So many stories, so little time...

The day job is going well.  Can't really complain.  I'm getting along with my co-workers, and they seem to respect my work ethic.  And yes, I do find a few of my co-workers VERY attractive  ;-).  Not looking to hook up with anybody at my job, buuuuuuuuuut......if somebody spits game at me, I'm going for mine!!!  :-)

That's all for now.  Hoping to have even more news for you with my next entry.  Hopefully, I can finish out this month with a few more blog posts...hopefully with an episode of "The Rough Draft".  You'll be able to see and hear wtf I look like, lol, lol, lol. 

Keep the fist raised. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

June Happenings....

Oh,'s JUNE!!!  :-O!!!!  The year is already half over!!!  :-O

The start of summer is here.  We're almost into the middle of the month of June.  Let's see what's happening...

June is the 4-year publishing anniversary for my novel "Demure Nights" (CreateSpace, 2015).

Four years ago, I published this book; my FIFTH book, and SECOND novel.  It was a departure from what I'm usually known for, as I decided to tackle the genre of Erotica, though I still consider the book to be more Urban Lit.  The sales for this one hasn't been what I wanted them to be (much like all of my other books), BUT, it's still a good story, and I'll continue to do my best to promote it.

A lot of events are going on, starting in June.  I'd just sent out the latest Summer SoE listing for the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement to the other members.  I just wish that I could participate in some of these festivals/book fairs/conventions, and be able to further promote my books.  I'm itching to get back onto the book fair/festival/comic con circuit, and get my work out there, and give my books the proper exposure that they deserve.

So far, I've entered TWO of my books into the North Street Book Contest.  The deadline for the contest is June 30th, and I'm considering adding at least one more book entry into this contest.  I could definitely use the exposure, even if I don't win the contest, but I need to do SOMETHING to get my work out there.

Father's Day is coming up.  Don't forget to give a shout out to your dad when his day comes around!  Biggups to all the men that are being men, and are handling their responsibilities, raising their children!!!  Show these young cats out here how to be real men, and look out for their community, and families!

I know that it's only been a little over a week, but the new day job is going okay.  I can't really complain.  Things are going good, so far, and I'm getting along with my new co-workers.  Like I's a job.  It's how I fund my dreams, goals, and writing career.

Still working on doing that pilot episode of "The Rough Cut".  I don't want to do some ghetto ass production, but I'm looking to get this done.  People need to actually see me, and hear my own words.  I don't want the masses to get this perception of me as this bitter ass individual, according to my blog posts.  I'm usually always on the move, always on my literary grind.  I want to be able to reflect and convey that to the masses, and my potential fan base.  Hope to be able to shoot an episode, soon...

That's about it for now.  See y'all on the flip side!!!

Keep the fist raised.