Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Month of July So Far.....

As we approach a little beyond the midway point of the month, things are looking VERY unsettled.  Coronavirus numbers are starting to climb back up, and states are starting to re-institute restrictions to protect the populace...or, at least to cover their collective asses, for their potential reelection bids.

Oh, yeah...and my book sales ain't been shit.  Yeah...I had to throw that in there, somewhere.

If you're on YouTube, and have an account with them, I've just uploaded the latest episode of "The Rough Draft"; Episode #15.  I won't be posting the link here, as I don't think that it ever helps, or matters.  Subscribe to my channel if you can, and LEAVE A COMMENT!!!  It would be nice to actually get some feedback from people who 'claim' to be my supporters.  I feel like a little kid who gets brushed off, just because he's a little kid, or being annoying.  Just give me SOME sort of feedback!!

Working on my latest manuscript.  Decided to convert my screenplay "Knuckle Up" into my next book.  I'm going through round THREE of editing, so far.  If things keep going at this rate, I'm hoping to have completed editing by the end of the year, and have the book ready for publication in 2021.  I've got few ideas about how I want the cover to look.  I'm excited about this project, as it is one of my favorite scripts.  I'll keep you guys updated on my progress with that project....

The day job front is stagnant.  My state is stuck in 'Phase 2' for the time being, until our COVID-19 numbers go down in the state.  I haven't heard from my boss on when we're supposed to go back to work.  I kinda don't mind, but I just really hate staying at home.  I just can't believe that some people actually live like this, for most of their lives; just staying at home, waiting for a check.  Couldn't be me.  Good thing that I've got my writing career to work on.  At least it gives me something to do, and gives me purpose.

Kinda looking forward to next month.  It's "Black August", for those of us revolutionaries out there.  Personally for me, it marks 1 whole year since I started producing "The Rough Draft".  I might decide to have an episode doing a recap of what I've posted within that year.  Actually...I'd rather do an 'Ask-The-Author' segment, where my fans get to ask me questions, and I get to answer their questions in the video.  I'll let you know what I'm planning...

That's about all for now.  I'll keep you guys updated on my progress.  Hopefully, things will improve, and will get somewhat back to normal.  Stay safe, peoples!!!

Keep the fist raised.


Friday, July 3, 2020

July Beginnings....

It is now JULY!!!!  The day before so-called "Independence Day" for the country.  The SEVENTH month in the year.  The year is now officially little over half over.  Time truly is flying...

It's been FOUR months since the Dual Release of "Time Will Reveal", and "Suicide Amy" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2020).  Sales haven't been what I wanted them to be, DESPITE all of the promotion (pre- AND post release) that I've done for the novels. I think May has been my best sales month so far, which isn't really saying much.  June was a big fat ZERO, which is actually typical for me.  So much for my so-called 'fan base'....

It's also been four month since the lockdown because of the COVID-19 coronavirus.  as it is....a few states have had to halt their reopening because of a surge of cases hitting certain states.  They're actually going back to lockdown mode, and shutting down their reopening.  Other states or just moving A LOT slower than before, holding off on easing some of the restrictions that they were planning on lifting.  I'm actually growing more concerned, now.  I don't want to say that I took this lightly, when this all first started going down, but...The people in charge OBVIOUSLY don't know what the fuck they're doing, and I'm not willing to risk my life cause these idiots wanna play politics, and appease stupid ass white people who think they they're invincible, or that their lives CANNOT be inconvenienced under any circumstances...

On the literary front....I have no anniversaries for this month.  I haven't published any books during the month of July.  Oh well.....

Haven't posted a new episode of "The Rough Draft" yet, either.  Trying to figure out the topic for my next episode.  If any of you out there has any ideas, or wants to participate in an 'Ask-The-Author' segment....let a brotha know.  I'm tired of not getting any feedback.  Let a brotha know what's on your mind, for once....

Still considering the repatriation to the continent of Africa.  Still continuing to do the research.  I follow a number or repats on YouTube, and am trying to follow some of their advice.  Especially once the travel restrictions from the pandemic are lifted, I really, really REALLY need to gtfo this country.  I'm disgusted by a lot of what I see.  FUCK marching in the streets, protesting!  Bust somebody's head open!  Bomb a few police stations!  Go into some white neighborhoods, and beat the shit outta some of them!  Fuck shooting a gd video of some white person acting a fool, and acting overly privileged!  Grow a fuck pair, already!!!!


Finally decided to convert one of my screenplay projects.  Since I haven't written anything since the Dual Release, and the start of this pandemic....this is actually very good news!  I was feeling quite blocked up, in a literary sense.  This pandemic had me worried.  I'm starting to feel a little bit more like myself, in recent days.  It's probably the frustration that I've been feeling with what's being going on politically...not just with the killing of #GeoregeFloyd, and the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement....but also with some of the utter bullshit that I've been seeing online with the so-called Afro Latino Movement.  No wonder I left that bullshit behind six years ago, smgdmfh....


The project is called "Knuckle Up", telling about the trials and tribulations of a female fighter named Mandinga "The Manhandler" Mason in her fight career.  I'll let you all know how it goes.  Hope to publish the book sometime next year, or in 2022!!!  :-)

Later peoples.  Talk to you next time.  I'll keep you updated, when I can.  Catch ya on the flip side.

Keep the fist raised!!!!
