Monday, March 10, 2025

Marching into Spring & Women's History Month

 Welcome to the month of MARCH!!  The clocks are moving forward, the weather is changing, and in the sports's time for the NCAA basketball tournament to start! 😁😁😁😁


To start off, welcome to Women's History Month!!  Celebrating the achievements of the ladies and the sistas who have accomplished so much, and contributed to our advance as a society and a culture as a whole!!  Thank you for all that you've done.  Blessings to those ladies who are now ancestors...


Since we are now in the month of March...gotta represent for the publishing anniversaries of the books released this month.  Celebrating the eleven-year publishing anniversary of my Comedic Memoir "In My Lifetime: Funny Stories of Life Experiences". (Outskirts Press, 2014). 

This book has really enjoyed a life of its own.  A number of people have bought the physical version, or downloaded it over the year.  I'm proud of this project, and hope that it will continue to see success.


Also celebrating an anniversary in the month of March...celebrating the five-year publishing anniversary of my Science Fiction novel "Time Will Reveal" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2020).


I always felt that this was a really slept on novel.  I did what I could to promote it at the time of its release (no pun intended), but it never took off the way that I felt it could have.  Especially with it being released during COVID, I should have seen a lot more sales for this.  Oh, well...

Also celebrating a publishing anniversary...celebrating the five-year publishing anniversary for my Street Lit/Young Adult novel "Suicide Amy" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2020).


This book holds a special place in my heart, and I was happy to have published it.  As a screenplay, it was the first one that I'd ever written, and truly liked and enjoyed. I will always be proud of this project, and fell like it's completely slept on.  The story is gritty, but it's very relatable.  Especially in this day and age where every mothafucka has issues with anxiety, and other bullshit, this is a very relevant story that people could deeply identify with...

I need to work on another episode of The Rough Draft.  Posted the latest episode in February; the first one in 7 months.  Might need to invest in a new laptop, though.  My editor isn't working properly, and I think is has to do with the shit that initially messed up my laptop... 😔😔😔😔

I recently participated in Smashwords' most recent online sale, the "Read An Ebook Week" sale.  It ran from Sunday, March 3rd to  Saturday, March 8th.  I had my books listed as 'free' during the sale, and actually moved a few book.  Sold about 13 books in total for that week.  Not bad at all, but the books were free!  Seem like I can never win...

That's all for now.  Will keep you guys updated on my progress.

Uhuru sasa, y paz.  Keep the fist raised!!




Monday, February 17, 2025

Black History/Author Anniversary Month 2025

 We are now in the month of February.  Celebrating Black History Month, Akoma Day (Feb 14th-20th), and my Author Anniversary Month.  This month makes it FIFTEEN YEARS since I first published.


First off..... Happy Black History Month!!! Always celebrating our history and accomplishments 24/7/365.


Also....Happy Akoma Day!!  Nya Akoma!!!  Celebrating the 7 days of Akoma Day, representing for the seven principles, and the seven virtues!!!




Celebrating the fifteen year publishing anniversary of my first book ever, "Raise Your Brown Black Fist: The Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino" (Authorhouse, 2010).

Celebrating the ten-year publishing anniversary of my first novel (and fourth book) "The Chronicles of The Black Fist" (CreateSpace, 2015).




And finally...celebrating the seven-year publishing anniversary of my novel "Fiesta Girl" (Amazon Publishing, 2018).




Celebrating the publications of all those projects!!!  Fifteen years. That's a long time to be doing this.  I just wish that I could get the support that I feel that I deserve, considering all the hard work that I put into my writing career.  Oh, well...


Catch you guys next post...


Uhuru sasa, y Paz.  Keep the fist raised.





Monday, January 20, 2025

New Year Beginnings: Welcome to 2025

 Happy New Year!! Welcome to 2025!!!  Much has happened towards the end of last year, and it is time to ring in the new year with fresh energy, and a renewed perspective.


As we have entered into the month of  January, I need to promote my publishing anniversaries.  In the month of January, I will be celebrating the 6-year publishing anniversary of my novel "The Chronicles of The Black Fist: F.U.R.I. of the People" (2019), as well as the 4-year publishing anniversary of my female fight novel "Knuckle Up" (2021).  I am very proud of both projects, and just wish that they would receive the support that they both deserve.  Of course, I'm talking to the wind whenever I mention that...

A new president has taken office.  He's a fucking idiot.  Of course, as a revolutionary, I still say that we need to prepare for battle.  Get those baseball bats and machetes ready.  Learn some stickfighting, as well as working on your hand-to-hand combat skills.  Since most of y'all seem to be afraid of guns, or only want to get them legally, you need to learn other ways to defend yourselves.  Don't say that I didn't try to warn you...

Trying to improve on my promotional game this year.  Since my laptop seems to have been messed up a few months ago, I decided to break down, and buy me a video camera.  Hopefully, I can  now shoot episodes of The Rough Draft again.  And, since I now own a new video camera, I can actually start to do field productions.  I'm still learning how to use this camera, and getting used to some of its functions.  Hoping to post an new episode before the month is out.  Haven't been able to post any new episodes since July of last year...

Looking forward to (hopefully) publishing a new book this year.  This year makes it THREE years since I've published anything.  I'm off my personal schedule.  I'm hoping to complete Book III of The Chronicles of The Black Fist.  That's the closest manuscript that I have to completion. I've been feeling kinda antsy, not having published any books.


That's all for now.  Looking forward to chatting with you all again, next month.  Wondering if I should do a online eBook sale to celebrate my upcoming author anniversary...?  Tried it last year, and it wasn't very successful.  Let me know what you guys think...


Uhuru sasa, y paz.


Keep the fist raised!!!





Tuesday, December 10, 2024

December in Winter

 Wow...we're in the final month of the year!!  Time has flown by so quickly this year!!  It's about to be New Years, again!!  Has it been a full year already...?

Looking forward to celebrating the Winter Solstice.  Holiday tidings to those of you that celebrate Christmas, and a hearty harambee for my wadugu na wadada who celebrate Kwanzaa!!  Habari za Kwanzaa!! 😁😁😁😁😁

This year could have gone a lot better for me.  My digital sales drives for my eBooks were sorely lacking.  I still haven't been able to do any in-person appearances, like I wanted to do, and my overall sales sucked ass.  Not to mention, my financial troubles that I'd dealt with during the middle of the year, and my stint with homelessness.  Thankfully, I'm more stable, now.  I have a much more consistent work schedule, and have a good amount of money saved up.  I'm sloooowly getting back on my feet.  Getting my holiday bonus from my day job recently helps a lot!!!

Going into 2025, I definitely want to step my game up.  I'm hoping to publish this coming year, hopefully one of the books for my Black Fist series.  If I'm going to publish anything, I can at least get those books out.  None of my other books seems to have any type of traction. I can always focus on that book series, and work the comic book convention circuit (specifically, the Black comicons).


My webcam has been down since July, so I haven't been able to shoot any new episodes of The Rough Draft for YouTube.  My two remaining options for next year, is to either buy a new laptop and use it exclusively for the production of the web series, or buy me a camcorder to shoot the episodes.  Now that I have a bit of money in my pocket, neither expense would kill me financially, and I'll still have enough breathing room to take care of my bills, and still add funds to my savings.  I've been consistent for the last five years with the series....despite the lack of support, why stop now...?


Since my work schedule is more consistent, I'm hoping to be able to vend at some local events.  I might be able to have a bit of an impact on some of the smaller events, if I'm able to time it right.  As long as nothing financially disastrous happens to me next year, I should be able to vend at an event, or two.  The superhero novel series might have a better impact if I'm face-to-face selling it to people.


That's all for now.  My only resolution for next year is to be the best version of my that I can be.  I'll continue to keep you guys updated.  Uhuru sasa, y paz!!


keep the fist raised!!!





Sunday, November 17, 2024

The Cool Fall of November....

 Back again, my peoples.  Two months are left in the year.  Time really has flown by, hasn't it...?

Welcome to the month of November.  In the month of November, we have the thirteen-year publishing anniversary of my second book, "Raise Your Brown Black Fist 2: MORE Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino" (Outskirts Press, 2011).  I'm very proud of this particular book, and wish that it got more support and recognition (as I feel with ALL my books).


November 2nd commemorated the 1930 coronation of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia.  It is also the Black nationalist holiday Black Solidarity Day in the United States.  Not too many people celebrate either occasion, but I always try to incorporate our culture into my everyday lifestyle.  Celebrating our holidays and historical cultural milestones is very important...especially passing that on to our youth to continue the traditions...  

The national election was held, recently.  The idiot that won in 2016 got voted back into office.  That confirms it...the people of this country are truly fucking stupid.  Unfortunately, I am unable to execute my escape plan.  My money ain't right, and I still haven't gotten my passport done.  That's partially on me.  At the same time, I haven't really been stable, financially or otherwise, in a few years.  At the same revolutionary ass needs to get myself ready for what may come.  I need to get my ass back into fighting shape, and invest in a machete (and...learn some stick fighting on top of that...)... 

Haven't been able to upload an episode of "The Rough Draft" to YouTube in a hot minute.  Something is wrong with my laptop, whereas I am unable to use my webcam (among other things).  I've thought about investing in a handycam camcorder, and using that to shoot some episodes, as well as investing in another laptop, and using that exclusively to shoot and edit content for my YouTube Channel.  If my money was a little better, I probably would do that.  Of course...option number three is to stop making episodes.  Nobody seems to be watching my videos, anyway.  Why bother to continue...? 😢😢😢😢😢😢

I've decided to not do anymore online eBook sales through Smashwords for the remainder of the year.  People haven't support ANY of the sales that I've done this year, no matter how much online promotion I do.  It's just not worth it.  It doesn't cost me any money to do, per se; it's just the fact that the sales never get supported, and I never make any profits from it.  So, what's the point in continuing to do the sales...?  Apparently people can't seem to afford my eBooks at half price...which is basically ONE FUCKING DOLLAR!!!  😐😐😐😐😡😡😡😡😡

Oh well, I'll decide if I'm going to continue any eBook sales next year.  This one is a wrap.

See you in December!!  I'll let you know more about my literary progress next month.  If you celebrate the holiday, Happy Thanksgiving!!  Uhuru sasa, y paz!!!

Keep the fist raised!!!


Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Falling Into September & October

 Okay, yep...I have reeeeeeeally fallen off.  I can admit that.  It's been a hot minute since I've posted.  My bad, y'all.  I haven't even been all that busy...I just didn't feel like posting.  I kept putting it off.  Now...?  It's been almost 2 months since I posted. Oooooops!!! 😲😲😲😲😲😲

September was the celebration of Latino Heritage Month.  Didn't really do anything for it.  I was planning on doing an eBook sale on Smashwords to celebrate it, but thought better of it.  Nobody seems to be supporting any of my eBook sales, so why fucking bother...?  Going into Labor Day weekend, I was able to attend a local event out here in Raleigh; the African American Cultural Festival of Raleigh & Wake County.  I was lucky enough to get to attend it last year, at least for one day.  Went down there, bought some items, then jetted back home.  It was hot af out there, and I didn't like the vibe.  Didn't really feel any level of Black solidarity from the people that attended.  Plus, you saw a lot of white people out there.  Not my type of scene.  Just glad that I was able to get my hands on some shea butter, and body oils.  I can't seem to find none of that shit out here.  Bama ass town...


There was also a Latino festival out here called La Fiesta Del Pueblo, to kick off Latino Heritage Month.  I was actually off for that weekend, but decided not to go.  I don't have any of my paraphernalia out here, save for my blue Honduras soccer jersey.  I usually like to wear my wristbands and hats to shit like that.  It usually helps to lessen any stares or dirty looks that I get when I attend things like that, since moving out of NY.  I could've worn a face mask that I'd painted of the Honduran flag, but naaaaah.


So, my birthday passed in October.  I am now an official member of the 50+ club.  I'm actually fucking FIFTY!!!  😲😲😲😲


Not to mention, my oldest nephew just turned 26.  My ass is starting to feel really, really old now...


Didn't do anything for my birthday. Firstly, I had to work on the actual day.  Secondly, I did have the weekend after it off, but still chose not to do anything.  I did buy myself some books for my own reading pleasure.  They were books on African martial arts.  Hopefully, reading them will inspire me to finally finish some of my unfinished manuscripts.  I haven't published in a little over 2 years.  Considering how poorly my sales have been, my motivation factor is pretty nonexistent.


The year is flying by.  Hopefully, I'll be a little more consistent with my blog posts.  Hoping to end the year on a strong note.


Uhuru sasa, y paz!!  Keep the fist raised!!!





Friday, August 2, 2024

The Rising Heat of Revolutinary Black August

 Welcome to the month of AUGUST.  We are in the last legs of the summer season.  Time is flying by this year, as the summer is coming to a close, and the new school year is just about upon us. It's also about to be football season, for all you football maniacs out there....

In the month of August, I will be celebrating the 9-year publishing anniversary of my poetry book "Spittin' Lyrics N Waxin' Poetic" (Draft2Digital, 2015).  Originally posted only in eBook format, it's been made available as a paperback for about a year, now. I wouldn't say that it's my best work, but you're able to see me be lyrical with my pen, and hit you guys off with some poetic prose; especially with the love poems.  Hope that you support that project...

Soooo....the Smashwords Summer/Winter Sale was a complete bust.  I didn't sell ANY eBooks for the entire month of July.  I'm not actually surprised, nor am I completely mad about it.  It's actually what I expected to happen, so I wasn't greatly disappointed.  The people who I fuck wit online just aren't my true fans.  Any jackass can press a 'like' button, and keep it moving; a real fan would support the sale, purchase something, and help to spread the word to their circle of associates.  I just need to get back out there, and do the whole festival circuit to generate some hand-to-hand sales.  Quite obviously, this online shit just ain't working. 

August will also mark the 5-year production anniversary of my web series "The Rough Draft".  Started on August 23rd of 2019, I started shooting and posting the episodes on YouTube.  Been five years strong, and the production values have increased slightly.  Still don't get a whole lot of subscribers or views, but fuck it....I actually enjoy doing the videos.  If you're not my fan that consistently watches the series, then fuck you, and your entire family bloodline. You're missing out on some good content.

August also make it three years since I moved to Raleigh.  It's going pretty good for me, and I don't see myself wanting to leave here anytime soon.  Other than wanting to relocate to the continent, I like it here. It's still affordable to live here (for the time being), and I feel at ease.  Once I'm a little more settled in my new apartment, I'm hoping to get back onto my literary grind.  My w.i.p.'s are stagnant as hell, and I'm behind schedule with my book releases.  I value the break form publishing my books, but I have my own personal goals to achieve and reach.  At least my work schedule makes it easier to get that done, I'm sooooo mf glad I left that other job!!!

Well, that all for now, mi gente.  I'll keep you guys updated on my other plans.  Catch you guys next time!!! 😁😁😁😁😁

Uhuru sasa, y paz.  Keep the fist raised!!!
