Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Rant Session: #TheTransplantChronicles3

So, last week was a little frustrating......

During my job hunting adventures out here, things have been going pretty well.  At least I'm getting callbacks and interviews, which is more than what I can say was happening for me back in NYC.  I'm still continuing to cast my reel out there, hoping to eventually snag a job.  I'm hoping that it'll happen soon, because of some other stuff that I'm dealing with, which I'll go into later in this post....

Had a weird experience last week.  I had an interview at one of the local Family Dollar stores out here as an Assistant Manager.  I was quite surprised by the callback, considering that I had just applied literally two day prior.  I connected with my Job Counselor, got a bus pass to be able to go on the interview, and off I went.  I got there quite early, so I walked around a bit before the actual interview, getting myself a bit more familiar with the area.  I was able to kill some time, and finally show up for my interview, still a bit early.  This is when things got weird.....

The interview didn't last very long.  We barely talked for five minutes.  The manager was also a transplant NYer, and we briefly connected on that tip.  Then when she asked me about my experience, I gladly let her know about my work history and job experiences that applied to that particular job and position.  She apparently believed and assumed that I didn't have any retail, or managerial experience....


Um...did I not just tell you about my experiences?!  Did you not read my resume before you fucking called me in here for the interview?!   And, it's fucking FAMILY DOLLAR for crying out loud!!!

So...in her genius...she referred me to walk to this other FD store that was not too far away from her store.  So, I ended up walking up the street, heading for the other store, grumbling to myself a bit.  I make it to the other store, and ask for the manager that she told me to ask for....

The employee that was working there, was staring at me and blinking with a confused look on her face, saying something like, "Ummm......who?!?!"

So apparently...that manager that the first lady told me to talk to, DOESN'T EVEN WORK THERE!!  The manager for THAT store had a different name, and was on vacation to boot, so she wasn't even available.  So, discouraged, I just left my contact information, and went back to the shelter to crash.  I was quite frustrated by that experience, and quite irritated about it, too.  These people tried to get me to do a whole bunch of running around after that, trying to interview with that other manager, but nobody could tell me what friggin store she worked out of.  I just gave up, and moved on.  But, it doesn't end there.....

I fucking HATE the shelter that I'm staying at!!  It's a transitional housing shelter, but it's ran by a Christian group.  These mf care more about trying to convert me to their faith, than anything else.  I don't care for the shady ass preacher that runs the joint.  These people are disorganized, and can be quite trifling.  Maaaaaan...I'm just here to get on my feet, get a job, and gtfoh...THAT'S IT!!!  They want to dominate my time, and control every aspect of my life.  I'm not some junkie, alchi, or felon...I don't have any of those afflictions.  Save that bullshit, and your Jedi mind tricks, for those weak-minded mf who wanna get sucked into your cult; I'm NOT the one!!!

I really can't stand that damn preach who runs the joint.  Nigga always trying to figure me out, so that he can Jedi mind trick me.  Nigga, LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!!  Save that shit for somebody that actually WANTS to convert to your religious beliefs.  I'm just here for the housing...THAT'S IT!!!  Take that shit back to Philly, where you from!   Nigga had the nerve to get mad at me, cause I wanted to go on a job interview, instead of going out with his ass to Walmart to solicit for his bullshit church. 

Okay...let me get this straight....

You'd rather I go out, and beg people for money for you....instead of going on a job interview, possibly getting a job....where as I can pay my own way, and NOT have to go out and beg for you????

Nigga...ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?!?!?!?!  :-O

Yeah, so that was my week, last week.  I'm really hoping to land something soon, so that I can gtfoh, and FINALLY get back to being on my own.  I'll even settle for getting a room someplace else, until I can get my own apartment.  Right now, I'm just trying to maintain, and biding my time.  We're also supposed to be moving, and these ignorant assed people are doing everything last minute, with their disorganized asses. I'm maintaining, and trying to hold on to my sanity.  I'm just holding on for a little bit longer, until shit finally breaks for me.

Wish me luck.....

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Khem Comic Book Fest 2017

Going on this coming weekend in Newark, New Jersey!!!  A comic book convention focusing on artists/creators of color!  There will be workshops, cosplay, vendors, film screening, panels, and much, much more!!!

Really wish that I could make it to this.  I've missed the first two, and was hoping to have myself together to make it to this one.  Hopefully, I can make it to next year's fest!  Please come out, and show them some love!!!!

Khem Comic Book Fest
March 18, 2017
Central High School
246 18th Avenue
Newark, NJ
11am to 7pm
$10 admission for adults, FREE for children

Monday, March 6, 2017

The Latest Report: #TheTransplantChronicles2

Today makes it exactly one month that I've been out here.  I do feel more relaxed, than before I left.  I feel like I have more piece of mind.  I don't feel as burdened by the bullshit, as I was before.  That was pretty much the whole reason for me TO come out this way.

I'm still getting acclimated to the city of Wilmington.  I almost forgot how it felt like to walk out of the house, and NOT want to feel like punching someone in the face.  People actually greet you out here, and not just stare in your damn face, and not say nothing.  Shit like that would get you murdered, back in the day.

Anyway...I digress....

I haven't been able to explore very much of the city, but I have been able to make my way around.  Since I'm on a curfew, and my outside access is limited, I haven't gotten the chance to really explore, and immerse myself in the city; I have to take my opportunities to do that while I'm job hunting.  Shit...at least I'm getting callbacks, and inquiries out here.  I wasn't getting SHIT back in NY, which is why I fucking left.  Wtf I look like staying there and struggling, off of some supposed bullshit conception that people have of the city, that just ISN'T true, and HASN'T been true for the last 10-15 years?!


Slowly but surely, I'm getting everything together for the publication of my upcoming EIGHTH book "Seductra: Web of Desire".  The cover art is done, and I'm still doing last-minute editing of the manuscript.  I haven't started on the other two conversion projects of "Time Will Reveal", and "Fiesta Girl"; I'm probably gonna leave those two alone for a while.  At least I have them as first drafts....

Gotta admit...it's ratchet as fuck out where I'm staying.  It's not so much the crime, but the lack of adult/parental guidance and leadership for the youth out here.  It's more sad and depressing, than anything.  The adults are all strung out on drugs and alcohol, while the youth are just hang out on the street corners, blatantly smoking weed like it's going out of fashion, imitating the ratchet ass behavior that you see on television. Seriously, for me it's like...where the fuck is the conscious community at?!  If there was EVER a call for community activism and uplift....this is it!

I have to admit, I'm fighting the urge to get back into "activist mode" while I'm out here.  That's NOT why I came out here, and relocated out of state.  I've been burned too many times being a souljahr, and I'm NOT trying to go there, again.  I'm burned out by my experiences in VA, B'more, and my bullshit return back to NYC.  Fuck the dumb shit...even souljahrs have to retire....

I am feeling more upbeat, relaxed, and more positive.  Other than needing to get back to where I want to be personally and financially, I'm doing good, and glad that I made that transition out of the state.  The rest of y'all can keep that bullshit; I'm moving on to better things in my life.  As my peoples from NBUF would say...forward ever, backwards, never.

Keep the fist raised.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

In My Lifetime: 3-YR Publishing Anniversary


Wilmington, De--Pssssst.  Hey, you.  Yeah...YOU.  You wanna read something funny?  Forget Kevin Hart...wanna laugh at MY pain...?

In March 2017, author/activist Kevin Alberto Sabio celebrates the 3-year publishing anniversary of the release of his THIRD book "In My Lifetime: Funny Stories of Life Experiences" (Outskirts Press, 2014).  A comedic memoir, the book entails the trials and tribulations that the author goes through as he traverses the ups and downs of life, from youth to young adulthood.  From first loves, to lost loves....to finding your passion...to the trip from hell, to the roommate from hell, to the job from hell; this memoir has a story for everyone, that all can relate to.

In My Lifetime is published through Outskirts Press, and is available in paperback format through the Outskirts Press website, as well as through online retailers Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, and Books-A-Million.  The book is ALSO available in eBook format through carriers such as Kindle, Nook, Kobo, iTunes, Page Foundry, Scribd, and 24Symbols.  Digital ARCs [Advance Reader Copy] are available in PDF format, for review purposes.

KEVIN ALBERTO SABIO is an author and activist born and raised in Brooklyn, NY.  He is the youngest child of Honduran Garifuna immigrant parents.  He is the founder of the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement, and is the author of SEVEN books of nonfiction and fiction.  He currently resides in Wilmington, DE.

Keep the fist raised,

Kevin Alberto Sabio