Monday, March 10, 2025

Marching into Spring & Women's History Month

 Welcome to the month of MARCH!!  The clocks are moving forward, the weather is changing, and in the sports's time for the NCAA basketball tournament to start! 😁😁😁😁


To start off, welcome to Women's History Month!!  Celebrating the achievements of the ladies and the sistas who have accomplished so much, and contributed to our advance as a society and a culture as a whole!!  Thank you for all that you've done.  Blessings to those ladies who are now ancestors...


Since we are now in the month of March...gotta represent for the publishing anniversaries of the books released this month.  Celebrating the eleven-year publishing anniversary of my Comedic Memoir "In My Lifetime: Funny Stories of Life Experiences". (Outskirts Press, 2014). 

This book has really enjoyed a life of its own.  A number of people have bought the physical version, or downloaded it over the year.  I'm proud of this project, and hope that it will continue to see success.


Also celebrating an anniversary in the month of March...celebrating the five-year publishing anniversary of my Science Fiction novel "Time Will Reveal" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2020).


I always felt that this was a really slept on novel.  I did what I could to promote it at the time of its release (no pun intended), but it never took off the way that I felt it could have.  Especially with it being released during COVID, I should have seen a lot more sales for this.  Oh, well...

Also celebrating a publishing anniversary...celebrating the five-year publishing anniversary for my Street Lit/Young Adult novel "Suicide Amy" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2020).


This book holds a special place in my heart, and I was happy to have published it.  As a screenplay, it was the first one that I'd ever written, and truly liked and enjoyed. I will always be proud of this project, and fell like it's completely slept on.  The story is gritty, but it's very relatable.  Especially in this day and age where every mothafucka has issues with anxiety, and other bullshit, this is a very relevant story that people could deeply identify with...

I need to work on another episode of The Rough Draft.  Posted the latest episode in February; the first one in 7 months.  Might need to invest in a new laptop, though.  My editor isn't working properly, and I think is has to do with the shit that initially messed up my laptop... πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

I recently participated in Smashwords' most recent online sale, the "Read An Ebook Week" sale.  It ran from Sunday, March 3rd to  Saturday, March 8th.  I had my books listed as 'free' during the sale, and actually moved a few book.  Sold about 13 books in total for that week.  Not bad at all, but the books were free!  Seem like I can never win...

That's all for now.  Will keep you guys updated on my progress.

Uhuru sasa, y paz.  Keep the fist raised!!




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