Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Upcoming Sales & Updates!!!

 Got some new info for ya!!!  Hope that it makes your mouth water, and excited with anticipation!!!

First order of latest novel "Second Chance Points" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2022).  



It is currently available at 65% off in paperback format on!!!  In other words...the normal price is $9.95, and you can now purchase it at Amazon for $3.47!!!!  That's an absolute steeeeeeeaaaaal!!!!  If that price doesn't motivate you to run out, and purchase a copy...I don't know what will!!!




In July, Smashwords will be having their annual "Summer/Winter Sale" on their store.  All eBook titles listed in their store will be available at discounted prices. Since Smashwords merged with Draft2Digital, I am now able to participate in this annual sale. All of my titles listed on Smashwords will be available at 75% off !!!!!  The sale runs throughout the entire month of July, from July 1st to July 31st.  If you have an account with Smashwords, show ya boy some love!!!  Cop the titles that you haven't copped yet!!!


Draft2Digital has a new distribution channel available for libraries (which I believe was originally a Smashwords outlet).  My eBooks are now available to libraries through the distribution channel of ODilo.  My eBook titles are available to libraries now through SIX different national distributors, and one international channel (BorrowBox).


That's all for now!!  Hope that you go out and support ya boy!!!  Cop your copy of "Second Chance Points", and support the sale on Smashwords next month!!!  Always staying on my literary griiiiiiind!!!

Uhuru sasa, y paz!!!  Keep the fist raised!!!


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