Friday, April 6, 2018

When You Need Some Motivation......

So...kinda continuing from my last post....I'm not really motivated to write anything right about now.  I usually always have a project that I'm working on, even after I've finished publishing my most recent project.  Not to say that I don't have any projects that I'm currently working on; to the contrary.  I actually have several ideas that are still in the early draft phase.  I just don't feel like writing them right about now.

I wouldn't necessarily call it writers block; I know what I want to write for those projects.  It's just that I don't FEEL like writing them down.  It's like I'm wasting my time.  I did the pre-publishing promotion for my latest novel Fiesta Girl (Draft2Digital, 2018), and all I got for it was THREE measly downloads.  Nuccas pressed the 'like' button a whole lot on social media, but ain't nobody really bought/downloaded a copy.

Fuck you, too...

I was thinking about converting two of my other screenplay ideas into novels, as well as completing a few other projects that are still in the 1st draft stage...but, what's the point?  If I can't even get my so-called 'friends' on social media to support my work, how am I going to attract total perfect strangers to purchase my books?

But, ninjas can press a 'like' button for a new mf profile pic, though....smdh....

But....I digress....

I want to get out of this rut, and get back to being creative, again.  Not to say that I'm solely in this to make a profit, but....what's the point of publishing a book, and making it available to the open market, if you're not expecting to make some sort of sales from it?  It's been EIGHT years...I'm kinda sick of grinding already.  I should've gained SOME sort of a fan following by now....ESPECIALLY with all of the activism that I do....

I don't know.  Hopefully, things will change soon enough.  I've got some planning going on behind the scenes that should bear some sort of fruit, coming next week.  I know that I need to continue to be positive, and keep looking forward.  Like I said move out of NYC taught me that I need to have a wee bit more patience.  I just needed this first year to get back on my feet.  Perhaps with this second year, I can finally reach my goals that I'd set for myself after I'd gotten out here.

Only time will tell....

Uhuru sase, y paz.

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