Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Supporting Akoma Day

One thing that I've always suggested was for Afro Latinos to embrace more African/Afrocentric cultural traditions and expressions.  This is one that I've come to learn about a few years ago, and is starting to pick up steam (at least from my perspective).  Akoma Day is an alternative to to St. Valentine's Day, and lasts five days, from February 14 to February 20.  They follow a certain set of principles and virtues that are mean to help build a strong relationship between two people engaged in the relationship.  It has a strong foundation in building, not only a strong relationship, but also a strong family bond.  You can equate it with Kwanzaa, as it follows the same guidelines.  I don't see this as a 'made up holiday', but something that we can make culturally relevant to our everyday lives.

The creators of the holiday have a website available that further explains the holiday, and has published literature about it to express their philosophy on how to build a strong relationship to, not only strengthen your marriage, but also to help build a strong community.  They have outlets and celebrations in several cities; you try to find one that is close to you, and attend one of their events.  Or, you can contact the founders/creators of the holiday, and coordinate and event right in your own city/state/region.

Happy Akoma Day!!!



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