Thursday, February 11, 2016

6th (Sixth) Year Publishing Anniversary

**For Immediate Release**

Brooklyn, Ny-- Black History Month 2016 marks 6 (six) years that author/activist Kevin Alberto Sabio has been published. It was six years ago this month that Mr. Sabio joined the ranks of the published with the release of his nonfiction tome' "Raise Your Brown Black Fist: The Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino" (Authorhouse, 2010), a collection of political essays speaking on issues of race/racism, history, politics, and Afro Latino issues & affairs.  Since that time, Mr. Sabio has added five more books to his repertoire, now expanding into fiction, and is in the process of releasing a SEVENTH book in late March/April.

Mr. Sabio has published his books in paperback format through various P.O.D. publishers, and his books are available through online retailers such as, Barnes & Noble, and Book-A-Million.  Paperbacks are also available at Wisdom Book Center & Cafe, located in Baltimore, MD, and Respect For Life Bookstore in Brooklyn, NY.  Five of his six titles are also available in eBook format through various carriers such as Nook, Kobo, iTunes, Page Foundry, Kindle, Scribd, and 24Symbols.

Please help to continue to celebrate the anniversary of this entry into authorhood by supporting his work, and helping to spread the word. Be on the lookout when author/activist Kevin Alberto Sabio drops his SEVENTH book this Spring, "Drum Speaking: Tales From an Inner City Griot", a short story anthology, to be released in late March/April.

Keep the fist raised,

Kevin Alberto Sabio

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Supporting Akoma Day

One thing that I've always suggested was for Afro Latinos to embrace more African/Afrocentric cultural traditions and expressions.  This is one that I've come to learn about a few years ago, and is starting to pick up steam (at least from my perspective).  Akoma Day is an alternative to to St. Valentine's Day, and lasts five days, from February 14 to February 20.  They follow a certain set of principles and virtues that are mean to help build a strong relationship between two people engaged in the relationship.  It has a strong foundation in building, not only a strong relationship, but also a strong family bond.  You can equate it with Kwanzaa, as it follows the same guidelines.  I don't see this as a 'made up holiday', but something that we can make culturally relevant to our everyday lives.

The creators of the holiday have a website available that further explains the holiday, and has published literature about it to express their philosophy on how to build a strong relationship to, not only strengthen your marriage, but also to help build a strong community.  They have outlets and celebrations in several cities; you try to find one that is close to you, and attend one of their events.  Or, you can contact the founders/creators of the holiday, and coordinate and event right in your own city/state/region.

Happy Akoma Day!!!


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Black History Month Event, and Literary Anniversary!!!!

**For Immediate Release**

Brooklyn, Ny--This Black History Month 2016 author/activist Kevin Alberto Sabio celebrates the 1 (one) year publishing anniversary of the release of his book "The Chronicles of The Black Fist"; a superhero action/adventure fiction novel.  Enter into the world of Nyerere Lewis, an educator-turned-crime fighter who dons the revolutionary colors after the murder of one of his mentees, and battles to clean up the streets of his hometown from both the criminal element, and corrupt cops alike. In this day and age of the Black Live Matters Movement, assaults on my civil liberties, and our right to vote, a novel like this is needed to provide the community with a voice, and let it be known that truly, deeply, and indeed #BlackLivesMatter.

Published through CreateSpace, The Chronicles of The Black Fist is available in paperback format through online retailers such as, Barnes & Noble, and Books-A-Million.  The novel is also available in eBook format through various carriers such as Nook, Kobo, Page Foundry, Scribd, and 24Symbols.

Please help author/activist Kevin Alberto Sabio to celebrate the month celebrating the publication of this revolutionary novel, as well as his sixth year as a published author.  Deemed appropriate for Young Adult audiences, and older. on the look out for the author's upcoming novel "Drum Speaking: Tales From an Inner City Griot", a short story anthology due out late March/April!  Please support, and help to spread the word!!!

Keep the fist raised,

Kevin Alberto Sabio

The Chronicles of The Black Fist: