Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Updates and info....

So, my birthday is coming up this coming Saturday, on October 8th.  I will be turning 42 years old.....

The job that I was originally applying for in Delaware fell through.  For whatever reason, they chose not to hire me though I was CLEARLY very qualified for the position.  Oh well, back to the drawing board.  Been searching for job on Indeed.com, and Craigslist.org.  I've actually recently gotten a response back.  Keeping my fingers crossed...

Continuing to work on my literary projects.  Working on three novels as I type this blog out.  They're going very well, and I should be finished with the first draft of one of them soon.  Of course, I'm not planning on publishing another book until at least 2018.  I'm trying to maintain SOME sort of support for my currently published projects.  I didn't publish them for my own friggin' ego; I AM trying to make a living as a published author.

The relocation plans are going very slowly.  That job falling through was a major setback for me.  I should've been moved away from this blasted city by now; two years is long enough to be suffering.  It's not so much that I think my life/career would be so much better in Delaware, as I want to relocate for the strategic location that Delaware affords (not to mention the lower cost of living out there).  I can travel to the surrounding states if I wish, and participate in the various events that are held out there.

The more I deal with certain people here in NYC, and get burned in the process, the more that I feel that my time here has been overrun, and that I need to move on.  I feel like there is a negative cloud of energy hanging over me here, and is causing me to not succeed.  I was always more successful whenever I was OUTSIDE of NYC; the fact that I was able to even able to start a writing career is proof of that.  The possibilities of my success always seemed unlimited while I was out of NYC; my opportunities seem severely limited while I'm living here.  As it is, a recently had a cherished comrade read one of my novels, and write a glowing social media post in support of my  novel [The Chronicles of The Black Fist]; a bunch of people pressed the like button, but NOBODY bought a damn copy.  I don't even think any of my 'friends' from NYC even clicked the like/reaction button in support of the post.

I also want to do more with the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement.  I want to do more real-world applications, such as holding showcasing events, and the such.  I also want to finally organize and hold the damned Expo.  I can't do that in NYC, not merely for the expense of it, but also the lack of physical support.  Cats always want YOU to do all of the work, but wanna take credit for helping you, when they never did.  A movement is not one man.

So, I'm progressing forward.  Looking to channel these negative energies, into some positive forward progression.  I'm going to continue to write my novels, and pursue my activism and advocacy for the literary arts.  Please feel free to support my work by buying copies of my novels and nonfiction works, or downloading the eBook versions of my works.  I'm on Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, and Books-A-Million.  I'm also on Kindle, Nook, iTunes, as well as other eBook carriers.

Uhuru sase, y paz.


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