Wednesday, December 23, 2015

HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!! Updated Author Book Trailer

I just wanted to wish all of you happy holidays.  To those of you that have stuck by me as true friends, and fans of my literary and activist work...thank you SO much for all of your support!  It is truly appreciated.  I know that I've gone off a few time on here, so I need ot thank you for bearing with me through the low times.   Here's to a better 2016!

I've updated the Author Book Trailer that I'd created.  I've changed the music up from the last time.  I hope that you'll be able to view it and enjoy it.  You can (hopefully) see the trailer here:

I hope that you'll be able to enjoy it.  So, may you enjoy the Winter Solstice, have a very Merry Christmas, have a VERY Happy Kwanzaa, and may you all have a blessed, prosperous, and positive New Year.  Here's hoping that things will change around onto the positive side in 2016!

Paz!!!  :-D

Thursday, December 17, 2015

UPDATES: End-of-year progress

Well...I'm trying to end the year (or, at least this week) on a good & strong note.

I have an end-of-year literary event that I'm going to on Saturday night (Dec 19th).  I'm looking forward to it, specifically because it gets me the hell out of the house.  I've been pretty complacent lately, mostly due to lack of funds.  It's very hard to travel when you're broke.

I recently found out that the company that published my eBooks has added another distributor to their staple.  My eBooks are now available through a carrier called 24Symbols.  You can click the link to my books here:

You'll be able to have access to my titles "The Chronicles of The Black Fist", "Demure Nights", and "Spittin' Lyrics N Waxin' Poetic".  Apparently, 24Symbols also has access to the market in Spain.  I hope that this bodes well for me.  I've been promoting 24Symbols to my other social media accounts.

The Winter Solstice, Christmas, and Kwanzaa are all next week.  I was hoping to get out of town for the holidays (specifically Kwanzaa since it lasts an entire week), but I don't know if that'll happen.  I've cut off quite a few people over the past year+ that I've been back in NYC, and my funds are nonexistent for travel.  Hopefully, something will pop off.

I've been working on an Author Book Trailer to promote myself, and my literary works.  I hope that I'll be able to upload it here for your viewing pleasure.

I hope that you will be able to view it.  I've actually fallen off on my media/video production skills over the last few years.  I can write, shoot, and edit a project, but learning all of the ins and outs of uploading/downloading media files still escapes me.

So, that's what I have so far.  May you all enjoy the holidays, and may the coming new year be a prosperous one for you.  I'm looking forward to getting this ratchet ass year over with, and start over with a new beginning, and some positive energy.

Friday, December 11, 2015

End-of-Year Review...

So 2015 is coming to a close (finally)........

This has NOT been a very good year for me.  The only positives for me was the fact that I'd published at least three books this year; two paperback novels, and an eBook of poetry.  I feel very accomplished to have achieved that feat, but it's rather bittersweet since I don't feel like I'm getting the (financial) support that I deserve.

I'm hoping to turn around my fortunes for next year. I still have plans to move out of the state.  New York may be my home state, but fuck this place.  I haven't felt supported since I came back.  I basically wasted a good year and a half of my life, and for what?!  It's like that old can never go back home again.  Brooklyn isn't the same place as it was before.  It's lost it's identity, originality, and soul.  Fuck these new jacks, and gentrifiers; they bring nothing to the table except stagnation.

I'm considering publishing a new project in 2016; a short story anthology.  I'm pretty much in the final editing stages right about now.  I might release it in late spring/early summer of 2016.  I want to focus more on doing the festival circuit in the coming new year.  I seriously fell off my game doing that last year, primarily due to lack of funds.  Even with the few event that I DID do this past year, I didn't earn much of anything, if anything at all.  It seems best to get the fuck OUT of New York, and focus my works elsewhere.  I miss traveling to different states, as well as interacting with the people at these events.  Niggaz here in NY be on some bullshit, and act like they can't support you.  Hopefully, I'll be able to remedy that in 2016.

I'm trying to work on expanding my UNIVERSAL AFRICANA LITERARY ARTS MOVEMENT & EXPO project.  I want to be able to (finally) do the Expo again; I haven't been able to hold one since it's first incarnation, and that was back in '08.  I want to do more with "the Movement" and be able to expand it's program.  Of course, I would need HELP doing it, which nobody ever wants to give.  Everybody wants to benefit from your work, but never wants to PUT the work in.  Perhaps in this new location, I can finally get "the Movement" off the ground the way that I it want to.

I currently have no plans for Kwanzaa; I can't afford to do any of the Kwanzaa events that I do know about anyway.  I would actually like to spend the last two week of the remaining year out of state, just to recharge my energies.  Hopefully, I can make that happen.  I'm sick of the negative energy that I'm dealing with here in NYC.

So, here's to a better new year.  May the more positive energies embrace me, and help to propel me to a more prosperous result.  I'll continue to try to make things happen, and keep you all up to date.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Mosaic Literary Conference 2015

I will DEFINITELY be in the house for this event!  Repping for my peoples out in the Bronx!  I was able to attend last year, and really enjoyed it, and got to make some great connections.  Looking forward to a return engagement.

Mosaic Literary Conference
November 12, 2015
Bronx Museum
1040 Grand Concourse
Bronx, NY 10456

Conference starts at 11am.

FREE event, and open to the public.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Puerto Rican Authors Book Expo/ Puerto Rican Artisans Fair & Exhibit 2015

Don't know if I'll be able to make this, as there is another event going on that same day, and at that same time.  But, since I know of the organizers, I definitely wanted to help to promote their event.

Mark your calendars, and please come thorugh!!!

4th Annual Puerto Rican Authors Book Expo
1st Annual Puerto Rican Artisans Fair & Exhibit
November 21, 2015
Hostos Community College
450 Grand Concourse
Bronx, NY

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Ujamaa Effect: Putting "El Negro" in Viernes Negro [Holiday Hustle]

It's that time of year again for me, and other indie creative content creators....

The holidays are coming up, and it's time for all of us indies to fight for your dollars along side the big industry behemoths of the world that have all of the marketing power at their disposal.  In recent years, they've tried to expand it beyond the usual confines of just "Black Friday".  It is now Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and more recently added, Cyber Sunday.  My usual plan is to constantly promote my published works from November, all the way up to February, taking advantage of not only "Black Friday" after Thanksgiving, but also Christmas, Kwanzaa, MLK's Birthday, and Black History Month.

I think that people need to work harder at supporting our entrepreneurs and indie artists, and not just give our money away to these big conglomerates and box stores.  I know too many of my fellow content creators who are struggling to get supported by the consumer community, especially our own people.  Our people like to complain a lot, but don't really back up a lot of their complaints with any real concrete action.  There are too many of us that are promoting the heck out of our works online, and not getting any type of support.

Let's try to really support our Black/Brown entrepreneurs.  Speaking for myself, my works are all available online at, Barnes & Noble [], and Books-A-Million [].  You can also go to the publisher's site for each book, to purchase a copy during the holidays.

So...lets REALLY try to put the 'black' into Black Friday.  Let's talk with our dollars, and really show some financial 'black/brown power'.  If we really do have TRILLIONS in disposable income, then lets spend that money wisely, and with our own.

Raise Your Brown Black Fist: The Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino
Publisher: Authorhouse

Raise Your Brown Black Fist 2: MORE Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino
Publisher: Outskirts Press

In My Lifetime: funny Stories of Life Lessions
Publisher: Outskirts Press

The Chronicles of The Black Fist
Publisher: Createspace

Demure Nights
Publisher; CreateSpace

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

1st Afrodescendant Puerto Rican Congress

Taking place in Viejo San Juan (Old San Juan), Puerto Rico
November 9-12, 2015

Celebrating the African roots of Puerto Rico!!!


Friday, October 23, 2015

The Ujamaa Effect Redux

Been trying to wrap my head around this for a while now....

So my birthday passed a few weeks ago.  I am now 41.  What exactly have I accomplished...?

What?!?!?!  Why would you say that?!  How can you say that?!?!?!

Easily.  How many of you have actually contributed to my literary "success"?

Go ahead....I'll wait.  I've got time.....

**crickets chirping**

My lack of support has really got me questioning this path that I'm on.  I DON'T want to go back to being a wage slave, working day in and day out as some job that won't fulfill me, just to make a check.  That's the whole reason I started on this journey.  I first started out trying to be a screenwriter, and wanting to break into films.  I could never find any people that were willing to work with me on any of my script projects (of which I have MANY).  I wasn't trying to work FOR the industry, I just wanted to work IN it.  If I have to explain the difference to you, then you're NOT the right person to read this post.  I've wasted most of my twenties, into my mid thirties being on that journey.  That's what really steered me towards being an author.  It was more of a solitary project, and I didn't need to deal with anyone else's bullshit ego/issues.

My books cover diverse subject matters; two nonfiction political books, one nonfiction comedic memoir, two novels (one erotic, one action/adventure), and an eBook of poetry.  You would think that I would be able to generate SOME sort of cash flow from all those different titles, right...?


But, if I complain about it, I get some bullshit artist talking about, "You need to learn how to better market you books!".'ve SEEN the damn link posts to my shit, and all you've ever done was pressed the damn "like" or "favorite" button!! Fuck you mean, I need to learn how to better market my book?!?!  Stop pressing the fucking "like" button, and BUY the damn thing!!!

I've seen people make a lot of complaints on social media about what we don't have.  I know PLENTY of creative artists/content producers who are making these products that the mass claim don't exist; comic books with Black/Brown lead characters, children's books for children of color, independent films, etc.   People just need to do ONE simple thing...


I've always wanted to make a living using my creative skills for the benefit of my community.  At the same time, I'm not going to continue down this path if I'm not going to be supported.  It's a waste of time on several fronts.  Why put forth all of this energy to create these products, produce them, and promote them...if nobody is going to support you?  This isn't a hobby for most of us; it's a part of who we are, what we do.  Many of us put a lot of time and effort into what we produce.  If we're working hard to make our products/projects available to you, the least that you in the community can do is support us, and help to spread the word.

I have several projects planned for publishing next year.  Now, I'm wondering if I should even bother.  I haven't been supported very much the past year+, so now I'm wondering if it's even worth it to continue?  Especially with these rhetoric spewing zealots, talking all this crap about supporting Black businesses and entrepreneurs, I haven't seen much of THEIR support either.

Are we really about, what we say we're about..?

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Stories From the Dominican Diaspora: Open Mic Event [La Galeria Magazine]

Got this from my peoples that work at La Galeria Magazine.  Please mark your calendars, and make it out to their event.  Pass the word on!!!

Stories of the Dominican Diaspora
Open Mic
November 7, 2015
New York, NY
7pm; $5 suggested donation

Monday, October 5, 2015

A Night In Cuba: Latin American Community Center event 10/10/2015

Apparently, Wilmington, DE has a very vibrant and active Latino community out there.  I'm hoping to get the opportunity to go down there, and check out one of their events, sometime soon.  Help to spread the word!!!

A Night in Cuba
Doubletree Hotel
700 N. King Street
Wilmington, DE

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wilmington Boricua Fest 2015

Really hoping that I could road trip out to this!  Maybe if I had found out about this sooner.  I would like to check it out for myself.  I missed the last event cause my ride did me dirty.  I'll eventually make it out to one of their events.

Boricua Fest
October 4, 2015
Wilmington, DE
12pm to 8pm

Books & Breakin' in the South Bronx

Just found out about this earlier this week.  Obviously, I need to check certain email inboxes more often, or cut down on the number of email addresses that I have...

This will be going on in the Bronx, NY.  The event will run from 3:30pm to 5pm on the corner of 163rd Street and Simpson Street.  I believe that the best way to get there is on the 2/5 train to Simpson Street.  The event is being presented by Total Equity Now Harlem, and Casista Mamita Center for Arts & Education.  It is FREE and open to the public.

Hope to see you there!  Help to spread the word!!!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Upcoming Latino Heritaeg Month Events.....

Just found out about some of these events.  One is local, while the other is out of state from me.  Thought that you guys would appreciate this information, though....

This event is being organized by the Malik Fraternity, and will be held this coming Saturday, October 3rd.  It will be held here in NYC at the Schomburg Center, in the American Negro Theater.  They will be featuring Felipe Luciano, who has just recently published a new book.

And also....

For any of my peoples that are located in the state of Ohio, SolCon: The Brown + Black Comix Expo will be held from Friday, October 2nd to Sunday, October 4th.  For those of us that are heavily into comic book (myself included), here is a comic book event dedicated to comic book creators of color.  It will be held in OSU's campus at Columbus, Ohio, and is FREE and open to the public.

Continuing to celebrate Latino Heritage Month!  I may not be holding my own event(s), but that doesn't mean I can't help other to promote theirs!  Help to spread the word!  :)

Thursday, September 24, 2015

AFTERMATH: Big Literary Weekend

It too me a while ot get around to writing this.  This is actually quite a positive post.

I had a really good weekend, this past weekend that just passed from the 18th to the 20th.  I was able to hook up with some literary contacts that I had, and involve myself in some activities that were going on around here.  Considering the string of bad luck and misery that I'd been going through lately, I would say that this good fortune was much deserved.

I was able to hook up (at the last minute) with my peoples at the Caribbean Cultural Theatre, an organization that focuses primarily on Caribbean-American and Caribbean authors/poets based in the United States.  I know the founder/organizer personally, and we have been in contact with each other for a few years now (primarily through the internet).  When I finally moved back home, was when we finally got the chance to meet each other in person.  Anyway....I knew ahead of time that they were supposed to be having a "bookend" event on Friday, the 18th; a literary event leading up top the Brooklyn Book Festival on Sunday, the 20th.  I wasn't even sure if I was going to be able to attend either event due to my serious lack of funds.  That's when the brother offered me the opportunity to work as a volunteer at his event.  (It helped that he offered to compensate me for my services).

Of course...I jumped at the chance to help.

I basically worked as a "gofer" for his event on Friday (go for this...go for that, lol, lol).  I actually had a lot of fun, when I wasn't running around like a mad man.  I got to enjoy the program, and not have to pay to attend.  it reminded me of back when I used to volunteer for some Black film festivals in NYC in my younger days.  It also helped that i knew a few of the authors that were there participating in the event.

The big one was on Sunday, the Brooklyn Book Festival.  I helped to man the booth for the Caribbean Cultural Theatre, which was shared by two other organizations representing Caribbean authors; Read Jamaica (obviously based out of Jamaica), and Caribbean Reads (based in St. Kitts/Nevis).  I had a lot of fun, and really enjoyed interacting with the attendees in the crowd.  We signed up a good number of people to the CCT Mailing List, as well as selling a number of books by the associated authors.  I even snuck a few of my own titles in there, and sold a copy.  ;)

So, the weekend ended very well for me.  My spirits have been renewed, and being that the Autumnal Equinox has just passed, a renewed sense of purpose has filled my being.  I hope that this bodes well for my future plans at relocation as well.  I am now refocused, and charging ahead.   

Until next time...

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Literacy Across Harlem March, Book Drive, & Community Celebration!!!

I'm hoping to make it out to this event up in Harlem.  It's on this coming Saturday, September 19th.  I've already been sharing it on FB and Twitter.  It's being organized by a great organization called Total Equity Now, based in Harlem.  To find out more about the organization and their upcoming event, please go to their website for more information.

Literacy Across Harlem March, Book Drive, & Community Celebration
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Harlem, NY
12pm to 3pm

Please come out and support, and help to spread the word!!!!

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Road Trip That Wasn't

This is going to be a little bit of a rant session....

So, I was supposed to go on a road trip out of town this past weekend to a Latino cultural event in Wilmington, Delaware.  I'd found out about the event about two months ago, sometime in mid-July, and told my "friend" about it.  We're pretty much unofficial partners, though I end up doing most (actually all) of the work, and research.  He was supposed to be my ride to the event, considering that I don't drive, nor own a car.

He left for a trip out of the country last month for three weeks, and then returned.  You'd think that all was good, and straight, right?  He comes back acting all brand new, and acting like he doesn't know how to answer his fucking phone.  I tried to chase him down for the last two weeks to confirm shit (among other matters, that I wanted to deal with him about), and it took me forever to get into contact with him.  Firstly, he gets the fucking day wrong, considering that I'd sent him a shit load of information about the damn thing (flyers, the application, my email correspondence with the festival organizer).  Then, he starts to cop pleads about, "Oh...I don't know if Ima be able to make it...", and other bullshit like that, like I just sprung this on him the other day.  Considering that he's been acting like a bitch since I told him about my plans to relocate, this really irritated me.  If this was a last minute thing, I would understand; I told this nigga about this shit damn near two fucking months ago!!!  He's claiming to be working a lot at his job;'s a cab driverDon't act as if you can't talk and drive at the same fucking time!

This is the reason why I want to leave so bad.  Cats be mad unreliable, and selfish about shit.  Everybody wants to benefit from what they can get from me, and not do shit in return.  The trip was also supposed to be a fact finding/research mission for me as far as relocating is concerned.  It was also supposed to be an opportunity for me to network with some people and/or organizations out there.  He fucked up that opportunity for me, and it wasn't the first time.  There was another event out there that I'd wanted to get out to, but again, he shitted on me by not answering his fucking phone.

If I had the money to travel, I would just go down there myself, instead of having to rely on others.  It's really starting to get to a point where I just need to look out for myself, and not worry about trying to help and carry others, as other author friends of mine have told me.  I know that that's not really in my nature, especially as an activist, but if I want to progress in my writing career, I need to be on that "self" tip.  Nobody is going to help me to progress in my career, and sell my books, but ME.  Not to mention, I'm sick of bending over backwards to help people, and not getting shit in return when I need that same support and assistance.

I'm now more determined that ever to move the fuck away from this bullshit ass city.  I'm tired of the wack ass people out here, and the lack of support.  I'm just going to continue to plan my escape from this shithole, and get the hell out of here once the opportunity presents itself.  I've had enough...

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Currently Progressing.....

So, I've written SIX books in FIVE years time.  Not bad at all, wouldn't you say?  I'm currently working on books #7, 8, and 9.  I'm also conceptualizing books #10, 11, and 12 (really, I'm considering writing literary adaptations to some screenplays that I've written).  If I continue on the pace that I'm on, I might have #7 published by the end of this year.  Don't know if it's worth it to do that, or wait until early next year to publish it....

Still trying to relocate out of state. I've been doing a lot of online research on my relocation, finding out more about the new city that I want to move to.  I've been looking into jobs, and organizations that are out there, and options to focus on my Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement project;  I think that it would be a better outlet to explore, than focusing on The Consortium of Afro Latino Communities.  I never seem to garner the support that I feel that I deserve pushing that particular project, so I'm putting it on the back burner for now....

I'm hoping to do some traveling this fall, but that's kinda sketchy.  I would need money to travel, which I don't have right now.  I don't currently have a day job, which I really don't want to get one, but I need to have some sort of income.  The book sales aren't going the way I want them too AT ALL, so I need an alternative means to subsist.  I hate being in "starving artist" mode; people know that your shit exists, but don't really want to financially support you.  I know that freedom ain't free, but come the fuck on, people!  I'm sick and tired of wasting my time, talent, and intelligence for someone else's benefit at a regular day job.  But, without that support, I can't survive.

I'm definitely trying to focus my attention more OUTSIDE of New York.  Shit hasn't worked out for me here, so it's time for me to say adios carajo.  This year+ has been a bit of a waste of time, so it's time to search out new horizons.  I'm still working on promoting my literary works via email and social media, whatever the hell that's been worth.  I get "likes" and "favorites", but everyday when I log onto my publishers' website to check my sales, I haven't move not one damn unit; paperback OR ebook.  I need to find a way to target potential readers overseas, cause apparently, niggas here in America DON'T read (and some are even PROUD that they don't read).  Not much of a way to make a living, is it?

I'll keep you all updated on my progress.  I'm hoping to make it out to this Latino cultural event in a few weeks.  At least it will get me the hell out of NYC for a few hours.  Here's to hoping that my books will get me to travel.

Uhuru sase, y paz

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wilmington Hispanic Parade & Festival

Hoping to make it out to this.  It's not an Afro Latino event, but something that I want to attend nonetheless.  I won't be vending here, but I still want to be able to check it out.

Wilmington Hispanic Parade & Festival
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Wilmington, DE

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Spittin' Lyrics N Waxin' Poetic [Poetry Ebook]

My latest literary project!  A poetry book, featuring a collection of previously unreleased material that I've written over the years.  Wanted to show a different side of my creativity this time around.

Available in ebook format ONLY!!!  Available through Nook, Kobo, iTunes, Page Foundry, Scribd, and Oyster

Only $2.99!!! ISBN #: 9781516327188

Spread the word, and PLEASE SUPPORT!!!!  

Friday, August 14, 2015

Da Latest....

So, I'm continuing to do research into the new city that I want to relocate to.  I've actually been looking into relocating for about a month and a half already, before I even announced it here.  I'm now trying to make some connections there on the ground; networking with groups and people, researching possible employment opportunities, etc.  I wouldn't say that I'm trying to hit the ground running when I finally do move, but I just want to be prepared for when I finally get there.  I'm sick of being here, and need a change of scenery.  I'm tired of being broke, hungry, and frustrated.  I need piece of mind.

I'm considering working on a new literary project.  I'm putting together an ebook-only project; as in it will only be available in ebook format.  I'm compiling the project together now, and am considering my cover art options.  I don't want to say what the project is that I'm working on exactly at this point, but it will definitely be something different, and very creative.  I'll just say for now, that it encompasses some previously unreleased works that I've written in my past.  Stay tuned for more...

I'm still working on my other official literary projects.  I'm actually in the middle of writing several novels.  of the titles that I'm currently working on, I'm writing the draft for the sequel to "The Chronicles of The Black Fist".  It's an interesting universe that I've created, and I'm looking to expand upon it, possibly turning it into a series.  I'm also trying to complete two Sci-Fi novels that I've been working on for the past few years.  I'm also contemplating turning some of my screenplay ideas into novels. I have two of them that I think would work well as novels, and have already started working on them.  I'm not working on them as consistently as I should, since I'm now concentrating on moving, but they're still getting attention.  Maybe after I finally move and get settled into my new home base, I'll begin to work on them full blast.  Since the storyline  and character development is already there, the only thing that I really have to worry about is finally writing it out.

I know that I'm being a bit Secret Squirrel about where I'm planning on moving to.  I just want to have everything confirmed before I announce where I'll be moving to.  I'm not one of those types of people that will announce that I'm doing something, and then just not do it.  Unless there's some sort of official delay, I want to keep it under wraps until I feel that it's necessary to publicly broadcast it.  The one thing that I will say about it, is that I'll probably be returning to the Mid Atlantic region; it's conveniently located, as far as any travel that I want to do for my books.  I can travel to points in the north such as NY, Jersey, CT, and Boston, or points south such as my old stomping ground of Bmore, DC, parts of VA, and so on.  As it is, I was hoping to be able to travel because of my books, and have completely fallen off in that respect.  I was too busy focusing on this bullshit city, instead of just trying to be out and about.  Hopefully, I can rectify that once I move.

So, here's to the advancement of my travel plans, and the furtherance of my writing career.  I'll let you all know when my latest ebook project is released.  Hopefully, this newest project will actually be supported.  I'm sick of people just pressing the stupid ass "like" button, and not supporting my literary works.  I'm trying to make a damn living at this; the least that you can do is financially support me.  But, I digress...

Stay tuned!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Altered States

I wanted to do something special, considering that this makes my 150th blog post.  Unfortunately, I couldn't come up with anything really significant, other than the subject matter for this particular post.  So, here we go...

Firstly, any and all versions of The Consortium of Afro Latino events are hereby suspended for the remainder of the year, until further notice.  Considering that nuccas never come out to support it anyway, it's one less headache that I have to worry about, as far as organizing is concerned.  Why bother wasting my time putting something together that nobody is going to attend, any?

Secondly, I am concentrating my efforts out of state.  Considering the lack of support that I've received for the past year+, especially with this being my hometown, why continue to waste my efforts in a place where no one is bothering to support you?  I am hoping to relocate OUT of NYC by the fall.  Considering that it's already the first week of August, I have some serious work to do.  I'm already doing my research as far as trying to find employment, and a place to live (I've actually been doing that since early July).  Moving around sucks, but you gotta do what you gotta do to reach your goals, and get that support you feel you deserve.

I'm sick of being broke, hungry, and frustrated.  This is NOT what I envisioned when I moved back home, and don't want to continue living like this.  If I wanted to struggle, I would have stayed out on my own, NOT move back home, and deal with other people and their bullshit.  I'm pissed and frustrated at being not supported by so-called 'friends', but yet everybody expects me to bend over backwards to support them.  I felt that I had earned enough respect from people through my activism and support to have them support my literary endeavors; obviously I was wrong.  I shouldn't be spending the majority of my time trying to get motherfuckas that ALREADY know about my books to BUY them.  FUCK clicking the "like" button, or 'favorite'-ing the damn post....BUY the motherfucka already!  How many times you gotta "like" the shit, before you get the fucking hint to buy it?!?!?

Considering my literary versatility, I didn't really want to have to rejoin the corporate workforce.  Unfortunately, I have no choice in the matter now, if I want to be able to survive, and get the hell out of here.  I was hoping that my writing career would bring me some semblance of financial freedom; apparently not, at least, not in this bullshit ass city.  Maybe somewhere else where the cost of living isn't as high, and the people aren't as full of shit.  It's kinda hard not to be bitter, or take this personally.  It feels like I just wasted the last year+ of my life, and for what?!?!  Let me go someplace else where my work will probably be more appreciated, and niggas don't have their heads up their own asses.  Everybody out here is a fucking expert and authority figure, yet they have absolutely NO resume' in the field that you're in.

So, hopefully, I'm on to better things.  Hopefully I can make this move, and my luck will change.  The sooner that I can get the hell out of here, the better.  I'm at that point already; time to move the hell on.  I've had enough, and am looking for greener pastures.  Here's to the success of my plans...

Monday, July 27, 2015

Starvin' Artist

I've become very reflective, the older that I get.  I try to learn from my experiences, and increase my personal growth.

So....I've been back in NYC for a little over a year, and it hasn't been very positive.  The whole reason for my return, was to work on my writing career full time, and take advantage of being back in my hometown.  Especially at that time, I had just recently dropped my third published book, and felt that I had gained enough a of a reputation, specifically through my activism in various fields, to be able to make some sort of a comfortable living back in my hometown.

Fat chance......

Looking back over the past year, it feels like I've been wasting my time here.  Never mind the gentrification of the city, and the transplants that have basically taken over many of our communities...the city has definitely changed.  It is NOT the Brooklyn, nor the New York, that I know/knew and loved.  Of course, if I loved it so much, I never would have left in the first place.  Now, going through this struggle....I remember why the fuck I left this city in the first place.

You're not supported out here....not unless you're backed by some big hype machine.  If the mainstream ain't singing your praises...people ain't fucking with you out here.

...And I though NYC was the capital of the trendsetters.

That's a bygone era.  We are no longer innovators and trendsetters.  We have now become sheeple.

Considering that I've published FIVE books within the last five years, I should be living comfortably, financially speaking.  Cat's who I thought were my friends and supporters, proved themselves not to be. I've organized and held my own book signing events...cats never showed up.  I've done appearances at other festivals around the city....cats never showed up.  I've posted links to my books on social media, and tagged these muffkas in it, if not posted it on their damned profile page...cats just press the fucking 'like' button, and keep it moving.  WTFFM?!?!?!  [What The Flying Fuck, Man]

I've done what I can to promote the books to my circle of people; text message, emails/e-blasts, posting on social media, blogging....and nothing!!!  I've even approached underground media outlets out here, like cable access TV show hosts, and still nada.  I should NOT be struggling this hard, especially not in my own hometown.  Even when I've done festivals, people out here be acting mad funny, like they're either scared to approach my table, or like I'm a threat cause I wrote a book (or, several).  Niggaz wanna sit there and debate you, when they see my nonfiction books, trying to prove how smart they think they are. read a book, while I actually wrote one!  If you were so much better than me, you'd be on my side of the table.

I'm getting really sick of being out here, and am seriously considering moving on again.  I kinda hate having to start over again, but this struggling shit is for the birds.  I have goals that I'm trying to reach, and don't have time for the bullshit.  It should not be this much of a struggle for me, especially with all that I've done to support others through my activism and support.

I kinda needed to get this off my chest.  I'm going to try to give it until the end of the year, but don't blame me if I'm gone by the fall.  It's too expensive out there for this bullshit, nor is it worth it.  Especially considering the versatility of my written works, I should at least be comfortable, and making some sort of headway.

If this sounded like a bit of a rant session...then fuck it, it was.  I just needed to get this off of my chest.  I've lost a lot this past year, and I can't get that time back.  I'm not where I want to be, and don't need to waste any more time trying to get to where I want to be.  If I have to do that elsewhere, then so be it.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Loiza Festival of El Barrio 2015

Loiza Festival of El Barrio
July 24-26, 2015
E. 105th Street Between Park Ave & Lexington Ave
East Harlem (El Barrio)

Mark your calendars!!!


Friday, July 17, 2015

"AfroLatinos: The Untaught Story" film screening 7-16-2015

I was lucky and honored to have been able to attend a film screening for the documentary film/series "AfroLatinos: The Untaught Story", screened at Subrosa in the West Village.  I had been aware of the film/series since around 2007-08, when I was writing for an an online e-magazine at the time.  They were promoting the film for the producers (Alicia Anabel Santos, and Renzo Devia), and I just knew that I had to come out and support them.  I've been lucky enough to establish a friendship with the producers/directors of the film since that time.

They had had an earlier screening for the film as part of this year's Afro Latino Festival NYC, but I was unfortunately unable to attend that particular screening.  I was able to get tickets for this particular screening, and attended with one of my closest friends, Robert Oriyama'at.  I was also lucky enough to see a few other friends attending the screening as well, and finally get the chance to meet a few people in person.

The film is WONDERFUL!!!  It was originally supposed to encompass 7 hours of footage, each hour to be it's own individual episode in the series; but even in it's currently condensed form of 90 minutes, it still made an impact.  They only screened an hour of it, a teaser if you will, and it left us wanting more.  The entire crowd was thoroughly satisfied, and really appreciative of the film.

It was especially wonderful for me, having always been a strong supporter of the project, ever since I found out about it.  I was lucky enough to have met Alicia three years ago at the first Afro Latino Festival NYC.  Last night was the first time that I got to meet Renzo in person, and it was well worth it.  It's great to be able to connect with people that you respect, admire, and support.  The plan now, is for the producers to take the film on the road, and do a college tour, screening the film on various campuses.  After that, the plan is to take the film abroad to Latin America, and hopefully have it air on television.  

If the film comes to a campus near you, PLEASE go out and see it!  It is very informative, and thoroughly enlightening and entertaining.  Please support the producers and the film.  They are telling OUR stories from OUR perspective, giving us a voice.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Afro Latino Festival NYC 2015

Proud to announce the THIRD annual Afro Latino Festival NYC, to be held in BROOKLYN, and various other parts of the city.  The event has been expanded the THREE days this year, from July 10th through July 12th.


BE THERE!!!!!!

Friday, June 26, 2015

International African Arts Festival 2015

Not able to particiapte in the festival this year, but I'll still do what I can to help promote it.  One of my most favorite events of the year, or all time!  Please pass the word, and come out and support!!

I mean...REALLY support!  Not just coming out there...taking pictures...posting them on social media...and then going home.  SUPPORT THE VENDORS!!!

International African Arts Festival
July 2-5, 2015
Brooklyn, NY


Demure Nights (Paperback)

My latest book is now available in paperback format!  Trying my hand at writing Erotica!

Available in paperback format through CreateSpace!  Purchase through,, or Barnes & Noble!!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Demure Nights (Ebook)

The latest literary endeavor!!!  Trying my hand at Erotica this time around...

"Darius Delgado is in dire straits when he loses his job as a Graphic Designer.  He struggles to make due, but can barely cover his expenses.  Desperate to change his fortunes, he turns to the world of the sex trade as a Male Escort...
    Will he be able to keep the two worlds separate, or will he lose himself, and others that are important to him, in the process...?"

Currently available only in Ebook format through Nook (Barnes & Noble), iTunes, Kobo, Page Foundry, and Scribd

Paperback version to be coming soon.  Will let you know when that version drops.


Monday, June 1, 2015

The Consortium of Afro Latino Communities: June Reading & Book Signing

The Consortium of Afro Latino Communities
Reading and Book Signing
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Yaya Network
224 West 29th Street, 14fl
New York, NY
2pm to 6pm

Cindy "Black Angel" Peralta (Dominican Republic)
Kevin Alberto Sabio  (Honduras)
Robert Oriyama'at  (Cuba)

FREE entry, and easily accessible by public transportation

Come out and support!!!  Please help to spread the word!!!!

Off again...On again

Okay...I've been quiet on here for a while...

Been going through some stuff.  My internet got cut off, so my internet usage has been sporadic at best.  It also made me realized just how plugged in I really am, as much as I'd like to think in opposition to that.  I do A HELL of a lot of networking online, and never realized how dependent I really was to using the web.  There have been a number of opportunities that I've missed out on because I've been unplugged.

Things haven't necessarily been going the way that I'd imaged them to go, since my return.  May 10, 2015 made it exactly one year since I've been back in NYC, and it has been quiet bittersweet.  I haven't had the support and traction that I thought I would get returning to my hometown.  It's made me seriously re-evaluate who I consider a friend; whether cyber friend, or real life.  As much as I go out of my way to support others, it didn't feel like that same level of support was reciprocated back.

Hell...I'm still on my grind, though.  I'm picking myself up, and dusting myself off.  I'm still writing my projects, and continuing to promote my current works.  I'm a little down now, but I will continue to rise.  I will continue to keep you all informed of my goings on.

Keep the fist raised!!!! 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Chronicles of THE BLACK FIST: Latest Updates II

So the book has been published for a month now.  I'm still on my literary grind, doing what I can to promote it to the public.  It's been a bit trying, but I'm keeping positive, and trying to stay the course.

I'm still working on doing the festival circuit.  I have a few events that I'm targeting, and looking forward to participating in.  Most of them take place in the summer, so I'm working on building up the funds to attend those particular events.  They would be good to showcase, not only my recent novel, but my other titles as well.

As I'm working to promote this current novel, I'm working on writing the sequel to it.  It's going pretty well.  I'm still trying to figure out if I should make it a bit of a collection of short stories, detailing the different characters that the main character interacts with, or focus on the singular antagonist that I'm currently marinating on right now.  The story is developing really well, so I might just stick with the one main antagonist.  I'll let you guys know more once the first draft is finished.

Being an entrepreneur is definitely not easy.  It can actually be quite frustrating.  I'm trying to get rid of the few author's copies that I have left, and that's a mission in and of itself.  I was lucky enough to network with a local Black-owned bookstore that I just found out about.  I'll keep you updated on that venture if it progresses.

Still thinking about partnering with an artist, or a cosplayer to help promote the book.  I'm also considering networking with local cafes, and a community center to hold more literary events and workshops.  I need to find more ways to generate an income from this.  It would also help if I could get more media exposure.  I've been trying to connect with some local cable access personalities, and get interviewed on their show(s), but that hasn't been working out very well.  Something has got to break soon; these past 10-11 months have pretty much been one big financial loss for me.  Hopefully, this year will be a positive one for me...


Monday, March 23, 2015

Towson Black Comic Book Mini-Fest

Was hoping to be able to make it back to the DMV area for this, and (hopefully) vend my book.  Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it down there for this.  Hope that you'll all come out and support this!!!

Towson Black Comic Book Mini-Fest
March 28, 2015
Towson, MD (campus of Towson University)

Marketplace, cosplay, workshops, panels, and more!!!


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Chronicles of THE BLACK FIST: Latest Updates

So I FINALLY published my latest book (my fourth) on February 26th as an ebook, and then as a paperback through CreateSpace two days later.  I received my author's copies of the book about a week ago (March 9th, to be exact), and am now working on getting some hand-to-hand book sales.  I'm also promoting the book like mad all over social media.

I already have a plan of action as far as marketing the book.  Other than considering my own book signings, I have a few book fairs/conventions/cultural festivals that I want to vend at to get more of the word out about my book.  With the bulk of festival/convention/book fair season coming up (spring and summer), this is the perfect time to plan this promotional tour.  My only worry is having enough money to vend at these events, considering that some of them are out of state.

I'm really excited about the release of this particular project.  The initial feedback has been very positive.  Hopefully, that will translate into book sales.  Considering that it's a superhero fiction novel, and not nonfiction like my other projects, people seem to be a lot more receptive, and interested in getting a copy.  It kinda leaves you with a funny feeling about my prior three titles; apparently, nobody likes to read nonfcition to learn about something.  Of course, that could also be people just talking shit, and not following through....

I'm considering other marketing tools to use to help market the book.  But all comes down to having the finances to do it.  Since I know a number of artists, I'm considering partnering with one to sell prints of The Black Fist in costume.  I'm also considering finding a 3D printing company, and creating action figures of the main character to sell.  Maybe even getting someone to cosplay the character...?

I will definitely keep you all updated as far as my progress.  Hope to see you at one of these events, or one of my book signings.  Don't forget to purchase a copy, and PLEASE HELP TO SPREAD THE WORD!!!!

Uhuru sase y paz!!!  

Monday, March 9, 2015

SXSW Presents: The Inspiring & Game Changing Afro Latina

Representing for two of my hermanas that will be on the panel, singer Omilani, and Rebecca Dailey-Wooley from the website Boriqua Chicks!!

SXSW Presents: An Interactive Panel
"The Inspiring and Game Changing Afro Latina"

Saturday, March 14, 2015
Austin Convention Center

PLEASE come out and support, and help to spread the word!!!

Friday, February 27, 2015

The Chronicles of The Black Fist (Novel)

My latest literary effort, and my FIRST novel!  :D

"Enter the world of Nyerere Lewis, born and raised in New Washington City.  The son of beloved local activists, his world is rocked when they are murdered by the police in a raid, and a race riot sweeps through the city in the aftermath...

   20 years later, Nyerere has grown up, and the city is still plagued with addiction, corruption, criminality, and complacency.  Nyerere wants nothing to do with reviving the community, feeling that the people betrayed his parents' dreams of upliftment.  But, with the slaying of a former mentee of his, he feels that he can no longer stay on the sidelines, and do nothing.  He dons the revolutionary colors, and reeks havoc on all those who would harm this city, criminal or corrupt cop alike..."

Published as a paperback through CreateSpace:

Also available in ebook format at Barnes & Noble (Nook), Scribd, Page Foundry, Kobo, and Oyster.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

La Galeria Magazine event: Negritud/Blackness in the Dominican Republic and the Diaspora

La Galeria Magazine presents:

"Negritud/Blackness in the Dominican Republic and the Diaspora"
February 26, 2015
WordUp Community BookShop/Libreria Communidad
2113 Amsterdam Avenue (Corner of 165th Street)
New York, NY
From: 7pm-8:30pm

The event is FREE, open to the public, and easily accessible by public transportation.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Art in the Heart of El Barrio @ La Marqueta: Black History Month Event

Art in the Heart of El Barrio @ La Marqueta
Black History Month celebration
1590 Park Avenue (on E. 115th)
New York, NY
February 15, 2015

A day of celebration featuring music, children's activities, workshops, entertainment, arts & crafts, and much more...

FREE!!!!  Open to the public, and easily accessible by public transportation.  (6 train to 116th St.)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Jadele McPherson a/k/a Lukumi Arts performing at Zinc Bar!!!!

Representing para mi hermana Jadele McPherson, a/k/a Lukumi Arts

Press Release, 1/22/2015:
New Dimensions in Latin Jazz & Zinc Bar present the newest wave of innovative Cuban music with a residency for the young AfroCuban vocalist/songwriter Jadele and her all-star band, Afrocubanismo on Fridays in February.

Gifted with the most powerful voice in Latin music since Celia Cruz, Jadele, a seasoned performer of AfroCuban ritual and sacred music, creates a gorgeous, sui generis musical landscape that incorporates the chants and rhythms of Cuba's Yoruba heritage with her original compositions. Her band - jazz sophisticates who are steeped in all the traditions of Cuban music - are up to the task.

Our set invokes an Afro-Cuban ritual cycle, beginning with Palo Monte Mayombe to honor ancestral routes of the African Diaspora to New York. We'll explore this legacy through Afro-Cuban folklore, jazz, hip-hop, blues, son & bolero. Join us in call & response to traditional and original music dedicated to the orishas, composed & arranged by Dayramir Gonzalez/DG Vicet (Havana, Cuba) & Jadele McPherson (New York, NY).

Zinc Bar
82 West 3rd Street
New York, NY 10012
Showtime: 8pm; $15 admission

Dates: Feb 6th, Feb 14th, Feb 20th, and Feb 27th

Here is the Facebook link to the event:


Black Latina Movement: "Of Mothers And Men" (New Play)

Representing for my sisters at the Black Latina Movement!!!!

Come out to see their new play, "Of Mothers of Men", running from February 25th-March 1st!!!  Their production will be running at the Shelter Studios & Theaters, 244 West 54th Street in New York, NYShowtime starts at 8pm; on March 1st showtime is at 4pm.

A brief description of this theatrical production:
"Derived from the American classic Of Mice and Men, Of Mothers and Men explores the varying relationships between women, their mothers, and the men in their lives. This monologue driven piece, comprised of 9 vignettes, dives into the pivotal roles of two of the most influential people in one's life."

Tickets for the show can be purchased at the Black Latina Movement website (shown in the above poster), or through Brown Paper Tickets.  Here is the link to purchase the tickets:

PLEASE HELP TO SPREAD THE WORD!!!!  PLEASE come out and support our sisters in the movement!!!  It's time that we told OUR stories, and came out to SUPPORT them!!

Uhuru sase, y paz!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Poets & Passion: A Caribbean Literary Lime 2/22/2015


Yours truly will be participating in the Caribbean Cultural Theatre's event  Poets & Passion: A Caribbean Literary Lime.  I will be joining their panels called "Canto Negro", speaking on Afro Latino identity and experience through literature.  Feature authors will be myself (Kevin Sabio), Carmen Bardeguez-Brown, Raquel Penzo, and Mercy Tullis-Bukhari

The event will be held at Medgar Evers College on Sunday February 22nd, located at 1650 Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn, NY.  The event will start at 3:30pm.

The event is FREE, open to the public, and easily accessible by public transportation. (2,3,4,5 trains to Franklin Avenue)

Spread the word!!!  Hope to see you there!!!

Here is the FB link to the event:

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Consortium of Afro Latino Communities 2015: Black History Month Joint Book Signing

Once again...IT'S ON!!!!

Come celebrate Black History Month with the Afro Latino experience!!! 

The Consortium of Afro Latino Communities:
Black History Month Book Signing

Featuring authors Kevin Sabio, Clarissa Mendez, and Robert Oriyama'at.

Saturday, February 21, 2015
La Casa Azul Bookstore
143 East 103rd Street  (East Harlem)
5pm to 7pm


The authors will be discussing their literary works, and about their activism; giving visibility to the once invisible, and voice to the formerly voiceless.

Clarisaa Mendez; "The Empowered Woman"
Kevin Sabio: "In My Lifetime"
Robert Oriyama'at: "Heaven O Hell: Black Omen

Representing for the International Decade of the Afrodescendant!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Taller de Identidad Afroperuana

Share by my sister at Lundu, Monica Carrillo....

February 7-8, 2015
Universidad Peruana de Ciencias e Informatica

Organized by:  Ashanti Peru

An event celebrating the International Decade of the Afrodescendant!!!