Monday, June 28, 2021

June Wrap-Up.......

 So, we are in the final three days of June.  It has been a rather uneventful month for me.  No new sales to report on.  My sales have flatlined for the past 2-3 months.  Yeah...people really support my writing career, smdh...

Guess what..?  The wypipo/'"da gov't" decided to make Juneteenth a federal holiday!!  (***EXTREME sarcasm dripping***)  Everybody was going all apeshit on social media celebrating it, posting a bunch of shit.  Where were y'all back in May during African Liberation Day, hmmmm...?  Or, are you nuccas only woke when wypipo are looking on?  I don't need them to tell me what cultural holidays of my people to celebrate.  Stop looking for they mf approval all the gd time!!!  Be your authentic Black/African self!  The Summer Solstice came & went, and I ain't hear a peep outta none of y'all!  Buncha happy asses, smdh...


Working on a new conversion project.  Finally decided to convert my women's basketball movie script "Second Chance Points" into a novel.  The conversion part is already complete, so now all I have to do is the editing.  It's actually going pretty well.  I have to admit, there's a lot that I have to add.  Details that I would normally take care of during pre- and post-production as a film, I have to fill in the blanks now, as a novel.  I have to add more characters, and give some background info, for others.  The process is going very well, though, and I'm very excited to finish this project.  If all goes well, I might even release 2CP as my next novel in 2022.  I'll let you guys know how it goes....

Still trying to complete "The Chronicles of The Black Fist: The Diaspora United".  I've been suffering through a bit of writer's block on that project.  I'm pretty much 80% - 85% done with the first draft; I just need to complete the final leg of the story.  The ending is pretty much already written, so I don't have to worry about that part.  I just need a way to finish wrapping up the final part of the story, right before the final chapter.  Of course, my work schedule kinda gets in the way of that, buuuuut what are you gonna do?  I need to earn a paycheck, since I can't make a living off of book sales.  Oh well...

That's all for now.  Hope to keep you guys in the loop for my other projects, and other literary progress.  I would appreciate a few reviews written about my books, if you've read any of them.  Reviews help a lot.  ANY type of feedback helps, a lot.

Keep the fist raised.




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