Wednesday, December 23, 2015

HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!! Updated Author Book Trailer

I just wanted to wish all of you happy holidays.  To those of you that have stuck by me as true friends, and fans of my literary and activist work...thank you SO much for all of your support!  It is truly appreciated.  I know that I've gone off a few time on here, so I need ot thank you for bearing with me through the low times.   Here's to a better 2016!

I've updated the Author Book Trailer that I'd created.  I've changed the music up from the last time.  I hope that you'll be able to view it and enjoy it.  You can (hopefully) see the trailer here:

I hope that you'll be able to enjoy it.  So, may you enjoy the Winter Solstice, have a very Merry Christmas, have a VERY Happy Kwanzaa, and may you all have a blessed, prosperous, and positive New Year.  Here's hoping that things will change around onto the positive side in 2016!

Paz!!!  :-D

Thursday, December 17, 2015

UPDATES: End-of-year progress

Well...I'm trying to end the year (or, at least this week) on a good & strong note.

I have an end-of-year literary event that I'm going to on Saturday night (Dec 19th).  I'm looking forward to it, specifically because it gets me the hell out of the house.  I've been pretty complacent lately, mostly due to lack of funds.  It's very hard to travel when you're broke.

I recently found out that the company that published my eBooks has added another distributor to their staple.  My eBooks are now available through a carrier called 24Symbols.  You can click the link to my books here:

You'll be able to have access to my titles "The Chronicles of The Black Fist", "Demure Nights", and "Spittin' Lyrics N Waxin' Poetic".  Apparently, 24Symbols also has access to the market in Spain.  I hope that this bodes well for me.  I've been promoting 24Symbols to my other social media accounts.

The Winter Solstice, Christmas, and Kwanzaa are all next week.  I was hoping to get out of town for the holidays (specifically Kwanzaa since it lasts an entire week), but I don't know if that'll happen.  I've cut off quite a few people over the past year+ that I've been back in NYC, and my funds are nonexistent for travel.  Hopefully, something will pop off.

I've been working on an Author Book Trailer to promote myself, and my literary works.  I hope that I'll be able to upload it here for your viewing pleasure.

I hope that you will be able to view it.  I've actually fallen off on my media/video production skills over the last few years.  I can write, shoot, and edit a project, but learning all of the ins and outs of uploading/downloading media files still escapes me.

So, that's what I have so far.  May you all enjoy the holidays, and may the coming new year be a prosperous one for you.  I'm looking forward to getting this ratchet ass year over with, and start over with a new beginning, and some positive energy.

Friday, December 11, 2015

End-of-Year Review...

So 2015 is coming to a close (finally)........

This has NOT been a very good year for me.  The only positives for me was the fact that I'd published at least three books this year; two paperback novels, and an eBook of poetry.  I feel very accomplished to have achieved that feat, but it's rather bittersweet since I don't feel like I'm getting the (financial) support that I deserve.

I'm hoping to turn around my fortunes for next year. I still have plans to move out of the state.  New York may be my home state, but fuck this place.  I haven't felt supported since I came back.  I basically wasted a good year and a half of my life, and for what?!  It's like that old can never go back home again.  Brooklyn isn't the same place as it was before.  It's lost it's identity, originality, and soul.  Fuck these new jacks, and gentrifiers; they bring nothing to the table except stagnation.

I'm considering publishing a new project in 2016; a short story anthology.  I'm pretty much in the final editing stages right about now.  I might release it in late spring/early summer of 2016.  I want to focus more on doing the festival circuit in the coming new year.  I seriously fell off my game doing that last year, primarily due to lack of funds.  Even with the few event that I DID do this past year, I didn't earn much of anything, if anything at all.  It seems best to get the fuck OUT of New York, and focus my works elsewhere.  I miss traveling to different states, as well as interacting with the people at these events.  Niggaz here in NY be on some bullshit, and act like they can't support you.  Hopefully, I'll be able to remedy that in 2016.

I'm trying to work on expanding my UNIVERSAL AFRICANA LITERARY ARTS MOVEMENT & EXPO project.  I want to be able to (finally) do the Expo again; I haven't been able to hold one since it's first incarnation, and that was back in '08.  I want to do more with "the Movement" and be able to expand it's program.  Of course, I would need HELP doing it, which nobody ever wants to give.  Everybody wants to benefit from your work, but never wants to PUT the work in.  Perhaps in this new location, I can finally get "the Movement" off the ground the way that I it want to.

I currently have no plans for Kwanzaa; I can't afford to do any of the Kwanzaa events that I do know about anyway.  I would actually like to spend the last two week of the remaining year out of state, just to recharge my energies.  Hopefully, I can make that happen.  I'm sick of the negative energy that I'm dealing with here in NYC.

So, here's to a better new year.  May the more positive energies embrace me, and help to propel me to a more prosperous result.  I'll continue to try to make things happen, and keep you all up to date.
