Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Winter Solstice/ 2022 End-Of-Year Wrap Up

 Today marks the Winter Solstice.  I have commenced with the shedding of my facial follicles from the previous year, and plan to go clean shaven until the new year is upon us.  Hopefully, the shedding of these follicles will also shed the negative energies & experiences from the year that is about to become a past year.

2022 had its ups and downs.  Of the good: I published my latest book; my 14th, which is also my 8th novel.  My novel "Second Chance Points" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2022) dropped this past May.  I was able to do at least two author interviews this year; one as a podcast for a friend, and one for a local (terrestrial) radio station based out here in North Carolina. I was very proud to have been able to get that interview.  I've done additional research to expand my reach; learning of new bookstores & media outlets to send my literary information to.  I've even tried to reach out to 2 different women's basketball leagues to promote my latest novel.

Of the bad: Two additional interviews for that same terrestrial radio station fell through (much to my ire).  I haven't been able to do any in-person appearances this year.  I've job hopped a bit this year, having worked at three different jobs, and never had a consistent work schedule.  My days off were never consistent, so I could never really plan to do any appearances.  I would love to organize a reading of my latest novel.  I would also like to be able to vend at a local festival to get my name out there a little more.

I wanted to organize a Black/Brown Bookstore Book Tour this year.  But, as I stated in the paragraph above, my schedule prevented me from being able to organize it.  It also didn't help that I'm not very mobile, since I don't drive.  Some of those bookstores that I wanted to include in my tour are in a different city than where I live.  Hopefully, I'll be able to do it in 2023.

I haven't really been able to work on another novel.  I haven't really be motivated to write anything.  I've been a bit bummed out because of my lack of sales for 2CP.  It kinda sucks to put all of this effort into your project, and not receive the type of support that you know that you deserve.  If I do end up publishing something for 2023, it won't come out until much later next year.

I'm considering bringing back the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement.  Just considering it.  I'm not trying to stretch myself thin, like I was before.  There is still a great need for what I do/did with the movement, but I'm gonna need some help to make shit happen.  We'll see...


See ya next year!!!  😊😊😊😊

Uhuru sasa, y paz.

Keep the fist raised.


Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Chill of December

 We are now in the month of DECEMBER!!!  The final month of the year is now upon us.  In a matter of weeks, we will be entering into a new year. My...this year has flow by really quick.  Weren't we JUST celebrating the coming of the new year...? 😲😲😲😲

My latest novel "Second Chance Points" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2022) is now seven months old.  I'm still doing what I can to promote it, but sales continue to be stagnant.  Been reaching out to two women's basketball leagues regularly on the email front (Global Women's Basketball Association [GWBA], and Women's American Basketball Association [WABA]), but no joy, as of yet.  I've even contacted some of the individual teams of the latter league (at least four teams), and still nothing.  Gonna have to find a way to work my magic to gain some sort of sales.  Looks like I'm gonna have to work on doing some in-person events this coming year...

No plans for the upcoming Winter Solstice, other than my usual 'follicle' cleanse.  I'm actually going to be off for Xmas (since I worked on Thanksgiving at the day job), but most likely working on the first day of Kwanzaa (if not the entire run of the holiday).  Don't know of any Kwanzaa events going on out here in Raleigh, so that's another missed opportunity.  Oh, well...maybe next year.  **shoulder shrug**

I just posted Episode 54 of "The Rough Draft" onto YouTube.  That latest episode was based off of a Twitter exchange that I'd gotten into.  Kinda needed the opportunity to vent.  It was just a very frustrating experience.  Don't know if I'm going to do an end-of-year episode, or not.  I'll keep you guys posted.


Good news!!!  Got me an interview scheduled by another radio host on WCOM-FM!!!  We will be talking about my latest book, and my writing career in general.  I'm looking forward to it, as I haven't done too many interviews in recent years.  Definitely need to get my exposure game up.


More good news!!!  My eBooks will now be available in the Smashwords Store!!  With the merging of my e-publisher Draft2Digital and Smashwords, my works are able to be made available through their outlets and distribution channels, including their online store.  That gives my book titles even more real estate to be discovered by potential fans willing and interested in downloading my novels.  Hope that this helps me out.  I could really use that residual income (not to mention, the notoriety).  Keeping my fingers crossed...


That's all for now.  I'll keep you all in the loop, and let you know how the interview goes.  If the interviewer provides me a link, I'll definitely share it here with you guys.  Wish me luck!!


Keep the fist raised!!!





Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Celebrating My Blogiversary

 It's just occurred to me.  It's been ELEVEN years since I started this blog.  Man...time really flies by when you're not looking. 😲😲😲😲

I started this blog right before I published my second book "Raise Your Brown Black Fist 2: MORE Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino" (Outskirts Press, 2011).  I started this to be an outlet for me as an activist, and also to help with the promotion of my budding writing career, at the time.  I'm glad that I've remained consistent with it; I may not post as much as I did back when I first started, but I'm still keeping this blog alive.  Eleven years, and fourteen books later, my blog is still my main platform to promote myself as a writer, and a way for me to promote my activism in the literary arts.


I had my concerns with starting the blog; I didn't want it to be an outlet for constantly ranting about one issue, or another.  I get that I sometimes do sound a bit sour on here, considering the issues that I've been having with poor sales and all...but, for the most part...I'm providing myself with a voice, and keeping myself out there.


Thank you to all that have supported me, and continue to follow the blog.  No matter where I share this, may you continue to follow my blog, and enjoy my posts.  I hope that you find the blog posts informative, and also entertaining.  Please continue to support the blog, and support my books.


Keep the fist raised.





Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Changing Time of November

 We have now entered into the month of NOVEMBER.  There are now officially only two months left in the year. The clocks have been moved back an hour, and election time has come.  It's time to gear up for the end of the year, and prepare for the coming new year.

To start with, I would like to celebrate the 11-year publishing anniversary of my second book "Raise Your Brown Black Fist 2: MORE Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino" (Outskirts Press, 2011).  A collection of political essays, and an extension of my second essay series 'Black Thoughts: A Political Ideological Perspective For Afro Latinos', I consider this book to be one of my treasures.  Available in both paperback & eBook formats, this is definitely a keeper for your bookshelf.




Also...November also marks the 6-month release of my latest novel, "Second Chance Points" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2022).  Sales are still flat, as usual.  I'm doing my part to promote it. Whatever...


On a lighter note, I now have a new handle on YouTube.  You can now view my channel by going to the new link, and view all of my videos there.  You will be able to watch all of the episodes of 'The Rough Draft", as well as my book trailers. Please watch the videos, and subscribe to my channel when you get the chance.


Apparently, November is also National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo.  I've never participated in NaNoWriMo, as I don't like trying to write a novel in one month.  Usually, I just end up finishing writing the first draft of whatever novel/manuscript that I'm writing in November.  Don't ask me why; it just seems to happen that way for me.  I don't have anything slated for this year, so I don't think that I'll be publishing any new novels for next year.  I guess my poor sales have me too bummed out to write anything new, or finish any of my other work(s)-in-progress.


November also marks the start of my initiative, the "Holiday Economic Support Initiative".  It usually lasts from November into the new year, as a means to support Black-owned & Latino-owned businesses & entrepreneurs during the holiday season(s). I don't think that I'll be doing it this year, as I never get the response I feel the initiative deserves.  So, you won't be seeing me push it this year, or using the hashtags of #HESI, or #HolidayEconomicSupportInitiative.  It feels like a waste of my time, and nobody seems to care any mf way.


That'll be all for now.  Looking forward to shooting and posting the next TRD episode, and posting it on YouTube.  I'll keep you guys updated on my progress.


Keep the fist raised.





Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The Coming of All Hallow's Eve

 The birthday was a relaxing day.  It's still hitting me that I'm now 48 years old.  Latino Heritage Month has 'officially' come to an end, wrapping up on October 15th.  Of course, you should ALWAYS celebrate your heritage and culture everyday, 365 days a year, every year.  The month is now coming to an end, and we are now looking forward to the last TWO months of the year.

As the Halloween season approaches, I look forward to celebrating the birth of my oldest nephew.  I remember when he was born; now he's a grown man in his 20s.  I'm very proud of him, and the man that he's become.  **shedding a thug tear**  😁😁😁😁

Also for the Halloween season, I usually like to promote my superhero novel "The Chronicles of The Black Fist" (CreateSpace, 2015), and now, the sequel as well, "The Chronicles of The Black Fist: F.U.R.I. of the People" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2019).  I would love to have an artist render their rendition of my character, and some of the other supporting characters in the series.  I would also love to have someone cosplay the characters, whether at a book signing event, or at a comic con.  I kinda wish that I knew something about 3D printing, because I would print out action figures  to sell at any public appearances that I'd do.  It would also be great as a marketing strategy for that project.


There's one week left in the month.  I'll soon be promoting my Holiday Economic Support Initiative, starting next month.  I don't know if I'll continue to do it, though; it doesn't seem to be very effective.  I've been doing the initiative for the last 6-7 years.  I love trying to help promote black-owned & Latino-owned businesses and entrepreneurs, but I don't feel as if my initiative has been helping. Even with my own retweets, and with me explaining what the initiative is doesn't seem to be working, or helping any indie small businesses. 😟😟😟😞😞😞


Haven't done much writing.  Scratch that...I haven't done any writing lately.  I guess I've just been a bit bummed out by the poor sales for my recent book "Second Chance Points" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2022); for all of my books, really.  It kinda sucks, but...what can I really do?  Oh...I've had a few ideas rolling around in my head, but I haven't really felt like turning on the laptop, and busting out some pages, or even finishing those w.i.p.'s that I'm trying to get done.  The most that I've done, is to sign up for Draft2Digital's P.O.D. print arm, D2D Print. Since everyone thinks that Amazon is the 'evil empire' of the book industry, I might need a different publisher for the paperback version of my future books.

That's all for now.  Looking forward to talking to you next month.

Keep the fist raised.


Sunday, October 2, 2022

Falling Into October 2022

 We are now in the month of OCTOBER!!!  The Autumnal Equinox has already passed, and the new month has just started.  There are only TWO more months left in this year.  Also...October marks my birthday month!!!  I will be turning 48 year old  (on the 8th 😁😁😁).


October marks FIVE MONTHS since the release of my latest novel, "Second Chance Points" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2022).  Sales are flat & nonexistent. I'm doing what I can to promote it, but it's an uphill battle.  I need to hold an in-person event, or SOMETHING to generate some book sales.  This shit is for the birds...

We are now entering the second half of Latino Heritage Month.  Of course, I'm promoting my first two books of "Raise Your Brown Black Fist: The Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino" (Authorhouse, 2010), and "Raise Your Brown Black Fist 2: MORE Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino" (Outskirts Press, 2011).  Haven't noticed any sales for those two gems yet, but it's something I do annually.


Hoping to shoot Episode 52 of "The Rough Draft".  I'll be focusing on my Latino characters in my novels.  It's reminiscent of Episode 10, but I won't be focusing solely on my Afro Latino characters.  Hoping to shoot it, soon.  I haven't gotten many days off from the day job recently, not to mention that the weather hasn't been great (since I don't have my own lighting equipment).  I want to get it done before Latino Heritage Month ends...


No new writing project(s) to speak of.  Been too busy trying to promote 2CP.  I guess I'm also a little jaded, as well.  14 book projects deep, and I STILL can't earn a living off of them; especially not collectively.  I might get 'likes' on social media, but nobody ever buys anything.  Wtf am I writing this shit for, then?!?!?!  :-(


Decided to put my Black/Brown Bookstore Book Tour on hold for now.  Might have to shelve it until 2023.  Can't seem to get a good enough work schedule to organize it, nor do I have the transportation capability to get to the different bookstores I want to get to.  Even if I did drive (which I don't, which doesn't help the situation), it would still be a pain in the ass to get around.  None of the bookstores are in Raleigh, though one of the stores exists in Durham, and the other in Chapel Hill.  They are close, but at the same time, they're NOT close.  I swear, I need an assistant, or something...   

That's all for now.

Keep the fist raised


Sunday, September 4, 2022

Dancing in September 2022

 We have now entered into the month of SEPTEMBER!!!  We are about to enter into the fall season, and have entered into the last quarter of the year.  Time sure has flown by this year.  Feels like just yesterday, we were celebrating the new year...


September is the start for Latino Heritage Month.  The cultural holiday runs from September 15th to October 15th, spanning many Independence Day(s) across Latin America.  It is a time for cultural pride & celebration, highlighting our roots & heritage.  We celebrate our history, our people's accomplishments, both at home & abroad, and give flowers to those ancestors, and community & thought leaders.  As per usual, I will be highlighting my two books, "Raise Your Brown Black Fist" (Authorhouse, 2010), and "Raise Your Brown Black Fist 2" (Outskirts Press); representing for the AFRICAN roots of Latino people.  Recently discovered that both books are also available through, so also look through there to get your copies.  

My vlog series "The Rough Draft" recently celebrated THREE YEARS and FIFTY episodes.  Yay, me.  Not many people supported it by watching the video on either YouTube, or Vimeo.  Fuck y'all.  That's a great accomplishment.  I'M proud of myself for reaching such an achievement.  Working on doing Episode 51 as I type this.  The rest of you can kick rocks...


Might be putting my Black/Brown Bookstore Book Tour on hold, for the time being.  That requires me to do a bit of traveling, and I don't currently have the means to do so.  Might postpone it until next year; hopefully in the spring.  I'm a little sad about that, but...what can you do?  It's a solitary grind; I ain't got no team working with me, behind the scenes.  I'm the one that does all of the planning, and the execution of it. 

Was hoping to be able to vend at some festivals or something, this month.  Unfortunately, the day job has me locked up, for the time being.  Granted, I have alternate weekends off, but, for right now...The weekends I happen to be working is when a lot of those events are scheduled.  Damn, man...  😔😔😔

"Second Chance Points" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2022) turns four months old, this month.  Sales are still stagnant, but...what can you do?  I promote it as best I can; that's all I can do.  Niggas know that the shit it out there; just cop a copy of the book.  You can even download it in digital format, so there's no excuse as to why you can't support it by buying a copy.  And then cats be wondering why I made a video post & blog post about lack of support, smdh...

That all for now.  Keep you guys updated.  Enjoy September.  Support Black Reading Month!!!

Keep the fist raised.


Thursday, August 25, 2022

The Struggles of Indie Authors/Creatives [***RANT SESSION***]

 For those of you that actually pay attention to my videos, this is the continuation of an episode of "The Rough Draft" that I shot; Episode #48, to be exact.  Felt the need to blow off some steam, and set the record straight, and apparently...I need to blow off a little more steam.  Been feeling really frustrated & disrespected lately, and I think that I need to go deeper in depth...

As an indie author, I'm carrying the same mentality that I had when I was still involved in the film & television world, being a screenwriter; I wanna work in the industry, not for it.  I choose to be independently published b/c I know the headache of trying to find a (decent) agent, or at least, a good small publisher to publish your book.  Also, you know your story best, so you know how & who to market your book to, no matter what genre that you write in.  I know plenty of authors that write speculative fiction that can attest to that.  Not to mention, the rash of consolidation within the publishing industry within the last two decades, or so...?  The publishing world is getting smaller & smaller by the day (if not, the waning minutes).


At the same time...I don't have an MFA.  I have no connections to any literary nonprofit organizations.  I've never held a fellowship.  Nor do I have a well paying day job that allows me the financial flexibility to pay for reviews, or a publicist.  My hashtag #AlwaysOnMyLiteraryGrind has meaning BECAUSE I'm actually ON my literary grind!!  Whatever accolades (which ain't many) that I receive, it's because of my hard work to promote my shit, & get the word out to the public.  NOBODY helps me to do shit, when it comes to my writing career.  My grind is really MY grind.  Nobody promotes my books for me, or does any type of outreach for my books.  I've even created a mf video series to help me promote my writing career in "The Rough Draft" (that apparently nobody watches).


It's a little infuriating to see people just brush you off, and dismiss any & everything that you do, as if it's big joke, and nothing to be taken seriously.  They don't watch the videos & comment, they don't buy & review your books, nor do they come out to any events that you organize and/or participate in.  Out of the fourteen books that I've published, I'd pre-promoted the last seven books ahead of their publication.  Hardly anybody joined the gd Facebook Events that I created for them; I didn't even crack TWENTY people to accept the invite. Whats' the fucking point?!?!?!  😡😡😡😡😡     

The sales afterward have been even more abysmal.  Htf is it that I know all of these different people, activist,  & organizations, but can't get none of you mf bastards to buy a copy of my books?!  And, even if you do actually buy it, do you even bother to read it, and leave a fucking review for it, or even recommend it to your circle of friends and associates...?  Hell...I'd be happy with a personal dialog with you, just to get your feedback on the book. At least then I'll know that you actually read the motherfucka!  Which character(s) did you like...?  What worked for you?  What didn't..?  What was your favorite chapter/scene...?  What character(s) didn't you like/hated..?  Did I intend for you to hate them, or did you just not like the way I wrote that/those character(s)...?  This is the type of feedback that I'm looking for & crave; they make me a better writer.  It also lets me know if I achieved my goal with that particular book, as far as your response is concerned.  Or...I know that you're not the right audience for that particular book, depending on your response/understanding of that particular book.

Would it kill you to actually watch the episodes of my vlog series, and leave a mf comment?!?!  Even if you don't have a YouTube account, can you nuccas say SOMETHING under the post?!?!  None of that 'good job' bullshit; that's so fucking generic.  Say something about the mf episode, whatever tf the discussion topic is!  Don't just press the 'like' button, and keep it mf moving!  I hate that shit!!!  It is so mf disrespectful!!  This isn't a mf joke to me; it's my calling, my mf career!!!  How would you like it , if I acted all dismissive about something that you were passionate about...that you felt was your purpose in life...?  Writing the books...producing the vlog series...and promoting the books is VERY time consuming!!

STOP acting as if my writing career is some huge joke!  It's not a fucking hobby that I don't take seriously, or don't really care about! I'm not some one-shot bucket lister, writing a book just to say that I wrote a mf book, and check it off my bucket list!  I've been writing for fucking YEARS!!!  Just because some of you out there don't have any passions, that doesn't mean that I don't!  I need more out of life, other that just getting liquored up, getting high, or randomly getting sexed up!

Feel however you want to feel about this post; I couldn't give a shit.  I'm tired of feeling disrespected, and not supported.  You dumb niggas know that my shit it out here, available in more that one format, I might add...but still won't support my career, or my books. niggas will jump on any bandwagon, and prop up some author with a name, because the mainstream media (white ppl) told you to do so.  Fuck y'all.

That's my rant session....

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The Revolutionary Heat of Black August 2022

 We are now in the month of AUGUST.  The last month of the Summer.  A month known for revolution. A personal time of achievement and anniversaries for me.  This month is a very special one, so let's get into it.

"Second Chance Points" is entering it's 3rd month of publication.  Sales still have been pretty flat, despite my continued attempts to promote it.  I've even tried promoting it to two women's professional basketball leagues; the Women's American Basketball Association (WABA), and the Global Women's Basketball Association (GWBA).  I've continued to email both leagues, as well as tag them in posts on both FB and on Twitter, as well as sharing their information.  No response from either league, at this point.  Oh, well...all I can do is continue to promote the book.

August marks the seven-year publishing anniversary for my poetry eBook "Spittin' Lyrics N Waxin' Poetic" (Draft2Digital, 2015).  I don't really talk much about that project.  It's a collection of poetry that I've written, as well as rap verses and NLS songs that I wrote years ago.  Don't necessarily consider it my best work, but it's something that I published, nonetheless.  As you can tell, it's only available digitally.

August also marks the three-year anniversary of the production of "The Rough Draft"; officially on the date of August 23rd.  I'm closing in on 50 episodes of the show, and hope to be able to celebrate both simultaneously.  I've already come up with the concept for Episode 49, but haven't really come up for one for Episode 50.  You guys got any suggestions on what I should cover for that big 50th episode?  I'm open to any suggestions that you might have.  I tried asking on social media, but apparently nobody pays attention to what I post, smdh....

August also will mark the one-year anniversary that I've been living out here in Raleigh; officially on August 28th.  So far, it's been a good year.  I'm still working at my current day job, so that's putting money in my pocket, and keeping a roof over my head.  Haven't really made much progress as far as my writing career is concerned.  I was lucky enough to have done at least one radio interview since I moved out here, but I need to make more of  name and a presence for myself out here.  I definitely need to do more in-person events to make a name for myself.  I'm still looking into doing the Black/Brown Bookstore Book Tour, but that won't start until maaaaaaaaaybe next month.

That's all for now.  Hope to keep you guys updated on my progress.  See you guys next post.

Keep the fist raised.


Monday, July 18, 2022

Author Book Trailer for 2022!!!!

 So, I have finally been able to update my Author Book Trailer!!!  I have been able to add the covers of ALL FOURTEEN books to the video.  I've even updated some of the contact info, and the different outlets where you can get my books, via paperback & eBook formats.  So without further ado, here is my Author Book Trailer 2022!!!  :

Hope that you enjoy it!!!  Let me know what you think in the comments section!!  Don't forget to go out and buy the books!!  :-)

Keep the fist raised!!!


Monday, July 4, 2022

July Momentum....

 We are now officially in the month of July.  We are seven months into the year, making it a little more than half over.  Time is flying by, and your personal literary plans need to be made now.  Whatever book that you're planning to write, start writing it.  That book that you wrote that you're looking to publish, publish it.  Time to make things happen.

I have no publishing anniversaries for this month.  As of yet, I haven't published any works in the month of July. Maybe in the near future, I'll choose to publish something during this month, but for now...nothing is in the works planning to be published in the month of July.


"Second Chance Points" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2022) is now entering its second month of publication.  Sales have stagnated since its release, thought I'm still promoting it.  It's a little infuriating, to be constantly promoting it to the masses, yet not getting any type of support for it.  True, I really would like to do some in-person appearances to help boost sales, but all of that is dependent on when I can get some consistent time off, and get some money in my pocket to either vend, or rent out a place to hold a book signing.


I'm working on shooting the latest episode of "The Rough Draft".  Since I'm approaching 50 episodes, I'm hoping to do something special for the series.  Not to mention, next month in August marks 3 years that I've been doing the series. I'm hoping to coordinate the 3-year anniversary of the show next month, with the 50th episode of the series.  I might decide to do another Author Q&A, or a livestream of the show; I haven't decided yet.  If you guys have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them...

Still working on organizing the Black/Brown Bookstore Book Tour.  I just need to start calling these bookstores to book the dates.  I'm still trying to figure out my work schedule at my day job, since I work a rotating schedule.  I also need to order copies of the novel, which costs money.  Life as an indie author is not easy...

Well, that's all I have for now.  I'll keep you guys updated on my literary progress.  Until next time...

Keep the fist raised.


Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The Heat of June

 We are now in the month of June.  JUNE!!!  The year is already half over!!  Where has the time gone?  Weren't we JUST celebrating the coming of the new year...?  :-O

A bit of house keeping, first.  As always, I need to start by celebrating my latest publishing anniversary.  For the month of June, I will be celebrating the seven-year publishing anniversary of my Erotica novel "Demure Nights" (CreateSpace, 2015).  This was my fifth book, and second novel that I released.  It's a little gem of mine, and a bit of a passion project.  It was a test to see if I could write something different, something that I wasn't really known for.  It was the first book that I'd written that wasn't political in nature, whether fiction or nonfiction.  You would think that, because of the subject matter, my sales for it  would be much different; much higher that they would be.  Even when I write books that would be considered garbage, I still can't seem to gain any support for my works, smdh...


My latest fair "Second Chance Points" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2022) has been out for close to a month, now.  Sales for it so far are slooooooow.  I had four initial purchases for it (2 downloads, two physical copies), and then...that's it.  People know how to press the 'like' button on social media, but don't seem to know how to follow that up with a purchase.  Maybe if I was being backed some corporate literary nonprofit, or highlighted by some celebrity, I might have better sales.  Now that gathering restrictions have been eased somewhat, maybe doing face-to-face events will boost my sales.  This cyber bullshit just ain't cutting it.


Speaking of doing some face-to-face events...I've been giving some strong thoughts on doing my whole Black/Brown Bookstore Book Tour idea.  I've been doing a bit of research, and I know of at least three here in the state of North Carolina.  One is a Black-owned children's bookstore here in Raleigh, there's a Black-owned  bookstore in Durham & Charlotte, and one Latino-owned bookstore in Chapel Hill.  That would at least cover the state.  All I would have to do is reach out to them for their available dates, and see if I want to spread them out over a one month period, or knock out two of them in 2 months.  That's a bit of traveling, not to mention, money outta my pocket for ordering books & booking travel. gotta spend money to make money, right?  If I spread them out over a 4 month period, that should ease the financial burden.  At the same time, if I do two appearances in one month, that will build momentum for my book(s).  Plus, I wanna eventually spread out to the other surrounding states to develop more of a fan base out here.  I would definitely love to head out back to my old stomping ground of (central) Virginia, and eventually hit up Tennessee.  I know of some indie Black-owned bookstores in Nashville, and one in Memphis that I definitely wanna hit up.  At least I'm now living in a state where people actually read...not like in fuck ass Delaware..


But, I digress...


I was able to do a radio/podcast interview covering my writing career overall, as well as the release of Second Chance Points, on a local radio station out here in NC based in Carrboro.  I was interviewed on May 13th on WCOM-FM, appearing (via call-in) on "The Chris or Jenny Show".  I had an absolute BLAST doing the interview, and hope to be back on there, again.  You can check out the podcast on YouTube via the link:


Hope that you guys enjoy the show!!!  :-)


Well...that's all on my end, folks.  Hope to keep you guys informed on my future plans.  I will definitely let you guys know how my plans for the book tour turn out.  Hope that you guys will actually come out to the tour locations, and support me.


Keep the fist raised.





Sunday, May 8, 2022

May Flowers Blooming/Second Chance Points Book Release!!! :-)

Welcome to the month of May!!!  We are almost at the halfway point in the year.  Time sure is flying by.  Spring is now officially here, and new energies are blooming.


With the coming of the month of May, I would like to announce the official publication of my FOURTEENTH book, "Second Chance Points" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2022).


I'm ecstatic about the release of this book.  It was originally a big budget screenplay that I'd written back in 2001.  Since I never got the chance to produce & release it as a film, I decided to converted it into a novel.  You can purchase a copy of it here:

The book was released on May 6th.  It is now available in paperback & eBook formats.  The eBook formats are still clearing, though it is currently available on Kindle and Nook.


Speaking of books, since it's the month of May, I have to go into my publishing anniversary.  For the month of May, I will be celebrating the five-year publishing anniversary of my novel "Seductra, Web of Desire" (CreateSpace, 2017).

I have to admit, this is one of my favorite books that I've released.  I feel like this project is criminally underrated, as far as the lack of support is concerned.  But...I'm doing what I can to continue to promote it.


I'm still giving a lot of thought to doing my Black/Brown Bookstore Book Tour.  I'm hoping to be able to target the fall to do it.  I know of a few bookstores here in North Carolina alone that I want to target.  Since a lot of Covid restrictions have been lifted, I want to try to take advantage, and get back to doing in-person appearances.  Since my online sales game is pretty much stagnant & nonexistent, I need to get back to doing hand-to-hand sales.  I want to use my smartphone to shoot some footage, and post it on YouTube for a couple of episodes of "The Rough Draft".  We shall see....

I will be having a radio/podcast interview on Friday, May 13th on a local radio station out here, based in Carborro.  It will be on WCOM-FM 103.5 FM.  The interview starts at 9pm.  Looking forward to it.  It will be my first interview in two years, not since during the pandemic.  You can tune in at  Hope that you guys get to catch the show!!!  :-)


That's about all for now.  I hope to keep you updated, as far as my other plans.  I hope that you will all go out and support my recent release in Second Chance Points.  It's a very good story that I think that you'll all enjoy.


Keep the fist raised.





Sunday, April 17, 2022

Possible Book Tour/What the Future Holds in 2022....

 Things are starting to look up for me.  2022 is starting to manifest itself in a very positive way. I was able to do a podcast interview on "Anansi Reads", and I also have an upcoming radio interview on a local radio station out here in North Carolina; WCOM 103.5FM in the Carborro/Chapel Hill area, scheduled for May 13th.  I'm pretty happy about that.  It's my time to shine!!!  :-)

I was able to shoot & post the latest episode of "The Rough Draft".  Episode 45 has been posted on YouTube and Vimeo.  In that episode, I talk about my publishing anniversary for April, the upcoming release of my next novel "Second Chance Points" (KDP, 2022), and a future venture that I want to do. My idea for an in-person event is a Black/Brown Bookstore Book Tour, or 3BT Tour for short.  Catchy title, huh...?  ;-) 

The Black/Brown Bookstore Book Tour is basically a series of bookstore appearances/signings where I focus my signings in primarily black-owned & Latino-owned bookstores.  Firstly, I'm focusing on promoting my latest literary work, as well as the other titles that I have in my arsenal of books that I've published. Secondly, I want to be able to use my platform to support black-owned & Latino-owned businesses. That's just the activist in me, wanting to support my peoples, and remain true to my political beliefs.  Hopefully, I can shoot some video footage to use for "The Rough Draft", post them online, and use the episodes to help promote these bookstores/independent businesses.

If I am able to do the 3BT Tour, I'm shooting for late Summer, if not the Fall.  The Fall would probably be more ideal, as it leads into Latino Heritage Month, and I would be able to promote my book titles that feature my Latino/Afro Latino characters. Right now, I want to target local bookstores in the North Carolina area; primarily here in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Charlotte, and Greensboro.  I also want to target black-owned/Latino-owned bookstores in nearby Tennessee, and also Virginia; primarily Richmond, since that's my old stomping ground.

I'll let you guys know the details, as the tour comes together.  I'm debating if this should be a solo tour, or a joint book tour with another author, or a few other authors.  Still haven't met any other brother-scribes or sister-scribes out her yet, so I'm holding out hope. I'm still ironing out the details of it, so it's still in the planning stages, for now...

Uhuru sasa, y paz.

Keep the fist raised.




Thursday, April 7, 2022

Interview on Anansi Reads Podcast

 Was able to recently do a podcast interview on April 2nd on AnchorFm.  Shout out to my brother Aaron Huff, aka Bilal Al'amin for having me on his podcast, "Anansi Reads"!!  You can listen to the interview here:

Please subscribe to the brother's podcast.  It is also available on Spotify.  Help to spread the word!!!  Also, please support my books, and buy/download copies of them!!!

Keep the fist raised!!!

Uhuru sasa, y paz


Friday, April 1, 2022

The Rains of April

 Welcome to the month of APRIL.  We are now officially in the first quarter of the year.  It is also National Poetry Month.  Shout out to all of my poetic scribes out there!!!

As we enter into the new month, you know that I have to shout out my publishing anniversary for the month.  Entering into April, I will be celebrating the six year publishing anniversary of my short story anthology "Drum Speaking: Tales From An Inner City Griot" (CreateSpace, 2016).  It's a project that I feel is seriously slept on, just like many of my other literary works.  Spanning several different genres, it's a collection of thirteen different short stories, including continuing stories from "Demure Nights" and "The Chronicles of The Black Fist".

I am happy to announce that I will be doing a podcast interview, scheduled for April 2nd.  I will be interviewed on "Anansi Reads" at 6pm EST, airing on AnchorFm.  I'll probably be sharing the link here after the interview.  I'm really, really looking forward to it, as I haven't done an interview in at least 2 years.  I will be interviewed by my brother, fellow activist, and brother-scribe Aaron Huff, aka Bilal Al'amin.  We will be discussing my writing career, and a few of my books that may fall in the Black Speculative Fiction range, including "The Chronicles of The Black Fist"; my novel that he is a fan of. :-)


We have ONE MORE MONTH to go before the release of "Second Chance Points" (KDP, 2022).  I've made the Facebook Event for it, and have shared it on several of my social media accounts.  Not many people have joined the event, so far.  I'm hoping that changes over the next couple of weeks.  at the same time, I'm not holding my breath...


The new day job is going well.  I can hang with it.  I don't feel over-worked, and I don't hate going in to work everyday.  We have some really nice people working there, so that helps a lot.  I might stick around for a bit.  I still haven't told anyone about my creative endeavors; they don't need to know everything about me.  I'll give it a few more weeks.  Have to admit though...they got some niiiiice looking women working there, lol, lol, lol.  ;-)


This entry is going to be short.  That's all that I have for now.  Other than needing to shoot & upload a new episode of "The Rough Draft", I don't have much else planned.  Looking forward to Second Chance points dropping.  I also have a radio interview lined up next month after the books release on a local radio station out here, WCOM.  That interview will air on May 13th.  Mark your calendars for that!!!  :-)


Uhuru sasa, y paz.


Keep the fist raised.





Monday, March 7, 2022

Tides of March

 Hello to the month of March.  We are now in the first third of the year.  Time really is flying by, isn't it...?

As we enter into the month of March, you know that I have to shout out my publishing anniversaries of my books published during the month of March.  I have three...

Celebrating the eight-year publishing anniversary of my comedic memoir "In My Lifetime: Funny Stories of Life Experiences" (Outskirts Press, 2014).  My third book that I wrote & published, it was a change that I wanted to make, as I felt that I was being a little stigmatized as just being "angry" because of my first 2 books.  I wanted to show my creative side, and a little bit of my wacky sense of humor.


March also marks the two-year publishing anniversary of my dual release for my Sci fi/Action/Time Traveling novel "Time Will Reveal" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2020), and my Street Lit/Young Adult novel "Suicide Amy" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2020).  Both book were released to celebrate my ten year anniversary as a author, and were both special project for me to write on their own merits.  Suicide Amy represented the very first screenplay that I had written (and liked), and Time Will Reveal was an interesting science fiction idea that I would loved to have produced; a time-travel story focusing on Black people, and coming from a black perspective.


Sales haven't been there for Black History Month.  It was a complete flatline on both the eBook and paperback fronts.  All I can do, is continue to push & promote, and continue to do outreach.  Hopefully, I'll be able to reach someone, and snag that target audience that I intended to reach.


I'm really looking forward to the publication of  "Second Chance Points" (KDP, 2022).  I was finally able to create a Facebook Event for it, and sent out invites to all of my FB contacts.  Not too many people have accepted their invites, but I'm continuing to post content on there.  I'll do what I can to continue to promote it.


The day job front is very trying.  I don't like my current day job, as it is now not only becoming unfun, bust also biting into my savings.  I didn't move out here to be stressed out & unhappy.  Thankfully, to the ancestors & Creator, I was able to find me a new day job.  I'll get to start this week, sometime, and hopefully have something more stable, and less stressful.


That's all for now.  Hoping to produce a new episode of "The Rough Draft".  I'm also looking forward to celebrating the Veneral Equinox.  Hope to keep you all updated on my literary & life progress.


Keep the fist raised.





Monday, February 7, 2022

Black History Month/Author Anniversary Month

 We have now entered into the month of FEBRUARY!!!!  Celebrating Black History/Heritage Month, as we should ALWAYS celebrate our Black culture & heritage.  Blessings to all of the ancestors who have come before us, and laid down the foundations for us to be able to achieve, and reach greater heights.

As we enter into February, you know that I always have to do my thing, and help to promote Akoma Day, a culturally relevant alternative to Valentine's Day, lasting from February 14th - February 20th.  Celebrating the culture of Black love, and the blessed union between two ppl of Afrikan descent.  It's more about partnership in life, building a family, and forging a strong(er) bond with your soulmate.


Also in February, I have to promote my publishing anniversaries.  As you know, it all started with the publication of my FIRST book, "Raise Your Brown Black Fist: The Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino" (Authorhouse, 2010). That book is celebrating its twelve-year publishing anniversary this month; the catalyst to my current writing career.

You also have the seven-year publishing anniversary of my first novel, "The Chronicles of The Black Fist" (CreateSpace, 2015).  I've always been very proud of this particular book, as I feel that this is my truly first original book project.'s about a Black superhero, and came out THREE years before that fuck ass Black Panther movie.  But, I digress...


Also, you have the four-year publishing anniversary of my novel "Fiesta Girl" (Draft2Digital, 2018).  This Afro Latino love story is a sentimental favorite of mine.  I just wish that it would get the support & traction that I feel it deserves.  All of these so-called Afro Latino activists out there, and ain't nobody really jump on this project to help support it.  Whatever...


Twelve years in the game.  TWELVE YEARS!!!  That's a decade, plus two.  I'm hoping to shoot an episode of "The Rough Draft" about this.  Episode 43 has already been shot & posted on YouTube & Vimeo.  Episode 44 will deal with this month, and my Author Anniversary.  Twelve years in, and soon to be fourteen books deep.  That's quite an accomplishment.  I don't think ppl really realize the level of hard work & consistency that I've put into this.  This ain't a game for me; never has been.  I've been working hard to promote myself, & my works to the greater public, for TWELVE years...AND I'm still going.  Let that marinate for a hot sec...


Things are going pretty well.  For Black History Month my digital publisher Draft2Digital is running a BHM sale through the eBook outlets of OverDrive and Baker & Taylor.  I'm hoping that will help to increase my sales a bit, as they've been quite stagnant.  At least five of my books dealing with Black history & culture are included in that sale.  Keeping my fingers crossed!!!


That's all for now.  Still steadily working on the release of "Second Chance Points" (KDP, 2022) later in May.  I'm still making last-minute changes to the ms, lol, lol, lol.  I'm really excited about the release, and looking forward to that particular project dropping. Luckily, I was able to secure a tentative date for a radio interview in May, coinciding with the release of the book, scheduled for May 13th.  I'll keep you guys updated on that interview, the closer we get to the date.  Keeping my fingers crossed for that!!


Take care, and hit you guys up on the next blog post!!  :-)


Keep the fist raised!!!





Friday, January 21, 2022

Plans for 2022

 There's actually a lot that I want to do to get my writing career (back) on track. Being that this year makes it TWELVE years that I've been a published author, there are a few things that I'd like to do to improve my writing career, and boost my sales.

First off...publish my FOURTEENTH book.  My latest novel "Second Chance Points" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2022) will be dropping on May 6, 2022.  I'm really excited about this project being published, and hope that it gets the support that I feel it deserves.  It's a novel about women's basketball, and follows the life and career of the main character Adwoa (Ah-joe-wah) Carrington.  I loved this project when it was originally a screenplay that I wrote back in 2001.  If I would've gotten the chance to produce it, the film would be a big budget studio project. permitting...I want to do more in-person events.  The coronavirus severely cramped my ability to do face-to-face meetings with people, and do in-person events like festivals, or stand-alone book signings.  I want to get back to doing that, especially here in my new home state of North Carolina.  There's a new black-owned bookstore in Durham that I want to do a reading & book signing in called Rofhiwa Books Cafe, as well as a Latino-owned bookstore in Chapel Hill called Epilogue Books that I would love to network with.  I'm really hoping to make that happen, once I get more settled in my new day job, and Covid restrictions ease up.


Thirdly....I need to get back on my grind, and do more episodes of my vlog series "The Rough Draft".  I would like to expand it, a little more.  Since I now have a smartphone, I could use it to shoot some field production footage, or even do some interviews.  Hopefully, I can meet more fellow authors out here, and interview them for future episodes. 

Fourthly....I'm still considering doing an Author Clothing Line.  If I ever do any vending in the near future, I could sell the clothes for some extra cash.  I'd done 2 more logo designs, bringing the total to five versions.  I need to choose which one I'm going to use, and print up some shirts, hoodies and hats.  Plus, the clothing line would be a great identifier for anyone that gets to meet me in person while vending, or doing my own personal events.


Those are the main goals, for now.  Other than improving my book sales, there's not much else that I'm planning on working on.  Those are the main goals for this year.  I'm putting my repatriation plans on hold, and hoping to complete that move in 2024.  I'll keep you guys updated on my progress.


Keep the fist raised.





Saturday, January 8, 2022

Ringing In 2022---January Publishing Anniversaries

 What's good, my peoples?  How are you, mi gente?  Welcome to 2022!!!  We have been in the new year for a full week, already.  I hope that you were able to stay safe, and enjoy the coming of a whole new year of possibilities.


New Years is generally tough for me, as that was the day when I lost my mother (in 2019).  This year, I had to work on New Years Day, as that year I lost my mom.  Had to deal with a few surprise deaths in the family, as the year started.  Not to mention...we just lost an iconic actor in Sidney Poitier.  The coronavirus is still raging, this time in the Omicron variant.  It's getting tough out here.  Let's hope that things improve for us, as they year goes on.


Gotta get into my publishing anniversaries for the month.  In the month of January, I have two.  I have the three-year publishing anniversary of "The Chronicles of The Black Fist: F.U.R.I. of the People" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2019), and the one-year publishing anniversary of my latest novel "Knuckle Up" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2021).  Both projects are available for purchase in bother paperback & eBook formats through various outlets.  Please help to financially support these projects, and help to spread the word about them.




I have a new publishing project slated for this year.  I will be publishing my fourteenth book called "Second Chance Points" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2022), a Sports Drama novel about female basketball players.  It's a conversion project, as it was formerly a screenplay (still is, actually).  I'm really proud of this project, and hope that it sells well when it drops.  I'm targeting May 6th as the publishing release date for it.  Mark your calendars!!!



I will be starting a new day job this coming week.  Yeah, I many jobs does this n*gga have?!?!?  I needed to make a change.  Hopefully, this new job will be much more steady schedule-wise, and I'll actually be able to have a life (not to mention, get some actual rest, once in a mf while).  I moved out here to have peace of mind, not be a mind numbing slave, like I was, before.  Y'all ain't gonna work me to death, and keep me from having a life, and pursuing my literary dreams.  Fuck thaaat!!

That's all for now.  I'm hoping to shoot a new episode of "The Rough Draft" pretty soon.  I need to update people on my progress (if anybody even bothers to watch my videos).  Hope to catch you all up on my latest adventures.  I'll let you guys know how the new day job fairs, and any new projects that I'm planing on working on. 

Keep the fist rasised.
