Friday, June 26, 2020

End of June Reports....

It's the final weekend of June, going into the final days of the month.  Sales have been nonexistent for this month.  So much for my burgeoning support....  [EXTREME sarcasm dripping]

Shout out to the Black bookstores that are keeping up the struggle.  Let us hope that this new founded support continues, and is not another sad attempt of people trying to feign wokeness.  Where were y'all so-called 'woke' cats when these businesses were struggling, prior to the pandemic?  The WHITE people supporting these businesses, I can get; they are trying to assuage their 'white guilt' and privilege to abuse the notion of their own ingrained racism.  You fake ass Black folks, on the other hand...?  Y'all ain't 'woke'. C'mon son.....fuck the bullshit.


Posted the most recent episodes of "The Rough Draft".  I shot episodes 13 & 14, and they are now uploaded onto YouTube.  I'm making it happen, peoples!!!  You can check out their links here:

Episode #13:

Episode #14:

Please feel free to 'like' the videos...COMMENT on them, and subscribe to my channel.  I'm trying to be consistent with the content, so you guys can at least make the effort to comment on my videos, and 'like' them as well.  You have idiots on there who talk about absolutely nothing, yet they get a ridiculous amount of followers, and ongoing commentary.

Whatever, man......

The states are continuing to open up, as well as coronavirus cases are now starting to explode in the south, and Midwest.  The death toll in the U.S. is at about 120,000, and continuing to rise.  I'm certainly lucky that death from the virus hasn't touched me personally, but still...these are the most trying of times.

Haven't been feeling as motivated to write, as of late.  Aside from the consistent promotion that I do for my most current releases, I haven't even bothered to work on any of my other works-in-progress.  The inspiration just isn't there for me.  It probably has to do with the current pandemic; it feels like there is just more important shit to worry about.  Been busy trying to hawk all of my publications during this outbreak, but so far, it's been all for naught.  Fuck it...nuccas be on some trend hopping bullshit.  Now that the states are opening back up, and people have other distractions to hold their attention, they don't have time to fuck with any of my literary works.

Oh, well....

That's all for now.  Try to hit you guys up next month.

Keep the fist raised.


Friday, June 5, 2020

June News/My Revolutionary Rant....

So, it is now the month of JUNE!!!  The year is now half over!  :-O

First off...I have to acknowledge the 5-year-publishing anniversary of my novel "Demure Nights" (CreateSpace, 2015). 

Dropped this project FIVE years ago. time flies :-O.  This novel was actually an experiment; I wanted to see if I could write something other than something that was politically tinged.  Wanted to see if I had the skills to write something that would've been deemed out of character for me.  Of course, people seem to not know that I have a dirty mind, lol, lol, lol....

Secondly.....I dropped episode TWELVE of "The Rough Draft"!  We're hitting the double digits, y'all!!  If you're on YouTube, PLEASE check out the videos, and drop a comment!  A writer/creator loves nothing more than to hear feedback on their work.  You can check out the link for it here:

Episode 12:

In Episode 12, I profile my THIRD book "In My Lifetime: Funny Stories of Life Experiences" (Outskirts Press, 2014), and what lead me to write it..... that that shit is out of the way...

I'm about to get political on your asses.  Haven't really done that here for a LOOOONG while, but because of recent events, I felt the need to get back to my political speak....

The weekend of May 30th & 31st was hectic.  After the killing of a brother in Minnesota named #GeorgeFloyd, the streets erupted in protest and anger; deservedly so.  The killing of yet ANOTHER Black body by the police/powers-that-be, caught on camera (again) at that.  Since I live in Delaware, I saw the affects of that in nearby Philadelphia.  We had protests here in Delaware, as well, but let me get to my point.  People came out and protested and were rightfully MAD.  As the day wore on, it went from protest, to rebellion.

I agree with rebellion.  Fuck all this peaceful shit.  We've been doing peaceful shit for SIXTY years, now.  We gain some concessions, and then they take them back through laws and other political trickery.

What I DON'T agree the aftermath.  You originally rebelled in THEIR financial districts.  Good...that was smart of you; disrupt their capacity to financially gain from your oppression, or fund their oppression of you.. took that shit back to YOUR OWN NEIGHBORHOODS, and looted.

NOT smart!!!!  :-(

I was glad to see what was done in Center City; fuck 'em all.  Then...y'all did some nigga ass shit, and went back to West and North Philly, and ransacked your own 'hoods.


That defeated the whole purpose of what you were rebelling for.  It's bad enough that Black businesses don't get supported by the greater Black community as it is; then you went back to your own neighborhoods, and tore shit up?!  Don't start out doing a revolutionary act, and then do some nigga ass shit afterwards!  STOP listening to YouTube niggas, and READ some REAL revolutionary, conscious history and political thought!  Learn about the BPP-SD, Deacons For Defense, Umknoto We Sizwe, or read some Frantz Fanon, Amilcar Cabral, Amos Wilson, or Robert F. Williams!!  LEARN what you need to know about how to actually be real revolutionaries, and activists!  Keep the rebellion FOCUSED!!!


Keeping my nose to the grindstone.  Trying to continue to pump out episodes of "The Rough Draft", and promote the dual releases.  Hoping to catch on, and gain a following, so that I can make my writing career my full-time gig.  Check out the videos, purchase/download the books, continue to support me.

Keep the fist raised.
