Tuesday, November 14, 2023

November Vibes 2023....

 We are now in the month of NOVEMBER!!!  There are only TWO months left in the year 😲😲😲😲😲😲!!  Where did the time go?!?!?!

To start with, November celebrates the 12-year publishing anniversary of my second book "Raise Your Brown Black Fist 2: MORE Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino" (Outskirts Press, 2011).  I was always proud of this book, and it started my string of literary works.  Once I knocked book number two out, I just knew that I had to produce more literary works.  Available in paperback and eBook formats for the masses.


Welcome to NaNoWriMo!!!!  For those of you not in the know, that acronym stands for "national novel writing month".  It's when people participate in writing an entire novel in one month.  They actually have workshops, and an organized festival to do this.  Personally, I've never participated in it, but if that's what you wanna do....more power to you.  I know that it's a good exercise to do to get the creative juices flowing, and helping you to be/stay hyper focused on writing your literary project, buuuuut...thaaaat ain't for me.   

The holidays are coming up.  I don't have any plans to participate in any events.  Knowing my shitty ass job, I probably wouldn't be able to participate any damned way.  Since the holidays are coming up, business usually slows down for us at the day job, as they start cutting back on hours.  Normally, that would be good, but since my work schedule is never consistent, it doesn't really matter.  Doing any hand-to-hand sales would help me to boost my career up, not to mention....putting some much needed extra money in my pocket.  Other than hitting off a coworker at the day job with a copy of "In My Lifetime" (at a discount, since the copy was damaged), I haven't been able to get out, and really get my name known out here.  Not than I'm regretting moving out here, but...I thought that my writing career would be in much better shape than this...


No real plans publish any works in 2024.  I still have other w.i.p.s that I haven't gotten around to finishing.  These poor ass sales of mine have me pretty bummed out, and it's affecting my writing.  Why bother publishing shit, if nobody's gonna buy and read it?  I need to get back that love for writing, and just get that shit done, if just for my own sake.  Fuck the rest of y'all... 😡😡😡😡


Been doing pretty good on the video front.  The latest episodes of "The Rough Draft" have been posted to YouTube, and have been shared across my social media (except for Twitter/X...I haven't been on there for a hot minute...).  We are now up to 64 episodes.  I'm hoping to end this year on a strong note, with a few more episodes...    

Was hoping to do a few local Kwanzaa events, but can't seem to find any (at least, online).  Need to try some word of mouth.  That's the only thing about out here...they actually do do word of mouth, but you usually will found out about it at the last minute.  Oh, well...

That's all for now.  Will keep you posted on my progress.  Until next time...

Uhuru sasa, y paz.  Keep the fist raised!!!


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The Cool of October/My Birthday Month

 We are now in the month of OCTOBER!!!  Time really does fly, don't it?  The year is less than two months over with... 😲😲😲😲

It's my birthday month!!  I will officially be 49 years old on October 8th.  I'll be entering the final year of my 40s!  Had a lot of up-and-downs during this particular decade of my life; mostly downs.  A little bit of that fight that I used to have, has now left me.  I still have a lot of my hustle/drive, but I'm trying to be a lot smarter about that; there's always gonna be an angle to find when slinging the books.

We're entering the second half of Latino Heritage Month.  The month officially ends on October 15th.  Still considering doing that controversial episode of The Rough Draft, speaking on my negative feelings towards the current state of the so-called 'Afro Latino movement'.  There's a loooot that I see that's wrong with it.  It's not the same movement that I was a part of, so many decades ago.  Too many clowns are jumping on this, like it's a trend.  It's very fractured, and you have a shit load of posers involved that are only in it for their own self interest, and their own selfish gain. 😡😡😡😡


Doing what I can to promote the books.  I might need to look into some local Kwanzaa events, and see if I can get down as a vendor.  I need to find a way to end the year on a strong and positive note, especially financially.  Sales are abysmal and nonexistent, and it's really getting me down.


Doing a lot of reflecting, since my birthday is coming up.  Still considering that relocation to the continent.  I just really need to get on the ball with that.  I definitely need to get my passport straight, as well as make some final plans to make that move.  I want to gtfoh by the end of 2024.  With the way shit is going here in this country politically, I don't want to stick around and witness the fallout from all this craziness, especially if the community isn't prepared for the repercussions of that fallout.  Fuck that...you can have this fallen so-called empire...


That's all for now.  Will keep you guys updated on my literary and political progress.  Hoping to also get my writing groove back.  Maybe if I can make some sales, that would help.


Uhuru sasa, y paz!!!  Keep the fist raised!!!





Thursday, September 7, 2023

The Falls of September.....

 We have now entered into the month of SEPTEMBER!!!  We have officially entered into the LAST QUARTER of the year!!  The final FOUR months of 2023!!!  MY...how time flies... 😲😲😲😲


With the coming of the month of September, you have the celebration of the Autumnal Equinox.  It's the official beginning of the season of fall.  It's a time of renewal; yet another change in the season.  The temperatures will cool significantly, and the leaves will soon be a-changing.  Kinda glad for that, cause that heat this summer was whupping my ass something serious...


Also in the month of September, you have the beginning of Latino Heritage Month.  The month officially starts on September 15th.  We get to celebrate our pride and culture.  And...as always...I strive to highlight and promote our Afro Latino/African roots & heritage during the month.  I'm still trying to figure out what it is that I'm going to do, exactly.  I have an idea for an episode of "The Rough Draft" to do (probably episode no. 63), but it's going to be quite controversial.  I have some serious issues with the current state of the so-called 'Afro Latino Movement' (basically, I think that it's all bullshit 😠😠😠😠).  I'll definitely go further into detail as to why I have issues with the current state of the movement, once I shoot the video.  Stay tuned for details...


Speaking of The Rough Draft...don't forget to go to YouTube, and check out the latest video, Ep. 61!!


I had an issues with my books not being made available to Barnes & Noble, and to Books-A-Million.  I am happy to announce that I have resolved the issue, and that my titles are now being made available on both platforms 😁😁😁.  I think that it was a bit of a fuck up on my end; I guess I assumed that my books would be made available to those platforms automatically, like they were when CreateSpace was a separate entity.  Oh well...you live, and you learn.  The books are available now, so that's what really matters...     

Still working on my promotional grind.  The shit gets pretty tiring, but if I don't do it, it won't get done.  Nobody is out here in these streets, helping me to sling my book titles.  I definitely wanna get back to doing in-person appearances at festivals, and the like.  I miss interacting with potential fans.  I just don't wanna have to deal with the assholes out there, though.  Ya feel me...?

That's about all for now.  Catch y'all on the flip side!!!

Uhuru sasa, y paz.

Keep the fist raised.


Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The Closing of Black August...

 We are coming to the end of the month.  I'm starting to marinate on a few things, as the month comes to a close...

For starters, I FINALLY got the chance to shoot an episode of "The Rough Draft", and post it up to YouTube.  Episode no. 61 is now live!!!  Since I haven't really posted any content in the last 2 months, I had to get people up to speed with what's been happening with me.  Go to my YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/@kevinsabio to see the entire series.  The 23rd marks the four-year production anniversary of the making of "The Rough Draft".  Yay, me!!!  😁😁😁


Speaking of the vlog series, I've been considering a few things.  I want to invest in a Sony Handycam so that I can shoot more content, instead of having to use my laptop.  With a Handycam, I can also do field productions, and shoot content from festivals, or comic cons, or book fairs, and add them to my channel.  I'm also considering getting a new/second laptop.  I don't have enough storage space on my current laptop, and need more storage space to shoot & edit my videos.  That was pretty much always the plan anyway; going back to my video production days.  I needed one computer to write my scripts (and hold my other data), and another to use strictly for editing purposes.  I've seen a Handycam online at Best Buy for $229, and I've seen a few laptops going from $279.99 to $379.99 (various brands, like Acer, HP, Asus). Of course, everything comes down to having the money to pay for it all, which is something that I don't have....  😑😑😑😖😖😖😖😞😞😞😞


The 28th make it two years that I've officially been living in Raleigh.  I like it out here, and don't regret making that move.  Just wish that I was a little more stable, both financially, and domestically.  There's a lot that I want to do, but my living situation makes things a little bit harder for me to do.  It's expensive to live out here, and with there not being any regulations put out there for housing, and other things, these crazy ass people can do whatever they want.  I have a place to stay, just not my own place.  These politicians out here are fucking ass, and pretty much let people be exploited, and treated like garbage.  Oh, well...


Recently found out that some of my books actually are not listed on Books-A-Million.  It seems like half my inventory isn't listed on there.  All of my books published after the merging of CreateSpace and Kindle Direct Publishing (2017) aren't listed on there.  I'm a little pissed off about that.  All this anti-Amazon hate is really fucking with my livelihood.  My books are still listed on Barnes & Noble, though.  Still, that's taking money outta my pocket.  For anybody published through Amazon, they're making it really difficult for us. 😡😡😡😡😠😠😠😠


That's all for now.  hope that you enjoyed this wrap-up.  See you next month!!


Uhuru sasa, y paz!!!  Keep the fist raised!!





Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Revolutionary Heat of Black August/350th Blog Post!!!!!

 The heat is ON!!!  Literally.  It's been hooooooooooot out in these streets lately!!! 😭😭😭😭   

Welcome to the month of AUGUST.  It is fitting, since this is also my 350th blog post!!! There's lots to talk about, and a lot of info to cover.  Hope that you guys are ready! 😁😁😁

For starters, celebrating the eight-year publishing anniversary of my poetry book "Spittin' Lyrics N Waxin' Poetic" (Draft2Digital, 2015).  It's a compilation of poems and rhymes that I'd written that were never-before-released material.  I'd never shared these works in any of my other publications, up to that point.  As part of the new info that I have to share with you all...the book is now available in paperback format!!  It's already available on Barnes & Noble, but is in pre-order status on Amazon.com.  I guess since the book was originally published on August 17th (in 2015), that they're going to release it as a paperback on that same date. Nooot to happy about that. 😠😠😠😠

Oh, well.  Order you copy of the paperback, while you can....

I've been able to add two more distribution channels through Draft2Digital; Odilo, and Gardners.  Odilo distributes to libraries, while Gardners distributes my books to the UK market.  Hey...D2D is doing what they can to help get my books out there.  Much respect to them for what they do for their authors!!! 😁😁😁😊😊😊

Speaking of D2D...I've finally uploaded my 1st book "Raise Your Brown Black: The Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino" [Book 1] to their platform.  I felt that I wasn't getting the reach that I deserved with the eBook only being distributed to the platforms that Authorhouse set up for it.  Putting it on D2D gives it a wider reach, as well as access to libraries in digital format.  It's all about outreach, baby!!!

2023 this month marks the four-year production anniversary of my vlog series "The Rough Draft" on YouTube.  I have to admit, I haven't posted any new episodes for the last 2 months.  My day job has been keeping me pretty busy (wearing me the fuck out is more like it...), not to mention not having the energy or subject matter to record anything.  I'm definitely going to do one this month to celebrate the four year anniversary, as well as update my followers (what few I have on there) on what's be going on with me. 

This month also marks my second year living in Raleigh.  I actually like it out here, even though I wish that I was a little more stable; not just financially.  Housing is expensive as hell out here, not to mention the issues that I'm currently having with my day job.  I don't necessarily wanna job hop again, but...something has got to give.  I can't really enjoy my life out here, with this fuck ass job.  There's no consistency, and I'm feeling over worked and unappreciated.  I barely have time to strategize my next moves for my writing career. 😕😕😕😔😔😔😟😟😟


But...I digress...


Looking forward to the celebrations of my achievements.  Celebrating the revolutionary history of this month.  Hope to talk to all of you guys again, soon!!!  Uhuru sasa, y paz!!!


Keep the fist raised.





Tuesday, July 4, 2023

July's Rising Heat

 We have now entered into the month of JULY!!!  We are now past the halfway point of the year, and are smack in the middle of the summer season.  The temperature is rising, and so are the opportunities to make an impact.


First off...I gotta promote the latest sale that I have going on...


Smashwords is having this annual 'Summer/Winter Sale' on their store site.  My books are listed on Smashwords, and I've made them all available for the sale.  My titles are discounted at 75% off the regular eBook price.  Quite honestly...they're actually FREE for the entire month of July.  Feel free to cop a few, if not all, of my book titles!  Support a brother!!! 😁😁😁😁


I will be adding my 1st book "Raise Your Brown Black Fist: The Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino" to Draft2Digital as an eBook.  I want this book to be made available to libraries, and other outlets.  It's already listed on the major eBook distro channels of Kindle, Nook, and Apple Books; but I want to be able to reach a wider audience.  My publisher for it (Authorhouse) only distributes the eBook to the main eBook carriers, so I gotta do the additional legwork to get it out to other audiences.


Speaking of Draft2Digital...I'll be releasing the paperback version of "Spittin' Lyrics N Waxin' Poetic" this month through their P.O.D. arm, D2D Print.  I might as well bite the bullet, and see what happens.  I don't really have anything to lose by doing that, since I haven't been having any success with it solely as an eBook.  At least now, all 14 of my books will available in physical paperback format.  I'm still debating about printing "Fiesta Girl" through them, and delisting it from KDP.  Let's just see how this one goes, and then I'll decide if I want to use them to print some of my other books...


I'm planning on discontinuing the plan to do the Black/Brown Bookstore Book Tour.  I don't have the mobility to get around to some of these bookstores that I want to promote & do the signings at.  I'm trying to be as economical as possible, and lugging all those books through Greyhoud or AmTrak just doesn't sound feasible. I might just try to concentrate on doing some of the local festivals to vend at, which would be much easier.  Maybe if I knew some fellow local authors out here who would be interested in doing the tour as a joint venture, I'd commit to it.  I don't want to say that it's hard for me to make any friends out here, but it's not very easy to find any like-minded people that think the way that I do.


That's all for now.  Looking forward to keeping you guys updated on my other upcoming plans.  Stay tuned!!! 😊😊😊


Uhuru sasa, y paz!!!  Keep the fist raised!!!



Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Upcoming Sales & Updates!!!

 Got some new info for ya!!!  Hope that it makes your mouth water, and excited with anticipation!!!

First order of business....my latest novel "Second Chance Points" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2022).  



It is currently available at 65% off in paperback format on Amazon.com!!!  In other words...the normal price is $9.95, and you can now purchase it at Amazon for $3.47!!!!  That's an absolute steeeeeeeaaaaal!!!!  If that price doesn't motivate you to run out, and purchase a copy...I don't know what will!!!




In July, Smashwords will be having their annual "Summer/Winter Sale" on their store.  All eBook titles listed in their store will be available at discounted prices. Since Smashwords merged with Draft2Digital, I am now able to participate in this annual sale. All of my titles listed on Smashwords will be available at 75% off !!!!!  The sale runs throughout the entire month of July, from July 1st to July 31st.  If you have an account with Smashwords, show ya boy some love!!!  Cop the titles that you haven't copped yet!!!


Draft2Digital has a new distribution channel available for libraries (which I believe was originally a Smashwords outlet).  My eBooks are now available to libraries through the distribution channel of ODilo.  My eBook titles are available to libraries now through SIX different national distributors, and one international channel (BorrowBox).


That's all for now!!  Hope that you go out and support ya boy!!!  Cop your copy of "Second Chance Points", and support the sale on Smashwords next month!!!  Always staying on my literary griiiiiiind!!!

Uhuru sasa, y paz!!!  Keep the fist raised!!!


Saturday, June 3, 2023

June's Summer Blast

 We have now entered into the month of JUNE!!!  We are already at the halfway mark of the year!!  It feels like just yesterday, we were celebrating the start of the new year.  :-O

As always, with the coming of June, I have to let you know about my publishing anniversary.  In the month of June, I will be celebrating the eight-year publishing anniversary of my fifth book "Demure Nights" (CreateSpace, 2015).

This project was more of an experiment. I wanted to see if I could write something completely different from all the other books that I'd written at the time.  This is my second novel that I'd written, and am actually quite proud of it.  I was able to let my imagination run wild, writing an erotic novel, and let out every naughty, nasty impulse that I could think of.  The sales for it haven't been what I thought they should be, but the project is still out there in both paperback & eBook formats.


Still considering printing my books through D2D Print.  I might do my poetry book, since that's the only book that isn't available at all, physically. I didn't really go crazy with the fonts in the book(I think I only used Philly Sans), so that should be the easiest to convert. I'll probably do it by mid-month, or so.  I was considering waiting until August, when I actually published that book, but...naaaaaah.

I want to get back into doing more in-person events.  It;s the height of festival season, but I never seem to get any decent time off.  I need to look for a new day job.  This one sucks ass.  My scheduling to too irregular for me to plan anything.  Plus, I just don't like the vibes there, anymore.  😔😔😕😕😞😞😞

Still trying to plan my Black/Brown Bookstore Book Tour.  I juuuuuuust might have to put that on hold.  Reasons are A) I just don't have a consistent schedule to plan anything out, and B) I'm not very mobile to be able to travel anywhere.  I don't feel like I earn enough to be coming out of pocket to travel via train or Greyhoud, so that's also killing me, as far as traveling to do in-person appearances are concerned.  Oh, well....   

Looking forward to hitting you off with another blog post soon.  Getting close to 350 blog posts.  Gonna have to find a way to come up with something special to celebrate that.  Let me know if you guys have any ideas...

Keep the fist raised.  Uhuru sasa, y paz.

#AlwaysOnMy LiteraryGrind

Friday, May 26, 2023

(Late) Blooming of May

 This is late, no doubt about it.  Been dealing with a bit of stuff behind the scenes.  Need to be able to be more consistent with these posts.  The month is nearly over, and I'm just being able to post something.  Definitely need to work on that...

The month of May brings you a few anniversaries.  The first is the six-year publishing anniversary of my novel "Seductra, Web of Desire" (CreateSpace, 2017).  I always did love this project.  I love the pacing of it, as well as the overall storyline.  I think that the characters are pretty well rounded, and well developed.  It's a damn shame that people continue to sleep on this particular project.

ALSO in the month of May...it the one-year publishing anniversary of my latest literary project "Second Chance Points" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2022).


This was a supreme labor of love.  It officially become one year old on May 6th.  I'm straight cheesing like a proud papa.  Trying to do what I can to gain some sort of traction for it.  This time around, I actually emailed two women's basketball leagues (the GWBA, and the WABA) a FREE digital copy of the book.  Also added a men's bball league into the mix, as well (The Basketball League), so here's to hoping that the emails have an impact on my sales, and the popularity of the book.


I was hoping to make it to this Black comic con that I had just discovered that existed out here in Raleigh.  The con is called Sable Con, and ran from May 20th-21st.  I was supposed to be scheduled off that weekend from my blasted day job, but got scheduled to come in that weekend because my fuck ass coworker doesn't know how to mf come to work anymore.  Of course, I been told them to fire his nonworking ass months ago, but...wtf do I know?!?!?   This would have been a perfect opportunity for me to get out there, and network with some local creatives, and just plane get tf out in public.  I haven't been able to attend/enjoy any type of cultural events since I moved out here almost 2 years ago bc of these wack ass jobs. This is seriously starting to kill my vibe... 😡😡😡😡😕😕😕😕


Still trying to organize my Black/Brown Bookstore Book Tour.  My issue is still mobility.  It sucks, not being able to drive.  Don't really wanna come outta pocket for a bus ticket, or train ticket, but I may not have much of a choice...not if I want to finally do this tour.  I'll keep you posted...


That's all for now.  Hope to see you guys next month.  Hope to be a little better about posting this ish on time. 

Keep the fist raised!!!




Sunday, April 2, 2023

The Mighty Rains of April

 We are now in the month of APRIL!!!  for those of you into mathematics, the FIRST QUARTER of the year is now in the books.  Time certainly is flying by us.This definitely means that you have to seriously get on your grind, and work to achieve all of your goals for the year.


To start off, April marks the seven-year publishing anniversary of my short story anthology "Drum Speaking: Tales From An Inner City Griot" (CreateSpace, 2016).  This book is a collection of 13 different short stories spanning several different genres.  I'm quite proud of this book, and feel that it is quite slept on, like much of my other books.  

April also marks National Poetry Month.  Shout out to all of my poetic peoples out there.  May you continue to wax poetic, and bless the world with your words and lyrical rhythms.

Working on shooting the latest episode of The Rough Draft.  This will make it Episode no. 59.  I'm hoping that people will find my videos interesting, but I can only do so much.  I'm considering adding music to the into and end of the video; I wanna use the instrumental to this song produced by this Hip Hop artist that I listen to, and support.

Still trying to work on organizing the Black/Brown Bookstore Book Tour.  Running into a few complications while organizing it.  I'll go into further detail in that new episode of The Rough Draft.  All will be explained there... 

My latest novel "Second Chance Points" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2022) is now ELEVEN MONTHS OLD!!!  My latest baby will be turning a year old next month!!!  Time really does fly by.  Still doing what I can to promote it.  Reaching out to two professional women's basketball leagues (and a few of the teams from one of the leagues), as well as one men's league.  Keeping my fingers crossed on their support for this project....


Well, that's about all for now.  Looking forward to keeping you guys updated on my further progress of my writing career.  Shout out to the LSU Lady Tigers for winning the 2023 National Women's Basketball title!!!


Keep the fist raised.





Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The Madness of March/Spring In My Step

 What's good, peoples?  We are now in the month of MARCH!!!  The first 1/3rd of the year is over.  The Veneral Equinox will be starting soon (as well as the changing of the clocks), and the spring season will begin.  It will also be allergy season for those of you that suffer from allergies.  Personally I don't, but...thought I'd just mention that, lol, lol, lol, lol.  Yeah...I'm kinda an asshole for that. 😆😆😆😆😆

In the month of March, I will be celebrating the 9-year publishing anniversary of my comedic memoir "In My Lifetime: Funny Stories of Life Lessons" (Outskirts Press, 2014).  This little gem is a favorite of mine, though it's been met with mixed reactions from those who've read it.  Some get my humor, others don't, and wanna impose their bullshit belief systems on me, and shit.  You obviously didn't properly read the book, because you would've figured out that I really couldn't give a fuck what you think. 😆😆😆😂😂😂

March also marks the 3-year publishing anniversary of my books "Suicide Amy" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2020); my Street Lit/Young Adult novel, and my time-traveling Science Fiction novel"Time Will Reveal" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2020).  They were my dual release for that year, celebrating my ten year anniversary as a published author.  Sales were better for Suicide Amy, than they were for Time Will Reveal.  That kinda saddens me a bit; I think that TWR is a pretty good novel.


I'm still trying to plan my Black/Brown Bookstore Book Tour.  My mobility is still an issue.  Had a friend who was willing to drive me to one or two of the locations that I wanted, but now they've kinda disappeared on me, not answering their phone.  Can't really plan much, if I don't have a reliable ride.  I'm keeping the hope alive, though...


There's an event that's going to be held in Richmond, VA in April called the Kidz Comic Con Book Festival.  I'm hoping to vend at that event.  I need to do more in-person events, anyway.  It will be held on April 8th.  I'm hoping to make it to that festival, and vend two of my books there.  Of course, read the paragraph above, as one of the issues that I face.  I'll let you know if I'll be vending there, or not.  Keep...hope...aliiiiive!!!


It's almost tournament tiiiiime!!!  What colleges are you rooting for to win the NCAA championship..? Get ready to fill out those brackets!!!  We will soon have a men's champion and a women's champion crowned for this year.  Makes me think about my most recent book "Second Chance Points" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2022).  Yes...I threw that in this blog post.  Yes...I'm shamefully plugging it.  It's my blog, and I can do what I want to.  😆😆😆😆


Looking forward to [posting more episodes of The Rough Draft.  Episode number 56 has already been posted.  Need to shoot & post Episode 57, and number 58 to represent for March.  

Marinating on some ideas to write.  Wanna finish up "The Adventures of Don Fiero Valiente", since that one has been ratting around in my brain for the last few weeks.  Hopefully, I get some time off from my day job to actually be able to write something down.

That's all for now.  Will keep you posted!!  Come back soon!!!  😁😁😁😁

Keep the fist raised.


Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Black History Month/Author Anniversary 2023

 We are now in the month of February.  It's the beginning of Black History Month, as well as my Author Publishing Anniversary.  I entered into the world of publishing THIRTEEN years ago, this month.  Also, February marks the culturally relevant holiday of Akoma Day, running from February 14th through February 20th.  Yep...February is a very special month.


This month marks the thirteen-year publishing anniversary of my very first book "Raise Your Brown Black Fist: The Political Shouts of an Angry Afro Latino" (Authorhouse, 2010).  A collection of political essays speaking to the history, culture, and thoughts of the Afro Latino community.  I'm actually quite proud of that book, especially for it being my first literary project.


February also mark the eight-year publishing anniversary of my first novel "The Chronicles of The Black Fist" (CreateSpace, 2015).  This action/adventure superhero novel was my love letter to activism, as well as my attempt to create an iconic Black superhero.  I'm very proud of this project, and wish that it would receive much more support than it currently has.  People wanna go all gaga for that Black Panther bs, but won't fuck with this project (or even the sequel to it).  But, I digress...


Also, February marks the five-year publishing anniversary of my Afro Latino Romance novel "Fiesta Girl" (Draft2Digital, 2018).  This is another project that I think is super slept on, and hits on so many notes.  I'm also pissed that other so-called Afro Latino activists aren't supporting this, and helping to promote it.  But, it is what it is...


Hoping to complete two new episodes of The Rough Draft.  One episode is supposed to help me celebrate and promote my 13 year author anniversary.  The next episode is supposed to discuss a perspective that I've been marinating on.  Details on their posting coming soon.


Still working on organizing the Black/Brown Bookstore Book Tour.  Hoping to get it off the ground by the Spring.  Hoping to be a bit more mobile this year, as well as having a more consistent work schedule to be able to work around.  I'll keep you guys updated.        

All power to the people!!  Always celebrate our culture and heritage!!!  Umgowa, Black Power!!!

Keep the fist raised.


Friday, January 20, 2023

Astro Corps [EXCERPT]

 Trying to get my writing mojo back.  So...as an exercise to get back into the habit of writing, I'm going to post some excerpts of ideas that I have.  Hope that you enjoy....

The stars of deep space illuminate the sector, aided by various nebulae that dot the interstellar landscape in the distance. This quiet serenity almost has a peaceful feel to it, were it not harboring some deep dark secrets, and other nefarious intentions behind it.  Something was amiss, and a wrong needed to be righted...


Space Station Gallagher floats along her merry way, as a multitude of spacecraft enter and exit her ports.  Formerly an asteroid mined for her mineral ore, it was decided that, once her supply was exhausted, rather than allowing it to uselessly float through space, they could make use of it's cavernous cavity, and turn the empty hunk of rock into a space station.  Known primarily as a transfer point and refueling station for the member worlds of the Intergalactic Astral Alliance, she also serves as an installation for the military component of the Alliance; the Astro Corps.  Various classes of spaceship and star cruisers orbit the station, or are docked in her ports.  One such star cruiser currently sits in one of her ports, in dire need of repair of both her body and crew....

Commander Angelinda Santos sits in her quarters, her cinnamon face illuminated by the screen of her holo-computer.  She diligently works at her computer station, mercilessly tapping away at her keyboard, trying to finish her reports.  She briefly pauses, and wearily sighs, rubbing her bleary eyes, tired from staring at holo-screens all day.  She was a long way from Earth, and was glad to be away from the planet; being back in space was where she belonged.  She wanted to be back on a star cruiser bridge, not riding a desk at Earth HQ, being at the admiral's beck and call.  It kind of sucks when the military is your family business, and certain relatives can make or break your career on a whim.  Unfortunately, her career path ended up being collateral damage because of a war that was brewing within the family.  She was on a steady career path to becoming the captain of her own ship before turning 31, before all the drama started to happen.  She ended up getting yanked from her position as a tactical officer at her old interstellar unit, reassigned to being a paper pusher at the United Nations of Earth HQ.  Angelinda still bristles at the humiliation of it, all because of the actions of another family member...

Angelinda shakes the thoughts of animosity out of her head.  She needed to focus on the job at hand.  The one benefit of working at HQ was being able to come across the case that she was now helping with.  The crew of the United Alliance Star Cruiser Vindicator were being tried for mutiny against her captain.  The Vindicator had gotten into a nasty firefight with three other allied ships; a Simiantaren science vessel, and two Feralisian combat ships that had come to it's aid after the shooting started.  For whatever reason, the Vindicator's captain Don Parker had made the decision to open fire on the science vessel, unprovoked.  The Simiantaren scientists pleaded with him to cease fire, eventually sending out a distress signal.  When the two Feralisian battle cruisers arrived, that's when things got really ugly, when Captain Parker decided to turn, and fire on them.  Had the Vindicator's junior officers, along with the ship's XO, not mutinied, and taken over the ship, surrendering to the Feralisians, there might not have been a ship left to tow back to the station. 


Angelinda had heard of Captain Don Parker, and was not a fan of the man.  Though he had a celebrated and storied 35 year career with the Astor Corps, full of accolades and commendations, she felt that he was a hot head, and the worst purist she'd ever met.  He had an unbridled hatred for XTs that she could not fathom, and despised anything not human, or from Earth. From what evidence she could gather, he ran his ship like a frat house, full of cronyism and nepotism.  Humans were promoted over XTs, and Colonials were treated as if they were second-class citizens, beneath Earth-born humans.  Many under his command were made to feel miserable, if they didn't believe and feel the same way he did, and their tours on his ship were made to feel long and unbearable.  Angelinda wondered how the ship was able to function, under conditions like that.  There was no place for that kind of thinking on a military ship; it wasn't efficient, or effective.  Once she began her investigation of the ship and her crew, she immediately contacted the JAG officer for the defense, siding with the junior officers; much to the chagrin of her superiors; her family included.  Her parents were not happy with her decision, and let it be known.  They had already done enough to damage her career, up to this point; what did she have to lose.  Angelinda had made plans to catch the next transport out, and help the defense team.


Justice had been swift, and the decision had be handed down; the Vindicator's XO and junior officers had been found not guilty of treason, mutiny, conduct unbecoming, and disobeying a direct order.  They all breathed a heavy sigh of relief, fearful of facing jail time, and having their careers ruined and ended.  Captain Don Parker, on the other hand, was found guilty of dereliction of duty, and conduct unbecoming an officer.  To say that he was infuriated is beyond an understatement, needing to be restrained from going after the panel of judges, his pale face all snarled up, and contorted.   Angelinda was glad to see him get what she felt he rightfully deserved; he was an embarrassment to the uniform, and didn't deserve his command.

Angelinda wearily sighs again, and finally shuts off her holo-computer.  She smooths out her coarse brown hair, pulling it back into a neat puff ball.  She then rises, smooths out her uniform, and turns around, heading for the wall screen.  She steels herself for what had to come next...

"...-Computer", she commands, "Open a channel to Astro Corps Command, Earth Division!"


The Astro Corps insignia projects on the center of the screen, with the 'stand by' icon flashing under it.  Moments later, she sees an identical looking coffee face staring back at her; much older, and wearing the same uniform, accented with gold shoulder pads, and a short gold cloak.  Angelinda crisply salutes the face, holding her own stoic gaze.  "...Admiral Santos", she barks, "Commander Angelinda Santos reporting in".  Nilda just flashes her a tired smile, amused by her formality.


"...So formal today, are we, dear?"

"...-Please address me by my rank, Admiral."

"Would it be so hard for us to talk like mother and daughter for once, dear?"

"Motherrrrrrr", Angelidna begins to angrily whine, through grit teeth.

"...Fine, fine...", Nilda wearily replies, "Please proceed...commander." 

"The trial against the Vindicator's crew have been concluded.  These are the results, and my findings..."


To Be Continued.....




Friday, January 6, 2023

Happy New Year 2023

 Welcome to 2023!!!  The new year has finally fallen upon us.  Hopefully, your year is starting off on a positive note, and on the good foot.  May positive energy and prosperity enrich you, and all those that you love. Birthday blessings to all new years babies that were born on that special day. 😀😀😀

In the month of January, I will be celebrating the four-year publishing anniversary of my novel "The Chronicles of The Black Fist: F.U.R.I. of the People" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2019), as well as the two-year publishing anniversary of my novel "Knuckle Up" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2021).  Both books are available in both paperback AND eBook formats.  Hopefully, you will take the time to financially support them, and help to spread the word about them.

As of right now, I have no plans to publish a new book in 2023.  I'm hoping that will change; it will have to be much later in the year.  I don't have any manuscripts that are completed, or close to being completed, as of yet. I kind of ended last year on a really sour note, and haven't felt very motivated to write anything.  I have a few ideas rattling around in my head, but whenever I fire up the laptop to write something down, I just end up staring at the page.  Either that, I fell too tired and unmotivated to write anything when I actually have a day off.  My poor book sales have really affected my writing, as I end up wondering wtf am I doing all of this for, if I can't make some sort of a profit doing this professionally? 😔😔😔

I'm hoping to get out more, this year.  I want to get back to doing in-person appearances.  If not by setting up my own book signings, or tours, then by at least participating in festivals as a vendor.  I definitely need to buildup my presence & name recognition out here in North Carolina.  I'm hoping to do my Black/Brown Bookstore Book Tour this year, since I had to postpone it last year.  I know of a few bookstores out here that I want to hold the appearances at.  I'll keep you guys posted...


Thanks for reading, and have a happy and safe new year.  Blessings & good fortune to you all!!! 😁😁😁😁


Keep the fist raised.

Uhuru sasa, y paz.

