Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Changing Time of November

 We have now entered into the month of NOVEMBER.  There are now officially only two months left in the year. The clocks have been moved back an hour, and election time has come.  It's time to gear up for the end of the year, and prepare for the coming new year.

To start with, I would like to celebrate the 11-year publishing anniversary of my second book "Raise Your Brown Black Fist 2: MORE Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino" (Outskirts Press, 2011).  A collection of political essays, and an extension of my second essay series 'Black Thoughts: A Political Ideological Perspective For Afro Latinos', I consider this book to be one of my treasures.  Available in both paperback & eBook formats, this is definitely a keeper for your bookshelf.




Also...November also marks the 6-month release of my latest novel, "Second Chance Points" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2022).  Sales are still flat, as usual.  I'm doing my part to promote it. Whatever...


On a lighter note, I now have a new handle on YouTube.  You can now view my channel by going to the new link www.youtube.com/@kevinsabio, and view all of my videos there.  You will be able to watch all of the episodes of 'The Rough Draft", as well as my book trailers. Please watch the videos, and subscribe to my channel when you get the chance.


Apparently, November is also National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo.  I've never participated in NaNoWriMo, as I don't like trying to write a novel in one month.  Usually, I just end up finishing writing the first draft of whatever novel/manuscript that I'm writing in November.  Don't ask me why; it just seems to happen that way for me.  I don't have anything slated for this year, so I don't think that I'll be publishing any new novels for next year.  I guess my poor sales have me too bummed out to write anything new, or finish any of my other work(s)-in-progress.


November also marks the start of my initiative, the "Holiday Economic Support Initiative".  It usually lasts from November into the new year, as a means to support Black-owned & Latino-owned businesses & entrepreneurs during the holiday season(s). I don't think that I'll be doing it this year, as I never get the response I feel the initiative deserves.  So, you won't be seeing me push it this year, or using the hashtags of #HESI, or #HolidayEconomicSupportInitiative.  It feels like a waste of my time, and nobody seems to care any mf way.


That'll be all for now.  Looking forward to shooting and posting the next TRD episode, and posting it on YouTube.  I'll keep you guys updated on my progress.


Keep the fist raised.





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