Friday, June 1, 2018

So it's now June....

We have now entered the month of June...

It's the beginning of summer, and the weather is warming up.  People are ready to head to the beaches for some summer fun.  All of the literary and cultural festivals are about to kick into high gear...

So, what's up with me...?

I finally got around to ordering some new business cards.  I hope that they'll arrive soon.  That just brings me one step further to where I want to get to in my literary career.  At least I've recently gotten that out of the way...

I'm still missing our old Restaurant Manager.  I miss her presence, and she was a FOINE woman to look at, as well  ;-).  I guess I'm going through some form of withdrawal, considering the huge ass crush that I have on her, lol, lol, lol....

At least my own manager is leaving.  Good riddance!!

Nah, nah, naaah, naaaaahhh....
Nah, nah, naaah, naaaaahhh....
Heeeeey, heeeeey heeeeeeey...

Did y'all really expect me to say something nice, and good about him?  Y'all don't know me very well, if you actually did.  Either that, or y'all are stuck on some old religious bs that you KNOW that I don't subscribe to!  Fuck outta heeeeerrrreeeeee....

On a more positive note.....I'm almost done writing the first draft to the Black Fist sequel.  I've got maybe a chapter, or two to go until it's finished.  Once the first draft is done, I'll look into doing  the revisions, and getting the story to where I finally want it to be.  I've actually already designed the cover for it, though it's not that different from the original cover to "The Chronicles of The Black Fist" (CreateSpace, 2015).   It's pretty much the same cover...

ALSO....."Demure Nights" (CreateSpace, 2015) will be celebrating it's 3-year publishing anniversary in June!  I still say that it's a slept-on story.  From the few people that have actually read it, I've gotten plenty of positive feedback for it.  I'll be sending out the usual e-blasts to promote it to my circle of media contacts, and others, though ti don't know why I bother sometimes...

So, this is to stepping off on the right foot for June.  I hope that this month is more positive, and progressive for me.  Looking forward to any positive vibes that come my way.

Uhura sase, y paz.

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