Monday, April 22, 2019

End of April Updates......

So far, this month seems to have gone by a bit slower than least to me, personally.  Oh well...

First, some news.  I finally broke down and decided to republish "Fiesta Girl" (Draft2Digital, 2018) as a paperback.  You can purchase your copy here:

I priced it lower than my other novels, simply because of the lower page count.  I'm hoping that this will help to boost the sales for it, since the sales for the novel solely as an eBook were abysmal, at best. Niccas claim that they wanna see diversity in books, but when you make shit available for them, they don't wanna support, unless you're being propped up by the mainstream machine.  Go figure, smdh...

Still out here, trying to promote "The Chronicles of The Black Fist: F.U.R.I. of the People" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2019).  Everybody seems to be on a superhero kick, when it comes to the powers-that-be with their commercial movies, but can't none of these sheeple support an indie author (or artists, for that matter) trying to push their own diverse character(s).  The novel has been out since JANUARY, and is available in BOTH paperback AND eBook formats.  What's the excuse for the nonsupport....?

There are a few cons and book fairs that I want to vend at.  I ended up missing Khem Comic Fest in Newark, NJ  :-(.  This weekend is another multicultural comic con called Newark Culture Con.  That'll be this weekend, April 27th.  Also, you have East Coast Black Age of Comics Convention (ECBACC) in Philly coming up next month in May (May 18th, to be exact).  I would like to be able to make it out there, even if I can't vend.  Since I finally got the Shirt and hat for the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement printed up, I can at least go out there, and represent for my organization, and be able to network and politic with some other indie creators.

I need to get back to vending at events, and doing panel discussions/speaking engagements.  Exposure is the only surefire way to get my work noticed, and gain SOME sort of support.  I have TEN books published, and yet I can't make a living off of them, collectively?!?!?!  That's mf SAAAAAD!!  

Taking a bit of a break from writing.  I haven't been as motivated lately to write.  I actually DO have at least two projects that I'm currently working on.  One novel is already complete, and I need to design a cover for it (Time Will Reveal); where as I'm still editing down the other one (Suicide Amy).  As I always say on social media, I'm ALWAYS  on my literary grind.

That's about it, so far.  Grab you copy of ANY AND ALL of my novels.  Give Fiesta Girl a chance; it's a decent storyline, especially since the lead characters are Afro Latino.

Keep the fist raised.

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