Friday, September 6, 2019

September Vibes

Once again, it's on....

Glad to be back online.  The day job has been dominating a lot of my free time, as usual.  I barely have the ability to do the things that I want to, to help boost my writing career, or to handle any business regarding the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement.  But....thems the breaks that you gotta live with when you have to pay the bills, and your dreams don't pay for them...

We are now in SEPTEMBER!!!!  Three quarters of the year is over already!!  :-O!!!!

September marks the NINTH month of the release "The Chronicles of The Black Fist: F.U.R.I. of the People" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2019).  Sales haven't been great, but I'm still pushing and promoting, regardless.  Hoping to take advantage of some end-of-year Christmas or Kwanzaa events to promote the project, since online sales ain't doing shit.

September also marks the beginning of Latino Heritage Month!!!!  Feliz el mes de la Herencia de Los Latinos!!!!  Viva mi gente, Afro Latino!!!  Soy negro, y orgullo!!!!  I usually take this time to promote local Latino events, as well as the publishing of my book series "Raise Your Brown Black Fist: The Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino" (Authorhouse, 2010), and "Raise Your Brown Black Fist 2: MORE Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino" (Outskirts Press, 2011).  Both projects are available in both paperback AND eBook formats.  I'm still considering writing a Part III to the book series, but I have yet to finish writing it.  I haven't been really motivated to finish the book , b/c of some of the shit that I've seen going on in the so-called Afro Latino Movement.  But I digress....


The Fall Season SoE list has been sent out for the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement.  If you're not already on our Mailing List, let me know of your interest, and I will add you to the list.  All that's needed, if your email address.  I'm still working on putting on some real world events, but it's rather hard; I neither have the time, nor the help necessarily to do that.  I still want to FINALLY organize the Expo, for once.  It's hard to have a movement, when it's actually one person doing all the work....

I'm working on completing the manuscript for my novel "Suicide Amy".  I guess it could be considered an YA Street Lit novel.  It was one of my first scripts that I completed years ago, and converted it into a novel.  I'm doing the rewrites as I type this, and I'm hoping to have it completed soon.  I'm already planning on publishing "Time Will Reveal" (2020???) next year; should I do a double release...?  If I finish editing the book before this year is out, I might consider it...

Other than that, I'm just going with the flow.  Once more month until my Earthday.  I usually get a little melancholy around this time of year, the older I get.  It doesn't help that September marks the one year anniversary of the ascencion of my brother-comrade Etaniel to the ancestral realm.

Well, that's it for me, for now.  I'll let you all know how things are going.  Hopefully, I'll be able to blog more than once a month, this month.  I barely get support as it is; I don't need to fall off here in cyberspace.

Keep the fist raised.....

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