Monday, June 28, 2021

June Wrap-Up.......

 So, we are in the final three days of June.  It has been a rather uneventful month for me.  No new sales to report on.  My sales have flatlined for the past 2-3 months.  Yeah...people really support my writing career, smdh...

Guess what..?  The wypipo/'"da gov't" decided to make Juneteenth a federal holiday!!  (***EXTREME sarcasm dripping***)  Everybody was going all apeshit on social media celebrating it, posting a bunch of shit.  Where were y'all back in May during African Liberation Day, hmmmm...?  Or, are you nuccas only woke when wypipo are looking on?  I don't need them to tell me what cultural holidays of my people to celebrate.  Stop looking for they mf approval all the gd time!!!  Be your authentic Black/African self!  The Summer Solstice came & went, and I ain't hear a peep outta none of y'all!  Buncha happy asses, smdh...


Working on a new conversion project.  Finally decided to convert my women's basketball movie script "Second Chance Points" into a novel.  The conversion part is already complete, so now all I have to do is the editing.  It's actually going pretty well.  I have to admit, there's a lot that I have to add.  Details that I would normally take care of during pre- and post-production as a film, I have to fill in the blanks now, as a novel.  I have to add more characters, and give some background info, for others.  The process is going very well, though, and I'm very excited to finish this project.  If all goes well, I might even release 2CP as my next novel in 2022.  I'll let you guys know how it goes....

Still trying to complete "The Chronicles of The Black Fist: The Diaspora United".  I've been suffering through a bit of writer's block on that project.  I'm pretty much 80% - 85% done with the first draft; I just need to complete the final leg of the story.  The ending is pretty much already written, so I don't have to worry about that part.  I just need a way to finish wrapping up the final part of the story, right before the final chapter.  Of course, my work schedule kinda gets in the way of that, buuuuut what are you gonna do?  I need to earn a paycheck, since I can't make a living off of book sales.  Oh well...

That's all for now.  Hope to keep you guys in the loop for my other projects, and other literary progress.  I would appreciate a few reviews written about my books, if you've read any of them.  Reviews help a lot.  ANY type of feedback helps, a lot.

Keep the fist raised.




Sunday, June 6, 2021

June Vibes/ #AlwaysOnMyLiteraryGrind

 We are now in the month of JUNE!!!  The year of 2021 is officially half over!!  :-O!!!  Time sure is flying this year, ain't it....?

Okay...first up.  News about my latest novel "Knuckle Up" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2021)....

Sales have been abysmal.  I had ONE purchase (a download) last month, and that was on some quid pro quo type shit.  I'm starting to get really irritated by the lack of support.  I continue to do the online promotion of this project...sending out my weekly e-blasts to my contacts list on my email Mailing List, but I get nothing in return.  I'm getting irritated that nobody is taking me or my writing career seriously, even my so-called 'friends' and 'followers' on social media.  Eleven years, and thirteen books'd think people would finally start to get it.  But, then again....I'm not being mentioned by the white establishment, or have a big hype machine behind me.  Whatever...

ALSO....June marks the six-year publishing anniversary of my novel "Demure Nights" (CreateSpace, 2015).

I dropped this Street Lit/Erotica novel in June of 2015.  It was part of a three-book publishing binge that I was on.  It was in the middle of my trying to work on my writing career full time; from 2014-2017.  2015 was the banner year, as I dropped 3 books that year, and Demure Nights was number two on that list.  The book is still available in both paperback & eBook formats.  I'm quite proud of this novel, as it was a clear departure of my more politically tinged books that were available, at the time.  It's a really good story, but completely slept on, just like a lot of my other novels.'s still out there, and available in the marketplace.  

Still currently writing Book III of The Black Fist novel series.  I'm at least 75% - 85% done writing the first draft.  The final chapter has actually already been written, so I just have to find a way to conclude the story, so that the ending makes sense.  The story is flowing really well, for the most part.  I'm hoping to be done with the draft by the end of the year.  Hopefully, I'll be able to publish the project in 2022.  We shall see...

For those of you who do not know....I've created an account on VIMEO!  I've added a few episodes of "The Rough Draft" on there, as well as my latest Author Book Trailer.  I'm hoping to get better results on Vimeo, than I do on YouTube.  So far, it's looking about the same.  Oh, well...I can only do so much to market & promote myself.  Check me out at


ALSO....I have finally updated my Author Page on  I have included a picture of myself, as well as added a few photos, and the latest Author Book Trailer.  I'm hoping that this bit of marketing will help to make my books more visible to people on there, and any potential fans out there on Amazon.  Now, if I could just get a few more reviews on there for my books...


I'm back at work at my old day job.  They (finally) called me back to work.  I'm actually quite glad, as my savings were starting to run a lot lower than I like.  I kinda miss having the free time to work on my writing, and market my books, but still...I need the paycheck.  Plus, I was going outta my mind with boredom.  I need to have something to do with my life, other than just flip channels.  At least I have options, now.  I'm hoping to take advantage of the job, and transfer to another account in another state by the end of the year, if not next year.   I've mf had it with Delaware, and need a new place to try to grow my career.  Hopefully, I can move to a city/state where people actually read.  I was thinking DC, but it's still pretty expensive to live out there.  I don't know...I still have six more months to figure shit out...

I'm considering a conversion project.  I have this basketball movie that I wrote, basically 20 years ago.  It's about female basketball players called "Second Chance Points".  I loved writing that film, and really wish that I had the opportunity to produce it.  It would've been a big budget movie, so there was no way that I'd be able to fund it on my own.  I think that it would make a great novel, and I'm strongly considering converting it.  I'm just really hesitant to do that, considering the lack of support the majority of my books get.  Knuckle Up is about female boxer, and I can't get ANYBODY to really rock with that novel; not even the female fighters that I follow on social media (Twitter, specifically).  What's the fucking point, then?  I don't subscribe to that bullshit I-write-my-books-for-myself nonsense.  If that were true, yo ass wouldn't bother going through the process of publishing your book(s), and putting it/them out there in the marketplace.  I'm not trying to publish something that won't be supported.  Oh well...we'll see.  I'll let you know what I decide.

That's all for now.  Hoping to post another blog entry for you guys, soon.  It's kinda hard to be consistent, when you don't feel supported in your endeavors.  Until next time...

Keep the fist raised.
