Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Chronicles of THE BLACK FIST: Latest Updates II

So the book has been published for a month now.  I'm still on my literary grind, doing what I can to promote it to the public.  It's been a bit trying, but I'm keeping positive, and trying to stay the course.

I'm still working on doing the festival circuit.  I have a few events that I'm targeting, and looking forward to participating in.  Most of them take place in the summer, so I'm working on building up the funds to attend those particular events.  They would be good to showcase, not only my recent novel, but my other titles as well.

As I'm working to promote this current novel, I'm working on writing the sequel to it.  It's going pretty well.  I'm still trying to figure out if I should make it a bit of a collection of short stories, detailing the different characters that the main character interacts with, or focus on the singular antagonist that I'm currently marinating on right now.  The story is developing really well, so I might just stick with the one main antagonist.  I'll let you guys know more once the first draft is finished.

Being an entrepreneur is definitely not easy.  It can actually be quite frustrating.  I'm trying to get rid of the few author's copies that I have left, and that's a mission in and of itself.  I was lucky enough to network with a local Black-owned bookstore that I just found out about.  I'll keep you updated on that venture if it progresses.

Still thinking about partnering with an artist, or a cosplayer to help promote the book.  I'm also considering networking with local cafes, and a community center to hold more literary events and workshops.  I need to find more ways to generate an income from this.  It would also help if I could get more media exposure.  I've been trying to connect with some local cable access personalities, and get interviewed on their show(s), but that hasn't been working out very well.  Something has got to break soon; these past 10-11 months have pretty much been one big financial loss for me.  Hopefully, this year will be a positive one for me...


Monday, March 23, 2015

Towson Black Comic Book Mini-Fest

Was hoping to be able to make it back to the DMV area for this, and (hopefully) vend my book.  Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it down there for this.  Hope that you'll all come out and support this!!!

Towson Black Comic Book Mini-Fest
March 28, 2015
Towson, MD (campus of Towson University)

Marketplace, cosplay, workshops, panels, and more!!!


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Chronicles of THE BLACK FIST: Latest Updates

So I FINALLY published my latest book (my fourth) on February 26th as an ebook, and then as a paperback through CreateSpace two days later.  I received my author's copies of the book about a week ago (March 9th, to be exact), and am now working on getting some hand-to-hand book sales.  I'm also promoting the book like mad all over social media.

I already have a plan of action as far as marketing the book.  Other than considering my own book signings, I have a few book fairs/conventions/cultural festivals that I want to vend at to get more of the word out about my book.  With the bulk of festival/convention/book fair season coming up (spring and summer), this is the perfect time to plan this promotional tour.  My only worry is having enough money to vend at these events, considering that some of them are out of state.

I'm really excited about the release of this particular project.  The initial feedback has been very positive.  Hopefully, that will translate into book sales.  Considering that it's a superhero fiction novel, and not nonfiction like my other projects, people seem to be a lot more receptive, and interested in getting a copy.  It kinda leaves you with a funny feeling about my prior three titles; apparently, nobody likes to read nonfcition to learn about something.  Of course, that could also be people just talking shit, and not following through....

I'm considering other marketing tools to use to help market the book.  But again...it all comes down to having the finances to do it.  Since I know a number of artists, I'm considering partnering with one to sell prints of The Black Fist in costume.  I'm also considering finding a 3D printing company, and creating action figures of the main character to sell.  Maybe even getting someone to cosplay the character...?

I will definitely keep you all updated as far as my progress.  Hope to see you at one of these events, or one of my book signings.  Don't forget to purchase a copy, and PLEASE HELP TO SPREAD THE WORD!!!!

Uhuru sase y paz!!!  

Monday, March 9, 2015

SXSW Presents: The Inspiring & Game Changing Afro Latina

Representing for two of my hermanas that will be on the panel, singer Omilani, and Rebecca Dailey-Wooley from the website Boriqua Chicks!!

SXSW Presents: An Interactive Panel
"The Inspiring and Game Changing Afro Latina"

Saturday, March 14, 2015
Austin Convention Center

PLEASE come out and support, and help to spread the word!!!