Monday, April 8, 2019

The Itch Is Still There....

Contrary to the title of this post, it ain't about catching an STD, lol, lol, lol, lol.  ;-)

Soooooo...I officially gave up on being involved in the film/television/video production field back in 2008.  I gave up on trying to get my foot in the door in NYC in 2006, when I initially left the city (the first time), and thought about trying my hand in greener pastures in the south, or the 'New South', as they were billing it.  Opportunities were opening up in the southern states, and I though that I might try my hand out there.  Be that as it may, the last project that I did, was to shoot and produce a dvd for the organization that I belonged to at the time; a benefit dinner made to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the existence of our local chapter.  Since these broke ass bamas ain't have no money to PAY me for my services, the deal was that I'd shoot and edit the event FOR FREE, and get hit off with a portion of the proceeds (60%-40% split, they got the majority). Since these simple minded bamas don't know how to sell shit, they wanted to complain about it being a bad deal, and want to try to reneg on our deal. After that bullshit, I was completly DONE.  I moved on to becoming a (self-published) author, after that.  I never wanted to become involved in video/film/television production again, after that experience.  Considering that I'd wasted my late teens and twenties trying to get my foot in the door, with no success, I might add...I was done with that whole field.

Apparently....the itch has never faded.

I've been telling you guys about this idea that I have for a new vlog called "The Rough Draft", right?  I wanted it to be styled after "Uncensored" on TVOne, except that my vlog was supposed to focused on writers (me, specifically), telling of our literary journyes from our perspective, raw and uncut.  Basically...telling it like a rough draft of a story.

The more that I think about it...the more that I'm interested in doing it, but in a more professional manner.  My background as a Communications major in now starting to kick in.  There's actually technology out there that can make the production of this show easy, and affordable.  You can shoot it on a smartphone, or tablet, rather than a video camera, and there are apps that you can download to edit the footage.  You don't even have to heavily invest in lighting, or microphones, which can make the production easier and cheaper (financially) to make.  As Arsenio Hall would say...things that make you say hmmmmmmmm....

I have the contacts through my networking group, the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement.  I know plenty of them that would LOVE to get that type of exposure.  I still have some other stuff to figure out, as far as the viewing outlet is concerned; should I just post it on YouTube, or create my own site for the UALAM?  I would at least need a camera person, and an editor to help me put it together, after all of the footage is shot.  Should it be my own thing, or an extension of the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement...?  Am I just overthinking this too much...?

I'll still keep working on the idea, and let you all know how it goes down.  I guess that itch never faded, after all.  I just needed to find my niche....

Kinda taking a break from writing, and trying to figure out this promotional thing.  Considering entering my book into this writing contest, and at least gain some exposure for my work, if I don't win.  I'm figuring out which titles I'm going to enter into it.  I'll keep you guys updated on that....

The Literary Arts Movement merch should be arriving this week!  Hopefully I can take a picture of my rocking the gear, and post it here, as well as on social media. Stay tuned for that!!!  :-)

Other that that...still job hunting, and chilling.

Keep the fist raised.

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