Tuesday, December 12, 2017

End-of-Year Progress Report 2017

So, it is now December.  The year is coming to a close....

This year has definitely been a transitional year for me.  I finally got the fuck out of New York, and have been out here in Delaware for the past 10 months.  I've been able to secure a job, and am currently renting a room.  I was able to publish at least one book this year, my latest effort called "Seductra: Web of Desire" (CreateSpace, 2017).  The sales have been slow, but that's to be expected.  People makes claims of support, but all they do is press the "like" button, and go on their merry way.  It doesn't help that I haven't been able to promote the book like I want to because of my work schedule, making public appearances and all, but hey...what can you do?

Sales have been slow overall for all of my titles, but again...that's to be expected.  All in all, this has been a pretty good year.  I'm feeling more at ease with myself, and my spirit isn't as dark and clouded as before.  I do feel more relaxed, and in a better frame of mind.  I do have to admit, one thing that I really had to learn this year was patience.  I've been struggling for so long, that I want to be able to see results immediately.  I'm still learning to have patience; its an ongoing struggle.

I'm looking forward to 2018.  I plan to publish yet another book titled "Fiesta Girl".  It will be available only in eBook format; I didn't feel that the page count was long enough for a paperback novel.  I should be dropping it in February, around Akoma Day (Feb 14th-Feb 20th).  I'm looking forward to doing more public appearances to promote my books, and do some outreach in some of the surrounding cities, and other areas.  Hopefully, I'll be able to participate in some book fairs, and festivals in 2018.  I would love to get back on the festival circuit; considering that I provide a listing for the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement, I'm looking forward to taking advantage of some of the information that I come across.

On a personal note, I'm hoping to earn enough money to get my own apartment.  Renting a room has provided me with a roof over my head, but there is nothing like getting back to having your own space.  My roommates come and go, and some of them have been cool, but I NEED my own place.  I would also like to be able to meet someone that I can settle down with.  Shit....a brother be getting lonely sometimes.  It would be nice to find someone to have a steady and long term relationship with....

So, if you don't hear from me before the new year comes, may you all enjoy the positive energies of the Winter Solstice, Merry Christmas, happy Kwanzaa, and have a happy and blessed New Year!!!!

Uhuru sase, y paz!!!!!         

Monday, November 20, 2017

Da Latest updates with me.....

So far, things are going as well as can be expected.  I'm getting a few more hours at the day job, so that's helping to put a little bit more money into my pocket.  Apparently, I recently sold two copies of "Seductra: Web of Desire" (CreateSpace, 2017).  Now, if I can just get some more purchases, and get those purchases to happen on a more consistent basis...

Speaking of Seductra, I was recently able to add it to the Kindle platform, so now there is NO excuse for people to not support the book in eBook format.  As it is, ALL of my books are available on Kindle, with the exception of "Demure Nights" (CreateSpace, 2015).  Because of its mature adult content, they won't let me upload the book on there.  I find that kinda ironic; they won't carry Erotica, but they'll carry THE trashiest Street Lit books on the market.  Oh well....

Fiesta Girl is basically complete.  I'm actually planning on releasing it next year in 2018.  It will only be available in eBook format though.  IMHO, the page count is too low to be printed as a paperback, so I won't have any physical copies available.  I'm still kinda leery about releasing it solely as an eBook, considering that my eBook sales aren't great at all.  The document is pretty much done, as far as the editing is concerned, and I've already designed the front cover.  I'm planning on releasing it during Akoma Day (February 14th-20th), considering that it's a love story.  I'll give you more details that closer the release date gets.

Right now, I'm just trying to close out the year on a positive and strong note.  Things have picked up for me this year, being able to get the hell away from New York, and get a job.  Next, I need to get me my own place, an apartment, and further my writing career with some exposure.  Hopefully, I'll be able to do a few appearances next year, as well as vend at a few festivals and book fairs.  It's all about building up my writing career, now.  I have the inventory; right now I just need the support.  I'm going to be updating my business cards, and so I'll hopefully have some available next year when I start to do appearances again.  I already have the cards designed, so that's not much of a problem.  I'll just upload the image to Vista Print, and make a few copies.

All in all, I can't really complain.  Things are improving for me, and have improved a lot over the last few months.  Hopefully, this good fortune will continue, and I'll be able to make that mark, not only out here in Delaware, but also throughout my writing career.  I'm still working on my future writing projects, and hope to have them completed in the years to come.  Now that Fiesta Girl is out of the way, I can get back to writing the sequels to "The Chronicles of The Black Fist" (CreateSpace 2015).  Yes, that's right...that is sequels with an "s".  Books 2 and 3 are already in the pipeline.  I will be expanding the story, and adding new characters.  I personally feel that it is such a hot subject, and that I can do so much more with the storyline.  I'm almost done with the first draft of Book 2, and I'm still writing the early drafts of Book 3.  I can't wait to finish writing them, and releasing them.

That's all for now.  Stay tuned!!!  Keep the fist raised!!!  

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Literary Updates

The story so far.....

So, "Seductra: Web of Desire" (CreateSpace, 2017) has been out for about five months now via eBook, and paperback.  Haven't really seen any decent sales as of yet, but a whole like of 'likes' on social media.  People obviously don't get the hint that they need to PURCHASE an actual copy of the book in order to actually SUPPORT me and my writing career.  None of my other titles have moved much either, though I have to admit that I haven't been actively promoting my work like I usually do as of late b/c of my lack of internet access.  I didn't go hardcore on promoting my works for Latino Heritage Month this year, not that that has ever made a difference.  It just makes the struggle harder, and makes me question those that call themselves my friends and supporters.

I've completed one of my more recent manuscripts, and have been going through the editing process as of late.  It's an Afro Latino love story called "Fiesta Girl", yet another one of my conversion projects (Demure Nights and Seductra were also originally screenplays that I've converted into novels).  I'm trying to expand it, as I personally feel that the page and word count are quite low for a novel.  If I can't expand it beyond the current word/page count, I might just choose to release it solely as a eBook.  I'm quite skeptical to do that, honestly; one of my other projects is available exclusively as an eBook [Spittin' Lyrics N Waxin' Poetic (Draft2Digital, 2015)], and the sales for THAT particular project are dismal, and not very promising.  I'll let you know what I plan to do when I'm finished editing that project.  Fiesta Girl is a personal favorite of mine, and I'm in no rush to release it before it's ready, and I'm completely happy with the story.  I'm working on the cover design for it as I write this....

I'm hoping to end the year on a positive note.  I'm considering doing a Kwanzaa event, or two, and hoping to focus my energies on 2018.  I'm not really planning on publishing anything in 2018; just promoting my remaining works, and getting my name out there.   It would help if I had SOME sort of residual income additionally coming in.  Other than that, it's all about promotion and exposure in 2018.

Not really planning on releasing anything in the coming year.  I MIGHT release "Fiesta Girl"....IF I'm satisfied with the story.  I'm still working on completing one of the sequels to "The Chronicles of The Black Fist" (CreateSpace, 2015), hopefully by 2018.  Don't know if I'll release it, or not, when it's finally finished....

Other than that, I'm just hoping to gain some REAL support, and gain some readers; hopefully I can make an impact locally here in Delaware.  I've gotten to know some people out here that are interested in my work, which is the whole reason why I moved out here in the first place.  Start small and locally, and then go from there.

Wish me luck!!!   :-D

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Reflections, and Manifestations

So my birthday passed recently, on October 8th to be exact....

I just turned 43.  Was feeling a bit melancholy in the beginning, but the actual day itself wasn't too bad.  Had to work on my birthday, but it wasn't a bad day nonetheless.

I had to look at it in a positive way.  I am lucky enough to see yet another year of life, relatively unscathed.  Despite some of the ups and downs that I've gone through this year so far, I've got to count my blessings, and see my life in the upswing.  I'm working, I got THE HELL out of New York, and I'm still working on establishing my writing career.  So far, I'm considering 2017 to be a rebuilding year, trying to get myself reestablished in my writing career.  I need to get myself straight personally first, before I move further with my career.  I do have more piece of mind now, and feel a bit more relaxed, and at ease.

 On the down side of things, I'm not where I want to be in life at 43 years old.  I should have been married by now, with some children, which is something that I still very much want.  I want to be a dad, and a great husband, and neither option seems very attainable at the moment.  I'm barely dating, as it is .  I want to have children before I get too old to enjoy them.  I'm definitely not getting any younger, and don't want to wait until I'm too old to have any, or not be able to have any children at all.  And...I'm not trying to have a child by just any old body, either.

I'm not where I wan to be right now, but I'm making progress.  I'm a lot better off than I was the last few years, that's for sure.  I'm looking forward to ending out the year on a strong note, and strategizing for next year.  I'm still working on some future writing projects, but want to concentrate on promoting my existing books.

Here's to another year of life, and a successful move forward.....

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Updates & Info

Yeah....I've been off my game for a while....

So, Sedutra: Web of Desire was finally published as a paperback, and I celebrated the 2-year publishing anniversary of "Spittin' Lyrics N Waxin' Poetic" in August.  Other than that, I've been plugging away at the day job, in which I've finally reached the end of my probationary period.  The job is going so-so right now.

I'm still wondering what to do now, as far as my literary dreams are concerned.  The sales still aren't there, no matter WHAT I do to promote them.  I'm getting sick and tired of the whole email campaign thing that I've been doing hardcore, for the last three years.  It's just not effective; I can e-blast people until my fingers fall off, and it still won't get me anywhere. I want to get back into the festival/book fair circuit, but my current day job doesn't allow me the opportunity to do that, since I work mostly on the weekends.  Not to mention, it'll cost me to pay the vending fee, on top of ordering books for each event. 

At the same time, I have ideas of other book projects that I want to work on, but I'm not really motivated to write them down.  I'm struggling as it is to gain support for my current published work; why write (and publish) some other shit that people just won't read?  It feels like a huge waste of time.  Even when I promote on social media, niggas just wanna press the 'like' button, and keep it moving.  Fuck that...I'm trying to make a living at this.  But, they'll break their necks trying to buy the new $1100 iPhone, smdh.....

But, I digress....

Freedom ain't free.  I'm earning a living at my current job, but it's not enough.  I want financial and creative freedom.  I don't want to be punching someone else's clock...I wanna punch my own.  Fuck being a field negro...I want to be a Maroon.  But...it takes some effort on the part of others.  I can write and publish these books until my last days....people have to go out, and support my work.  Really....it's that fucking simple.

Yeah.....this was a bit of a rant session.

Deal with it.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Seductra: Web of Desire [PAPERBACK VERSION]


They FINALLY accepted my cover files, and Seductra: Web of Desire is now published as a paperback!  It's took a while, and a lot of frustration, but the book is FINALLY available in paperback format!  Book number EIGHT is now available.

"Dasha Pagan is a talented and trained dancer, born & raised from Brooklyn NY.  Thoroughly disillusioned with the state of the commercial dance scene, and the music industry in general, she relocates down south to Cerverville City, North Carolina.

After her initial relocation, reality soon hits her, and her struggles begin.  After losing her job, and becoming desperate to make ends meet, she takes on a job dancing at a local gentelman's club , going by the name "Seductra".  It is there that she meets Marley "Scowl" Winston.

Will she get herself caught up in the dark side of the business, or will she be able to escape this life, and find true love with Marley?"

Printed through CreateSpace:

Grab your copy today!!!  Please help to spread the word, and continue to support!!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Day Job Grind, Part III: #TheTransplantChronicles7

So, where was I....?

Oh yeah, I've been working at my new job, which is now my primary job.  I work food service at a local hotel out here in Delaware.  Basically, I'm a glorified dishwasher (and unofficial kitchen gofer).  The job isn't bad at all; I have unlimited access to food, which I love, considering how I've been starving for the last 2-3 years.  It's a pretty easy job since the kitchen isn't very fast paced; only when we have events going on, and a high occupancy rate.  I actually like the job.

Other than that, things are going pretty well.  I'm STILL trying to publish "Seductra" as a paperback, but CreateSpace keeps fucking with me, ab out my file size.  They keep sending me emails back that there is not enough bleed space for the cover.  How much mf bleed space do you mf need?!?!?!?  Publish the gd book already!!!!!!  It is still available as an eBook, but still....I would like to have the paperback as well.

Speaking of which...I would love to see "Seductra: Web of Deisre" and "Demure Nights" air on late night CineMax.  As it is, they were both originally supposed to be screenplays, anyway.  Also, "Seductra" was actually inspired by me watching CineMax late at night.  Hey....Black and Brown folk can be freaky, but classy, too!  Who knows...if I ever get the support for those books, I actually might get an offer like that, sometime in the distant future.

Other than that, I'm just trying to figure out my next move.  I need to decide if I'm going to focus on another literary project, or hang back for now, and concentrate purely on promoting my current works. I have to admit, it is quite frustrating to have projects available for sale, but have absolutely NO support for your work.  All I have is people giving me lip service on social media, talking about how much they support me.  How many of them actually owns a copy of my book titles...?  THAT remains to be seen, smdh.....

I'm hoping to up my internet usage.  Right now, I'm only able to get online once, maybe twice a week.  I'm used to being online more often than that.  It would also help me to get over this crap with CreateSpace, as far as publishing "Seductra: Web of Desire" as a blasted paperback.  Only time will tell.  Stay tuned, and keep following me!!!

Stay tuned.....

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The Day Job Grind, Part 2: #TheTransplantChronicles6

Been a long time, hasn't it....?

Been offline for a while.  I was actually working TWO day jobs, and trying to juggle them both.  I did that for about three weeks, and finally said "ENOUGH".  I was practically a walking zombie, I got so little sleep.  My days off didn't sync up until maybe a week ago, and I completely crashed when I did finally get a day off from both places.  Needless to say, that was a HARD ROAD for me to walk.

For an update, I finally got rid of one of the two jobs; the low-end retail job that I started off with.  That job sucked ass, and I thoroughly  hated it. It wasn't worth keeping; not with the headache that they expected us to put up with.  Not to mention the fact that they were switching to a bi-weekly payment plan...?  Fuuuuuuuuck thaaaaaaaaaat!!!!!! NOT worth it.  My second job is MUCH better, and less stressful.  I'm back working in food service again, so I have access to food again.  It keeps a good amount of money in my pocket, so the only thing I really have to worry about is having breakfast stuff for the mornings that I'm not working.

Got me a room to live in.  The landlord is a character, though.  I'll just leave it at that, for now.  The roommates aren't too bad; one is actually pretty cool.  The other guy...?  I don't know.  At least I have a place to lay my head.  It's better than that bullshit shelter that I was staying at.  I can come and go as I please, and have my own space.  It's just for know; hopefully I can get my own spot before the year is out.  So far, the Creator and the ancestors have been on my side so far.  Hopefully, they'll allow me to have my own spot before the year is out.

Still trying to convert "Seductra" into a paperback.  I haven't had any time (or luck) with the cover file.  Hopefully, I can FINALLY get the cover files right, so that it can be printed up as a paperback.  Now that I'm down to only one job, I'll have the time to get online, and upload the files, or handle any other issues that I have to deal with.

Still working on the Summer Schedule of Events (SoE) listing for the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement.  I'm finally able to play catch-up on my emails, and do some online research for other festivals.  Looking forward to updating the list, and researching other festival that will be going on this fall.

Now that "Seductra" is published, I'm considering my options.  I need to focus on the promotional front of my writing career; people need to know that my books are available, in order to financially support me.  I want to focus on doing festival, and speaking engagements.  I'm considering doing a book signing out here, but I need to build myself up a bit more; gain some name recognition out here.  At least I have some of my works stocked in a few places on consignment out here.  It's coming together slowly, but surly.

Hopefully, I'll be able to keep you guys updated on my latest ventures.  I'll try not to go on hiatus again; it all depends on my personal situation.  Things have already improved for me, considering how things were going for me last year (shit...try the last THREE), and they can only go up from here. May the Creator and ancestors bless me with further good fortune.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Author Book Trailer (Eighth Book title Included)

Recently updated the author book trailer to include "Seductra: Web of Desire".  Now, all eight books are now featured in the book trailer.  Please feel free to share, distribute, and SUPPORT my literary works.

So without further ado....

Hope that you enjoy the show.  Created through Windows Moviemaker.  Don't forget to support my books!!  Feel free to write a review after reading them!!!  Support your indie authors!!!!

Uhuru sase, y paz.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Seductra: Web of Desire [eBook format]


Book number eight, is currently available in eBook format.  I'm still in the process of uploading the book as a paperback, and I'm having some issues with the cover, BUT...the book is finally published!  Welcome to "Seductra: Web of Desire", now available in eBook format through Nook, Kobo, Kobo+, iTunes, Page Foundry, Scribd, 24Symbols, and Playster.  I will be announcing when the paperback is finally available.

"Dasha Pagan is a talented and trained dancer, born and raised in Brooklyn, NY.  Thoroughly disillusioned with the current state of the dance scene, and the music industry overall, she relocates down south to Carverville City, North Carolina.

After her initial relocation, reality soon hits her, and her troubles begin.  after losing her job, and becoming desperate to make ends meet, she is forced to take a job dancing at a local gentleman's club, going by the name Seductra.  it is there that she meets Marley "Scowl" Winston.

Will Dasha let herself get caught up in the dark side of the business, or will she be able to find true love with Marley?

PLEASE support, and download the book!!!!

Friday, April 21, 2017

The Day Job Grind: #TheTransplantChronicles5

SO.....my first week back working has been interesting.  Basically, I'm just getting used to the job, and learning all of the work procedures.  Being the fact that I'm an assistant manager, there's also a lot of responsibility that comes with it.  My TM (training manager) is pretty good; she's teaching me a lot, and I'm starting to get the hang of some of the responsibilities.  She's a bootyful island gyal from St. Kitts, so when she's not looking, I'm busy ogling her from behind.  Not trying to get myself fired, but a brother has needs, and she's great to look at.  ;-)

Right now, I'm just getting used to waking up early, and being active, again.  The job responsibilities can be a bit overwhelming, but I think that I'll be able to get used to it, in time.  I just need to relax a little, and not try to be perfect, all of the time.  Then again, this is MONEY that we're dealing with, and I'm not trying to get my ass fired.  I need the money, and I'm trying to get back on my feet, and get back out on my own.

Some of the customers are cool, others are just ignorant and ratchet.  It takes A LOT of self control to keep from saying something out of your mouth.  This IS low end retail, after all.  We actually have a pretty good staff working at the store that I'm training at, so you can't blame it on poor customer service.  Some of these niccas and PWTs just don't know how to act in public.  Of course, if you curse them out, and/or threaten to fight with them in the parking lot, they wanna call the cops, or senior management on your ass, smdh...

My first week is almost in the books.  I go in today and learn how to close the store.  For most of this week, I've been learning the procedures to open the store.  I have one more week of training, then I get to start working a regular shift at my regular store location.

Next week is the last week of the 1-year publishing anniversary for my book "Drum Speaking: Tales From An Inner City Griot" (CreateSpace, 2016).  Please continue to help to support this project by purchasing a copy in paperback format, or download the eBook version.

I'll be publishing my latest book project and novel "Seductra: Web of Desire" within the next two weeks.  I'm shooting for the first week of May, depending on my work schedule.  I'm hoping to make it available in both paperback and eBook format; it all depends on when the publishers deliver the finished product.  It will definitely be published next month.  Of course, I will post about it here, so that you can all see what the cover looks like, and provide a link to the book, if possible.

That's all for now.

Uhuru sase, y paz.  Keep the fist raised!!!   

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

My Latest Progress & Updates: #TheTransplantChronicles4

So, I've official been here in Wilmington for a little over 2 months.  I'm getting a little more acclimated by the day.  I just wish that I had a little more freedom to explore the city, like I want to; living at this shelter has hindered my ability to really do that. BUT...the good news is that I FINALLY have found a day job.  I'll be working as an Assistant Manager at a box store out here.  No...I will not name the store.  It's a day job....that's it.  This is just a means for me to put money in my pocket, and be able to finance my goals as a writer.  I actually start next week Monday (April 17th), in which I will be training for 2 weeks at a store out in New Castle, and then start working at my regular location in Wilmington.  Hell....it's a job.  I need a way to put money in my pocket.  I'm tired of suffering, and being broke; I need to get back to living like a fucking human being.

My new novel "Seductra: Web of Desire" is ready to be published.  I'm pretty happy with it, and I'm looking forward to releasing it.  Whether or not this will gain me some new fans, I have no idea.  Personally, I enjoyed writing the story, and developing the characters.  I hope that the novel is well received by the public.  I've done what I can to promote its release, both here on the blog, and through my email contacts.  Of course, I don't know who really pays attention to my emails, so who knows how effective that'll be by the time the book is release.  If that were true, then every time I've sent out an eBlast promoting a publishing anniversary, I should see an uptick in sales...which NEVER happens.  Oh well....

The winds of change are blowing.  Things are starting to improve for me, little by little.  I'm very appreciative of that, considering the crap that I've been dealing with for the last several years.  I'm looking forward to earning a paycheck again, having a cellphone again, and just moving on with my life and writing career.  Hopefully, my schedule will become consistent enough to the point where I can actually go out, and do festivals/book fairs/conventions.  I need to update my business cards, and I want to be able to order (personal) copies of my novels.  Personally, I feel like I'm behind in some of my goals, but the Creator never puts you in a situation that you can't handle, and all is done when the Creator feels that it is your time.  I'm learning that more and more.

Wish me luck, and PLEASE continue to support my career, and literary efforts.  Be on the lookout for "Seductra: Web of Desire" when I release it.  Also, please continue to support my other literary works.

Uhuru sase, y paz.  Keep the fist raised!!!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Drum Speaking: 1-YR Publishing Anniversary


Wilmington, DE-- In April 2017, author/activist Kevin Alberto Sabio marks the 1-year publishing anniversary of his SEVENTH book, "Drum Speaking: Tales From An Inner City Griot" (CreateSpace, 2016).  A short story anthology, this book has a story for everyone, told from a cultural perspective.  From Action/Adventure, to Romance...from Science Fiction, to Political Thrillers....Drum Speaking has a story for you.  Included are short stories from two of the author's previous works; "The Chronicles of The Black Fist", and a continuing storyline for "Demure Nights".

Drum Speaking is published through CreateSpace, and is available in paperback format through the CreateSpace online store, as well as through online retailers such as Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, and Books-A-Million.  Drum Speaking is also available in eBook format through distributors such as Kindle, Nook, Kobo, iTunes, Page Foundry, Scribd, and 24Symbols.  Digital ARCs (Advance Readers Copies) are available in in PDF format for review purposes, upon request.

ALSO....be on the lookout for author/activist Kevin Alberto Sabio's upcoming EIGHTH literary release; "Seductra: Web of Desire", an Urban Lit/Romance novel due to be released May 2017!!!

KEVIN ALBERTO SABIO is an author and activist, born and raised in Brooklyn, NY.  He is the youngest child of Honduran Garifuna immigrant parents.  He is the founder of the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement.  He is currently the author of SEVEN books of nonfiction and fiction. He currently resides in Wilmington, Delaware.

Keep the fist raised,

Kevin Alberto Sabio

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Rant Session: #TheTransplantChronicles3

So, last week was a little frustrating......

During my job hunting adventures out here, things have been going pretty well.  At least I'm getting callbacks and interviews, which is more than what I can say was happening for me back in NYC.  I'm still continuing to cast my reel out there, hoping to eventually snag a job.  I'm hoping that it'll happen soon, because of some other stuff that I'm dealing with, which I'll go into later in this post....

Had a weird experience last week.  I had an interview at one of the local Family Dollar stores out here as an Assistant Manager.  I was quite surprised by the callback, considering that I had just applied literally two day prior.  I connected with my Job Counselor, got a bus pass to be able to go on the interview, and off I went.  I got there quite early, so I walked around a bit before the actual interview, getting myself a bit more familiar with the area.  I was able to kill some time, and finally show up for my interview, still a bit early.  This is when things got weird.....

The interview didn't last very long.  We barely talked for five minutes.  The manager was also a transplant NYer, and we briefly connected on that tip.  Then when she asked me about my experience, I gladly let her know about my work history and job experiences that applied to that particular job and position.  She apparently believed and assumed that I didn't have any retail, or managerial experience....


Um...did I not just tell you about my experiences?!  Did you not read my resume before you fucking called me in here for the interview?!   And, it's fucking FAMILY DOLLAR for crying out loud!!!

So...in her genius...she referred me to walk to this other FD store that was not too far away from her store.  So, I ended up walking up the street, heading for the other store, grumbling to myself a bit.  I make it to the other store, and ask for the manager that she told me to ask for....

The employee that was working there, was staring at me and blinking with a confused look on her face, saying something like, "Ummm......who?!?!"

So apparently...that manager that the first lady told me to talk to, DOESN'T EVEN WORK THERE!!  The manager for THAT store had a different name, and was on vacation to boot, so she wasn't even available.  So, discouraged, I just left my contact information, and went back to the shelter to crash.  I was quite frustrated by that experience, and quite irritated about it, too.  These people tried to get me to do a whole bunch of running around after that, trying to interview with that other manager, but nobody could tell me what friggin store she worked out of.  I just gave up, and moved on.  But, it doesn't end there.....

I fucking HATE the shelter that I'm staying at!!  It's a transitional housing shelter, but it's ran by a Christian group.  These mf care more about trying to convert me to their faith, than anything else.  I don't care for the shady ass preacher that runs the joint.  These people are disorganized, and can be quite trifling.  Maaaaaan...I'm just here to get on my feet, get a job, and gtfoh...THAT'S IT!!!  They want to dominate my time, and control every aspect of my life.  I'm not some junkie, alchi, or felon...I don't have any of those afflictions.  Save that bullshit, and your Jedi mind tricks, for those weak-minded mf who wanna get sucked into your cult; I'm NOT the one!!!

I really can't stand that damn preach who runs the joint.  Nigga always trying to figure me out, so that he can Jedi mind trick me.  Nigga, LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!!  Save that shit for somebody that actually WANTS to convert to your religious beliefs.  I'm just here for the housing...THAT'S IT!!!  Take that shit back to Philly, where you from!   Nigga had the nerve to get mad at me, cause I wanted to go on a job interview, instead of going out with his ass to Walmart to solicit for his bullshit church. 

Okay...let me get this straight....

You'd rather I go out, and beg people for money for you....instead of going on a job interview, possibly getting a job....where as I can pay my own way, and NOT have to go out and beg for you????

Nigga...ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?!?!?!?!  :-O

Yeah, so that was my week, last week.  I'm really hoping to land something soon, so that I can gtfoh, and FINALLY get back to being on my own.  I'll even settle for getting a room someplace else, until I can get my own apartment.  Right now, I'm just trying to maintain, and biding my time.  We're also supposed to be moving, and these ignorant assed people are doing everything last minute, with their disorganized asses. I'm maintaining, and trying to hold on to my sanity.  I'm just holding on for a little bit longer, until shit finally breaks for me.

Wish me luck.....

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Khem Comic Book Fest 2017

Going on this coming weekend in Newark, New Jersey!!!  A comic book convention focusing on artists/creators of color!  There will be workshops, cosplay, vendors, film screening, panels, and much, much more!!!

Really wish that I could make it to this.  I've missed the first two, and was hoping to have myself together to make it to this one.  Hopefully, I can make it to next year's fest!  Please come out, and show them some love!!!!

Khem Comic Book Fest
March 18, 2017
Central High School
246 18th Avenue
Newark, NJ
11am to 7pm
$10 admission for adults, FREE for children

Monday, March 6, 2017

The Latest Report: #TheTransplantChronicles2

Today makes it exactly one month that I've been out here.  I do feel more relaxed, than before I left.  I feel like I have more piece of mind.  I don't feel as burdened by the bullshit, as I was before.  That was pretty much the whole reason for me TO come out this way.

I'm still getting acclimated to the city of Wilmington.  I almost forgot how it felt like to walk out of the house, and NOT want to feel like punching someone in the face.  People actually greet you out here, and not just stare in your damn face, and not say nothing.  Shit like that would get you murdered, back in the day.

Anyway...I digress....

I haven't been able to explore very much of the city, but I have been able to make my way around.  Since I'm on a curfew, and my outside access is limited, I haven't gotten the chance to really explore, and immerse myself in the city; I have to take my opportunities to do that while I'm job hunting.  Shit...at least I'm getting callbacks, and inquiries out here.  I wasn't getting SHIT back in NY, which is why I fucking left.  Wtf I look like staying there and struggling, off of some supposed bullshit conception that people have of the city, that just ISN'T true, and HASN'T been true for the last 10-15 years?!


Slowly but surely, I'm getting everything together for the publication of my upcoming EIGHTH book "Seductra: Web of Desire".  The cover art is done, and I'm still doing last-minute editing of the manuscript.  I haven't started on the other two conversion projects of "Time Will Reveal", and "Fiesta Girl"; I'm probably gonna leave those two alone for a while.  At least I have them as first drafts....

Gotta admit...it's ratchet as fuck out where I'm staying.  It's not so much the crime, but the lack of adult/parental guidance and leadership for the youth out here.  It's more sad and depressing, than anything.  The adults are all strung out on drugs and alcohol, while the youth are just hang out on the street corners, blatantly smoking weed like it's going out of fashion, imitating the ratchet ass behavior that you see on television. Seriously, for me it's like...where the fuck is the conscious community at?!  If there was EVER a call for community activism and uplift....this is it!

I have to admit, I'm fighting the urge to get back into "activist mode" while I'm out here.  That's NOT why I came out here, and relocated out of state.  I've been burned too many times being a souljahr, and I'm NOT trying to go there, again.  I'm burned out by my experiences in VA, B'more, and my bullshit return back to NYC.  Fuck the dumb shit...even souljahrs have to retire....

I am feeling more upbeat, relaxed, and more positive.  Other than needing to get back to where I want to be personally and financially, I'm doing good, and glad that I made that transition out of the state.  The rest of y'all can keep that bullshit; I'm moving on to better things in my life.  As my peoples from NBUF would say...forward ever, backwards, never.

Keep the fist raised.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

In My Lifetime: 3-YR Publishing Anniversary


Wilmington, De--Pssssst.  Hey, you.  Yeah...YOU.  You wanna read something funny?  Forget Kevin Hart...wanna laugh at MY pain...?

In March 2017, author/activist Kevin Alberto Sabio celebrates the 3-year publishing anniversary of the release of his THIRD book "In My Lifetime: Funny Stories of Life Experiences" (Outskirts Press, 2014).  A comedic memoir, the book entails the trials and tribulations that the author goes through as he traverses the ups and downs of life, from youth to young adulthood.  From first loves, to lost loves....to finding your passion...to the trip from hell, to the roommate from hell, to the job from hell; this memoir has a story for everyone, that all can relate to.

In My Lifetime is published through Outskirts Press, and is available in paperback format through the Outskirts Press website, as well as through online retailers Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, and Books-A-Million.  The book is ALSO available in eBook format through carriers such as Kindle, Nook, Kobo, iTunes, Page Foundry, Scribd, and 24Symbols.  Digital ARCs [Advance Reader Copy] are available in PDF format, for review purposes.

KEVIN ALBERTO SABIO is an author and activist born and raised in Brooklyn, NY.  He is the youngest child of Honduran Garifuna immigrant parents.  He is the founder of the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement, and is the author of SEVEN books of nonfiction and fiction.  He currently resides in Wilmington, DE.

Keep the fist raised,

Kevin Alberto Sabio

Friday, February 24, 2017

OnyxCon: Sankofa 2017

It's that time again!!  If you're in the Atlanta area, PLEASE come out to support OnyxCon: Sankofa!!!  Part of the Black Age of Comics Movement, this annual event takes place every winter during February/Black History Month.  It is a way for us to celebrate OUR images from our perspective.  Full of comics, art, cosplay, film screenings, and SO much more!

OnyxCon: Sankofa
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Wolf Creek Library
Atlanta, GA



Friday, February 17, 2017

Progress Report: #TheTransplantChronciles

So....I've been out here for almost two weeks now.  Since my relocation, I've sent out a bunch of resumes to a number of different businesses looking for work, and continuing to apply for jobs online.  I've even done the old school thing of just walking into a business, and dropping off my resume'.  So far, I've had at least one interview (for a little food spot out here), but I haven't heard anything back yet.  Hopefully this will turn into something, like a blasted job.  I've also talked to a sole proprietor out who owns a gym, and we're trying to work out a barter deal, where I work for him, in exchange for a free membership, and use of the gym.  I'll let you know how that goes, and if any jobs come through....

I finally took the time to go out, yesterday.  There was a local event going on celebrating the local business community, and the arts.  I wasn't able to stay very long because of obligations that I have at the shelter where I'm staying, but from what I was able to experience, it was pretty okay.  Hopefully, I can make some connections while I'm out here, and help to jumpstart my presence as a writer in Wilmington, if not the state of Delaware. Really, I came out here to be able to strategically get around to the different literary & cultural events that I know that goes on around this region (the Mid Atlantic), but it also helps to have a local presence.

Still working on my literary projects.  I've converted yet another of my original screenplays into a novel.  "Time Will Reveal" is an Action/Science Fiction/Time Travel saga.  There is actually an excerpt to that story in my anthology Drum Speaking called "Time Will Reveal: The Autonomy Wars".  I've actually included that story into the novel, as it better explains the story.  TWR is now officially a first draft.  I don't know when I plan to publish it; I'm kinda getting tired of publishing books, and then struggling to promote them.  As much as I promote my work online through social media, and via e-blasts through my personal Mailing List, I should be having SOME sort of traction with sales.  Then again, that's negative thinking, and I got AWAY from NYC to get away from negative thinking.

Looking forward to publishing "Seductra: Web of Desire" by this summer.  The story is practically done, editing-wise.  The cover(s) are already designed (by me, of course), and I'm just waiting to publish it in May/June.  Once I'm settled here in Wilmington, and more secure financially, I'll move on to publish it.  There appears to be a growing local arts scene, and I'm hoping to be able to take advantage of that.

So far, the count is two first drafts (Fiesta Girl, and Time Will Reveal), and two books yet to be completed (Walk Like a Warrior, The Chronicles of The Black Fist 2).  I think that once I start working, and get my own place, I'll be able to concentrate more on those two unfinished projects, when I have free time.  I still want to get back onto the festival circuit to promote my current books, and put a little extra money in my pocket.  I think my work will be more appreciated out here, than in NYC.  Once I find a (day) job, and the money starts coming in, I'll be able to make more solidified plans as to my next moves.  I see a bit of potential out here for me, and if I can tap into that potential, the sky could be the limit, if not another boundary to break through.

That's pretty much it for me, right now.  Still writing, still grinding to find a day job.  Until my next progress report, keep me in your prayers, and be on the look out for my next post.

Keep the fist raised!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Celebrating Akoma Day 2017

It's that time of year again!  Looking forward to celebrating Akoma Day, which runs from February 14th through February 20th.  It is a CULTURAL alternative to Valentine's Day, without the commercialized stress of the holiday.  Akoma Day is more of a celebration of the union of two souls, and the joining of those two souls in a committed union, and building a family.  It's somewhat of a Rites of Passage in the realm of relationships, and love.  It's more about building a community through forging a healthy relationship between a man and a woman, and their roles in a relationship, and to one another.

As of yet, I don't have anyone to celebrate Akoma Day with, but hoping to change that in the near future.  Looking forward to eventually finding my queen/empress/goddess/Omega to my Alpha.  Instead of suffering through the commercialization of Valentine's Day, lets learn to culturally build our relationships, and forge a stronger union with our significant other.  Happy Akoma Day!!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Well....it's official.  I've FINALLY left NYC.  I am now living in Wilmington, Delaware.

I know, I know...I've been talking about this for about a year, and a half already.  Some things take time to get done.  I was sick and tired of being in New York, getting nowhere with my career, and not working.  So, eff it; I'm taking a leap of faith.  It's better than the alternative, which is to stay stuck, and continue to be miserable.

I'm actually feeling a bit optimistic about this.  I did better in smaller towns/cities anyway, so why not go back to that type of atmosphere?  You don't have to deal with the pretensiousness, and the phoniness that you get in NYC.  That place used to be the home of innovation, the home of whatever trend was out there.  It's not like that anymore.  Who exactly has that city established?  NYC has lost its way due to the gentrification of that city, and catering to the wack ass transplants that now live there.

Onward, and upward.  Forward ever, backward never as they say.  I'm starting over with my life, and ya know what?  That's not necessarily a bad thing.  I'm still going to continue with my writing career, just on a part time basis, until I can get to where I want to be.  I want to be able to get back into doing the festival circuit to promote my books.  Hopefully, I can find a job soon, and be able to get back to promoting my books, and continuing my writing career.

Wish me luck on this newest venture.  I'm not becoming a Wilmingtonian...just laying my head here.  It's a nice in-between spot, where I have access to other cities, and other audiences.  Here's to the next phase.

Keep the fist raised.  

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Publishing Anniversary: The Chronicles of The Black Fist


Wilmington, DE--February 2017 marks the publishing anniversary for author/activist Kevin Alberto Sabio.  It was SEVEN years ago this month that he joined the ranks of the published, releasing his first nonfiction title.  February also marks the 2-year publishing anniversary of the release of his first novel "The Chronicles of The Black Fist" (CreateSpace, 2015), the action adventure tale of Nyerere Lewis, an educator-turned-costumed crime fighter who battles to protect the streets of his hometown of New Washington City from both, the criminal element and corrupt cops alike.  Help to celebrate Black History Month by supporting this work.

"The Chronicles of The Black Fist" is published through CreateSpace, and is available in paperback format through online retailers such as Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, and Books-a-Million.  The novel is ALSO available in eBook format through carriers such as Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Page Foundry, Scribd, and 24Symbols.  Digital ARCs (Advanced Readers Copy) are available in PDF format for review purposes, upon request.

KEVIN ALBERTO SABIO is an author and activist, born and raised in Brooklyn, NY.  He is the youngest child of Honduran Garifuna immigrant parents.  He is the founder and organizer of the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement.  He is the author of SEVEN books of fiction and nonfiction.  He currently resides in Wilmington, DE.

Keep the fist raised,

Kevin Alberto Sabio

Monday, January 9, 2017

Black Comic Book Festival 2017

Might decide to go to this.  Black Comic Book Festival will be held on January 13th-14th from 10am to 7pm at the Schomburg Center.  It is FREE, and open to the public.  I'll know a good number of the vendors there, as I know them through the Mailing Lists for the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement.

Support Black entrepreneurs!  Support Black business owners!  Support Black Comic Books!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

HAPPY NEW YEAR: updates & progress

My first post of 2017.  Let's see what I can make of it this time around....

Good riddance to last year.  That was one for the books.  Glad that it is now over with.  Time to move the fuck on.

My latest literary project "Seductra" is going well.  I've decided to publish that book this year, instead of waiting until 2018.  I still have two other manuscripts that I can wait to complete and publish in 2018.  I will probably publish Seductra in June, to coincide with the 2-year publishing anniversary of Demure Nights; both books are similar in contact (Street Lit/Erotica).  Basically, I wanna do a marketing double-whammy for both projects. I'm just going through the final edits right now.  I've already designed the front and back cover for the book; all I have to do now is wait until I'm ready to publish it.  It's good when I can really take my time to work on a particular book project.

Speaking of publishing anniversaries....mine is coming up in February.  Next month makes it SEVEN years that I've been published.  Not to mention, February marks the 2-year publishing anniversary of The Chronicles of The Black Fist.  I'm really hoping to go hard in promoting that anniversary; seven years of consistently working on my craft, and celebrating the release of my first novel.  I have to admit, TCoTBF is a favorite project of mine, and I've been working really hard to promote it to the masses.  Hopefully, I can get to do more festivals, and other appearances, to help market it more.

Moving forward with the relocation plans!  I've suffered enough for 2 1/2 years struggling as a fulltime writer in NYC.  That place just isn't conducive to be an artist anymore; not unless you're a trust fund baby being bankrolled by filthy rich parents, and investors.  I've known a number of my fellow artivists and authorpreneurs that have left the city/state, and are doing MUCH better in their new home state.  Hoping to be out of here before the end of January.  Been looking into jobs, and looking for a place to crash.  If I have to start from scratch someplace else, then that's what I've gotta do.  Fuck it.

I'm looking to expand upon the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement.  I want to be able to (FINALLY) organize the annual Expo, as well as do some other extension programs.  Not really willing to go the nonprofit route with it; I don't care to be chasing people down for funding, just so I can organize an event.  I'm too much of a grassroots activist to be shilling for funding like that.  I've had a number of ideas rolling around in my head, I just don't have the support, finances, or manpower to enact them, especially not here in NYC.  Better to do them someplace else, where my efforts will be better appreciated.  I want to do a monthly/weekly showcase of local literary, poetic, and artistic talent (comic books).  I already have the idea written out (the Nommo Kuumba Literary & Poetic Showcase); I just have to be able to organize it, which is the issue.

That's all for now.  Just working on building up my writing career, relocating, and working on other activist and advocacy projects.  I'll keep you guys updated on my progress.

Keep the fist raised!!!!