Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wilmington Hispanic Parade & Festival

Hoping to make it out to this.  It's not an Afro Latino event, but something that I want to attend nonetheless.  I won't be vending here, but I still want to be able to check it out.

Wilmington Hispanic Parade & Festival
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Wilmington, DE

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Spittin' Lyrics N Waxin' Poetic [Poetry Ebook]

My latest literary project!  A poetry book, featuring a collection of previously unreleased material that I've written over the years.  Wanted to show a different side of my creativity this time around.

Available in ebook format ONLY!!!  Available through Nook, Kobo, iTunes, Page Foundry, Scribd, and Oyster

Only $2.99!!! ISBN #: 9781516327188

Spread the word, and PLEASE SUPPORT!!!!  

Friday, August 14, 2015

Da Latest....

So, I'm continuing to do research into the new city that I want to relocate to.  I've actually been looking into relocating for about a month and a half already, before I even announced it here.  I'm now trying to make some connections there on the ground; networking with groups and people, researching possible employment opportunities, etc.  I wouldn't say that I'm trying to hit the ground running when I finally do move, but I just want to be prepared for when I finally get there.  I'm sick of being here, and need a change of scenery.  I'm tired of being broke, hungry, and frustrated.  I need piece of mind.

I'm considering working on a new literary project.  I'm putting together an ebook-only project; as in it will only be available in ebook format.  I'm compiling the project together now, and am considering my cover art options.  I don't want to say what the project is that I'm working on exactly at this point, but it will definitely be something different, and very creative.  I'll just say for now, that it encompasses some previously unreleased works that I've written in my past.  Stay tuned for more...

I'm still working on my other official literary projects.  I'm actually in the middle of writing several novels.  of the titles that I'm currently working on, I'm writing the draft for the sequel to "The Chronicles of The Black Fist".  It's an interesting universe that I've created, and I'm looking to expand upon it, possibly turning it into a series.  I'm also trying to complete two Sci-Fi novels that I've been working on for the past few years.  I'm also contemplating turning some of my screenplay ideas into novels. I have two of them that I think would work well as novels, and have already started working on them.  I'm not working on them as consistently as I should, since I'm now concentrating on moving, but they're still getting attention.  Maybe after I finally move and get settled into my new home base, I'll begin to work on them full blast.  Since the storyline  and character development is already there, the only thing that I really have to worry about is finally writing it out.

I know that I'm being a bit Secret Squirrel about where I'm planning on moving to.  I just want to have everything confirmed before I announce where I'll be moving to.  I'm not one of those types of people that will announce that I'm doing something, and then just not do it.  Unless there's some sort of official delay, I want to keep it under wraps until I feel that it's necessary to publicly broadcast it.  The one thing that I will say about it, is that I'll probably be returning to the Mid Atlantic region; it's conveniently located, as far as any travel that I want to do for my books.  I can travel to points in the north such as NY, Jersey, CT, and Boston, or points south such as my old stomping ground of Bmore, DC, parts of VA, and so on.  As it is, I was hoping to be able to travel because of my books, and have completely fallen off in that respect.  I was too busy focusing on this bullshit city, instead of just trying to be out and about.  Hopefully, I can rectify that once I move.

So, here's to the advancement of my travel plans, and the furtherance of my writing career.  I'll let you all know when my latest ebook project is released.  Hopefully, this newest project will actually be supported.  I'm sick of people just pressing the stupid ass "like" button, and not supporting my literary works.  I'm trying to make a damn living at this; the least that you can do is financially support me.  But, I digress...

Stay tuned!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Altered States

I wanted to do something special, considering that this makes my 150th blog post.  Unfortunately, I couldn't come up with anything really significant, other than the subject matter for this particular post.  So, here we go...

Firstly, any and all versions of The Consortium of Afro Latino events are hereby suspended for the remainder of the year, until further notice.  Considering that nuccas never come out to support it anyway, it's one less headache that I have to worry about, as far as organizing is concerned.  Why bother wasting my time putting something together that nobody is going to attend, any?

Secondly, I am concentrating my efforts out of state.  Considering the lack of support that I've received for the past year+, especially with this being my hometown, why continue to waste my efforts in a place where no one is bothering to support you?  I am hoping to relocate OUT of NYC by the fall.  Considering that it's already the first week of August, I have some serious work to do.  I'm already doing my research as far as trying to find employment, and a place to live (I've actually been doing that since early July).  Moving around sucks, but you gotta do what you gotta do to reach your goals, and get that support you feel you deserve.

I'm sick of being broke, hungry, and frustrated.  This is NOT what I envisioned when I moved back home, and don't want to continue living like this.  If I wanted to struggle, I would have stayed out on my own, NOT move back home, and deal with other people and their bullshit.  I'm pissed and frustrated at being not supported by so-called 'friends', but yet everybody expects me to bend over backwards to support them.  I felt that I had earned enough respect from people through my activism and support to have them support my literary endeavors; obviously I was wrong.  I shouldn't be spending the majority of my time trying to get motherfuckas that ALREADY know about my books to BUY them.  FUCK clicking the "like" button, or 'favorite'-ing the damn post....BUY the motherfucka already!  How many times you gotta "like" the shit, before you get the fucking hint to buy it?!?!?

Considering my literary versatility, I didn't really want to have to rejoin the corporate workforce.  Unfortunately, I have no choice in the matter now, if I want to be able to survive, and get the hell out of here.  I was hoping that my writing career would bring me some semblance of financial freedom; apparently not, at least, not in this bullshit ass city.  Maybe somewhere else where the cost of living isn't as high, and the people aren't as full of shit.  It's kinda hard not to be bitter, or take this personally.  It feels like I just wasted the last year+ of my life, and for what?!?!  Let me go someplace else where my work will probably be more appreciated, and niggas don't have their heads up their own asses.  Everybody out here is a fucking expert and authority figure, yet they have absolutely NO resume' in the field that you're in.

So, hopefully, I'm on to better things.  Hopefully I can make this move, and my luck will change.  The sooner that I can get the hell out of here, the better.  I'm at that point already; time to move the hell on.  I've had enough, and am looking for greener pastures.  Here's to the success of my plans...