Monday, February 17, 2025

Black History/Author Anniversary Month 2025

 We are now in the month of February.  Celebrating Black History Month, Akoma Day (Feb 14th-20th), and my Author Anniversary Month.  This month makes it FIFTEEN YEARS since I first published.


First off..... Happy Black History Month!!! Always celebrating our history and accomplishments 24/7/365.


Also....Happy Akoma Day!!  Nya Akoma!!!  Celebrating the 7 days of Akoma Day, representing for the seven principles, and the seven virtues!!!




Celebrating the fifteen year publishing anniversary of my first book ever, "Raise Your Brown Black Fist: The Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino" (Authorhouse, 2010).

Celebrating the ten-year publishing anniversary of my first novel (and fourth book) "The Chronicles of The Black Fist" (CreateSpace, 2015).




And finally...celebrating the seven-year publishing anniversary of my novel "Fiesta Girl" (Amazon Publishing, 2018).




Celebrating the publications of all those projects!!!  Fifteen years. That's a long time to be doing this.  I just wish that I could get the support that I feel that I deserve, considering all the hard work that I put into my writing career.  Oh, well...


Catch you guys next post...


Uhuru sasa, y Paz.  Keep the fist raised.

