Monday, May 7, 2018

Spring time in May

So we have now entered the month of May....

"Fiesta Girl" (Draft2Digital, 2018) is now entering its third month of publication. 

Still working on the promotion of the book.  It's definitely a grind, and a bit of a headache, but I'm still plugging through.  Been sending out a new e-blast for it to my usual list of contacts, which I'm trying to expand, by the way...

ALSO.... "Seductra: Web of Desire" (CreateSpace, 2017) is celebrating it's ONE YEAR PUBLISHING ANNIVERSARY

Sales definitely haven't been where I wanted them to be for that particular project, but I was going through a transitional phase at the time I dropped that particular book. I had just moved, was still dealing with a new job, and still getting  myself acclimated to being a working writer again.  Still putting forth the effort to promote it, as I always should, and trying to help keep that story alive.  It's a really good book, if I do say so myself, and wish that I could get it the attention that it deserves.

I'm hoping to be able to participate in a few festivals/book fairs/conventions this year.  It's looking kinda bleak, financially.  If I can get a decent amount of hours at work, I actually might be able to pull it off.  I'm still looking for another day job; fuck this one.  My boss is a disrespectful dick, and they ain't trying to give me no decent hours...not unless it benefits them.  Homey don't play that.

I'm actually in a better mood.  Been connecting with some really cool comrades out here in DE.  I even recently got the chance to finally meet an online friend in person.  I'm hoping to get a little more involved in the community this year; I actually have more options to do that.  Might even participate in a few of the festivals and stuff out here, now that I'm getting to know more people.  Wilmington is not as boring as certain people are portraying it out to be; there's actually a good amount of stuff to do out here...if you know the right people, and where to look.  If you only interested in doing 'nigga' shit, like smoking and getting drunk, then do you.  There are actually a good number of events going on being done by various individuals, and organizations in the city.  Bottom line....I STILL don't regret the move out here.  Yeah...the attitudes of the people take a bit of getting used to, but that's basically anywhere you go.

Hoping to increase my sales.  also looking forward to what the future holds.  My partner and I are still working on "Ethnic Eats"; we had a delay in production cause of his crazy work schedule, and my recent sickness (caught a bit of a cold that hasn't fully gone away), but we're getting back on track. I've even started working on one of the sequels to my novel "The Chronicles of The Black Fist" (CreateSpace, 2015).  I'm hoping to finish the first draft before the summer is out.

I'll keep you guys updated.  Uhuru sase, y paz. 

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