Friday, December 20, 2019

End-of-Year Wrap up 2019

Seasons greeting, and happy holidays!!!  Blessings during the Winter Solstice, Merry Xmas, and Harambee, Kwanzaa!! Peace to all the Nubians, sistas, zubians....

Okay....time to be serious...

The end of 2019 has arrived.  Not a very fruitful year for me.  I at least DID publish a second entry into the Black Fist Saga.  Releasing "The Chronicles of The Black Fist: F.U.R.I. of the People" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2019) was no small feat.  I truly cherish the character, and love the story.  I can't wait to complete Books III & IV in the series.  Unfortunately, as always, the sales just weren't there.  I wasn't able to go out, and physically promote the book like I wanted to.  Because of my day job issues, I never had a consistent enough schedule where I could do a number of appearances, whether my own reading & book signings, or doing a book fair/festival/comic con.  Hopefully, I'll be able to change that in the coming new year. 

Speaking of which, I might want to invest more in promoting myself in the PA & So. Jersey areas.  Philly and Atlantic City aren't too far away from me, where I could organize an event out in those areas. My day job work schedule is more consistent this time around, so I might be able to work something out.  Delaware isn't much of a reading state, so I may need to promote myself elsewhere.  As I always say in a hashtag, #AlwaysOnMyLiteraryGrind.  This is real to me; this ain't some bs bucket list item, or some fake ass hobby for me.

2020 will make it TEN YEARS that I've been published!!  :-O!!!  Shocking, but NOT shocking at the same time.  I've always dedicated my life to being a story teller, and now I've found the perfect medium for me to do it in.  The dual book release is going on as scheduled; everything is being finalized.  Doing some last minute editing, and final checks.  The books covers are all done, and I've finally written out the backcover descriptions.  Now, all I have to do is wait until March of 2020...

I'm hoping to do more promotions of my various works, and do more in-person appearances.  I might have to travel to do that, seeing as how Delaware isn't much of a reading state.  I need to go where my audience is at.  I tried to tell that to certain dumbfucks that I was partnered/dealing with, back when I was still living in NYC; QUITE OBVIOUSLY I ain't fucking with them no more, cause niggas don't know how to listen.  Niggas either wanted a hook up, were playing around, or wanted to play 'follow the leader'.  I don't need any copycats, or disciples kissing my ass.  If you want me to teach your ass something, fucking listen to what I'm trying to teach your stupid ass.


I'm happy that I was FINALLY able to produce and post episodes of "The Rough Draft".  I've shot and posted six episodes on YouTube so far, and look forward to doing more videos.  I'll definitely be posting more videos in the new year; just wanted to take a break for the holidays.  I hope that people are enjoying the videos; as usual, I can never get the feedback that I want, or need to help me improve my craft.

The Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement was able to celebrate TEN YEARS as an organization.  I'm proud that we've been able to last as long as we have; considering the lack of assistance.  Being a one-man show is NOT easy.  I could always use more hands to help me to get things done.  Of course, there aren't too many people out here who think like I do, or, who are willing to put in the time & effort.'s a major accomplishment to be running a grassroots and independent organization, and STILL be successful at it.  We've made our impact, and have our followers & supporters.  Much respect to those that stuck with us for all of these years that The Movement has been around!!

Well, that's all for now.  I don't plan on posting any other blog entries, until the new year.  So, please enjoy the upcoming holidays, and keep reading.  PLEASE continue to support my work.  Leave some comments, spread the word, and BUY some/multiple copies of my books.

Keep the fist raised!!!!
Uhuru sase, y paz

Friday, December 6, 2019

It's Now DECEMBER :-O!!!!!!!/Publishing Release 2020

It's been a while, hasn't it?  Think I missed an entire month worth of posts, haven't I...?

Well...first things, first.  It's December.  FRIGGIN DECEMBER!!!  :-O!!!!  It's the end of the year, already!!!  Man, time sure did fly this year, didn't it?  The Winter Solstice, Christmas, and Kwanzaa are right around the corner, down the street, and sitting there on the corner, waiting for all of us.

As an end-of-year wrap up, this years was quite uneventful.  I was happy to have released my second entry in The Black Fist book series with the release this year of "The Chronicles of The Black Fist: F.U.R.I. of the People" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2019).  The sales for it were OBVIOUSLY nowhere near where I wanted them to be.  Of course, my instability at employment this year caused me to be unable to properly promote the book publicly, and had to resort to strictly online sales, which have never been a strong suit for me.  People are quick to press a 'like' button, but sure as shit won't press the 'buy now'/'add to cart' button.....


GOOD NEWS!!!!!  :-)

2020 marks TEN YEARS that I've been a published author!!!!  Yay me!!! celebrate my tenth year as a published author, I will be holding a DUAL BOOK RELEASE!!!!

Target date for the release of both books will be March 13, 2020.  MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!  And PLEASE actually buy and read the books!!  I've already created an FB Event for it, and have posted a few update there.  If you have an FB account, join the event, and help to spread the word!!

As it is December, I have also posted the latest episode of "The Rough Draft" to YouTube!!!  Episode number SIX!!!  You can check it out here:

If you have a YouTube account, PLEASE leave a well as 'liking' the video.  All I want is some feedback.  Is that so much to ask for...?  This will be my last video for the year, as I have other things that I'm preparing for, and need to focus on.  I will start shooting and posting new videos in the new year.  Six episodes ain't that bad.  I'm proud of myself.  :-)

That's about all form me, for now.  I'll try to be a bit more consistent on here, to finish the year out strong.  He's to hoping for improved sales, and better support in the coming new year.  Gonna be grinding plenty, in 2020!!!  Hey...I kind like that!!!  I might make that my new slogan for the Literary Arts Movement in 2020!!!  :-)

Keep the fist raised
Uhuru sase, y paz