Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Struggle is REEEEEEEAAAAL!!!! :-(

 I'm going through a really, really tough period in my life, right about now....  😢😢😢😢

Financially speaking, I'm broke. Trying to get this apartment, and trying to pay for this expensive ass hotel has almost completely drained my finances.  I'm literally homeless right now.  I'm surviving by illegally sleeping at my day job, and working some serious overtime hours, where I don't necessarily have to go 'home'.  No book sales are coming in, and my last paycheck wasn't as beneficial as I thought.  Not to mention, I get paid every two weeks, so it's a long stretch of time before I can get any money in my pocket.  I couldn't have written a worse situation for any of my characters... 😢😢😢😢

Technically, I've been homeless since I moved out here, living out of a hotel.  I can't even do that now, since I can't afford to stay there.  Now, I have NO place to stay.  I don't even know if I'll be able to afford to move into this new apartment that I'm trying to get.  I've never hit bottom like this, before.  I'm trying to stay positive & hopeful, but...this is A LOT to deal with.  Nobody really knows about my situation; I'm too ashamed and embarrassed to tell anyone.  Only my new department head, and a handful of associates out here know what's going on with me. 😔😔😔😔

At least if I had some residual income from book sales, this experience wouldn't be so bad.  I would be able to have at least something in my pocket.  Hell, I might have been able to afford to stay at that price gouging ass hotel a little bit longer, if I had any additional money coming in.  Such is the state of my writing career; people can press a fucking 'like' button, but refuse to buy shit.


At least when I'm at work, I'm distracted about my situation.  Once my shift ends, though...I'm reminded that I have no place to go, once I clock out for the day/shift.  Working overtime hours helps because that's putting some much needed money in my pocket, but having to wait for that next paycheck is painful and scary.


I really pray that I can get into this new apartment.  I need for this to come through for me.  I can't really live like this.  The price for the apartment is one that I can live with, and I know that this new job will provide me with the hours needed to maintain it.  Furnishing the new apartment should be easy; I have contacts at my old job that I can reach out to, to help me with that.  I just need a place where I can lay my head, and I don't have to worry about coming out of pocket to maintain it every few days.

I've been sending prayers to the Creator & the ancestors.  I hope that they are listening, and doing what they can from the ancestral realm.  I just need everything to line up for me, and come through.

Keep me in your thoughts....


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Feeling the Coming Heat of JUNE

 Greetings to all!!  We are now in the month of JUNE!! The year is officially half over 😳😳😳😲😲😲.  We are now at the midway point. Time is certainly flying by.  Hoping that you're all actively keeping up with your plans and goals for the year...


To start off...June marks the nine-year publishing anniversary for my Erotica novel "Demure Nights" (CreateSpace, 2015).  It was clearly an experiment, and a departure from my other works published at the time.  It marked my 5th book, and second novel at the time it was published.  You can download the eBook, or order the paperback through Barnes & Noble from this link here:



I'm actually quite happy with this literary project.  I got to flex my 'freaky' muscles, and showed that I could write something completely different from what I was known for. 

June also marks Father's Day, and the Summer Solstice.  There was an event this month that I wanted to attend called SableCon, a local comic & manga con out here in Raleigh.  I wasn't able to attend; I had to work the weekend that it was held (June 1st & 2nd).  I'm not blaming the day job...that's just how the ball bounces.  I left my old day job, and recently started a new one.  I kinda figured that I would end up working that first weekend with them, which happened to be the weekend that SableCon was happening.  Hopefully, I'll get to attend (and hopefully VEND) next year.


On a personal note...I'm trying to apply for an apartment.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  This hotel shit is for the birds.  I've been stuck living in this place for damn near three years; I want my own place.  I was finally able to find something that was affordable out here, and going through the application process now.  I'm hoping that I qualify.  The sooner I get my own place, the better I'll feel.  It feels like I've been stuck in limbo, the whole time I've been living out here, smdh... 😔😔😔😔😔


I'm surprised that I was able to shoot two episodes of The Rough Draft last month.  I'm looking forward to shooting one for this month.  Hopefully. if/when I get my own place, I can be more consistent with making the videos.  I'll have my own space, and can invest in some lighting equipment that I need to shoot the videos (at least, a ring light, or something). Looking forward to shooting & posting Episode 73!!!


As I stated earlier, I left my old day job.  I hated that mf place!!  The work was tedious, and my schedule was fucking ass.  The money wasn't worth it, and I just wasn't happy being there.  This new gig seems to be going well.  The pay & benefits are pretty good, and they gave me a signing bonus.  Hell, they even have Employee Referral Bonuses if you can bring in people to work for the company!  Of course, my priority is my writing career.  I haven't told anyone about my writing career at the new day job.  Might just keep it to myself...


That's all for now.  Will do my best to keep you all updated on the writing career, and other goings on in my life.  I'll let you guys know how the apartment hunting goes!!  😁😁😁😁


Keep the fist raised!!!  Uhuru sasa, y paz!!!

