Tuesday, May 28, 2019

May Monthly Wrap-up

Wow....the end of the month is almost here!!!  :-O!!!!  The year is almost half over!!!!

Been trying to track my progress over the month.  It's been primarily stagnant, as I've taken recently with some writer's block, as well as some self evaluation, concerning some recent deaths that I've had to deal with.  The good thing is that my book slated for publication in 2020 titled "Time Will Reveal" was completed prior to the writer's block.  But, other than that, I haven't done much writing for any other projects.  I think that I'm finally starting to overcome that particular hurdle, as I've been brainstorming some creative ideas, recently.  I'll go into those later in the post....

Nooooot too satisfied with the writing career as of late.  I need more public exposure, and to do more speaking engagements, panel discussions, or some reading/book signing events.  Online sales ain't shit, and people don't buy your stuff, even when you post about it 2 gazillion times a day online on social media.  Need to go old school with it, and street team, or something.  Need to get my hustle back, and get my work out there.  I'm also starting to send my novels into some book contests.  I need to get that exposure SOMEHOW....

Got a new day job.  Working back in food service.  Hell....it's a living, and a paycheck.  Not only will I be able to pay my bills, I can continue to fund my writing career.  Book copies ain't cheap, and neither are vending fees, or rental spaces.  Since niccas don't know how to buy your shit online, I gotta get the money to pay for everything I need to do from SOMEWHERE.  But, I digress...

"Time Will Reveal" needs a book cover.  I have an idea of what I want it to look like, so I just need to buckle down, and start designing it.  Most of my book covers are fairly simple to create, and since I have some computer graphics skills, it makes it easier for me in the final stages, as I can design my own book covers.  Maybe I'll invest in a cover designer in the future, when I can actually make a living off my writing. Yeah....that'll be the day....   ***sarcasm dripping***

Been able to fight through tis bout of writer's block, little by little.  Been marinating on a few ideas for some future book projects.  Thinking of writing a sequel to "Drum Speaking" (CreateSpace, 2016).    This time around, I might do a Sci fi/Fantasy anthology;  try and tap into that Black Speculative ficition, AfroFuturist market.  I have a few story ideas rolling around in my head, as we speak.  I might novelize a few of my sci fi screenplay projects, and turn them into short stories for the anthology, IF I decide to do it.

I've also thought about novelizing one of my other movie screenplay ideas; a sci fi project called "Nobility's Rise".  It was kinda my answer to both Star Wars, and Superman...with an Afrocentric slant, of course.  It would've been a 3-movie film series, even though I've only completed one of the scripts; the first sequel is incomplete.  I might choose to convert them into a novel series, and promote it as a Black Speculative Fiction/Afrofuturist novel series.  It's a thought...

That's about it for now.  Still considering doing "The Rough Draft" video blog series.  I also start the new day job this week.  I'll let you all know how it goes.    

Keep the fist raised...

Thursday, May 2, 2019

May Happenings......

It's now MAY!!!!  Man...time really is flying, ain't it...?  we're already FIVE months into the new year!  :-O

First off, there a few events that I know of that are happening in May.  I just found out about this one the other week.  The 1st annual Dominican Writers Conference will be taking place THIS SATURDAY, May 4th in NYC on the campus of City College of New York, or, CCNY as we like to call it back home.  I won't be attending this event, but I just wanted to shout them out....

Also, later in the month, my FAVORITE Black comic con will be taking place in Philadelphia.  Coming on May 18th, the East Coast Black Age of Comics Convention, or ECBACC for short, will be taking place!!!


 YAAAAAY!!!  Hopefully, I can attend it this year.  Now that I have the hat and t-shirt to represent the Universal Africana Literary Arts Movement, I can look official at the event, or any other literary events that I go to.


May is the publishing anniversary for my novel "Seductra: Web of Desire" (CreateSpace, 2017)!!!

Two years ago, I was able to publish this novel, and release it to the world.  Help me to celebrate this particular novel turning 2 years old. It's a good Urban Lit story about a trained dancer (and transplant NYer) trying to make ends meet.  Available in both paperback AND eBook formats!!!

Haven't been writing as much, but I'm still promoting the latest novel.  Trying to push "The Chronicles of The Black Fist: F.U.R.I. of the People" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2019) as much as I can.  Doing public appearances for it would help, but I don't necessarily have the funds to do any festivals/book fairs/comic cons right now.  Being in-between jobs ain't fun, and I'm getting nowhere with online sales. I'm considering doing a few readings of it, but I don't really trust the crowd here in Delaware.  Maybe if I set up a few reading in Philly, it would work; the crowd out there might be more receptive to my work.  Delaware folks....?  Hmmmm....I don't know about them....

Got a job interview coming up for a part time gig.  Wish me luck on that.  I need SOME sort of income to come it, since the ones for book sales don't exist...

Right now I feel like I'm at a crossroads.  I need to figure out what I'm going to do in regards to my writing career.  I need ot figure out a way to move forward, and make it beneficial to me, specifically financially.  OBVIOUSLY, the people who know me personally don't take my writing career seriously, so I need to take my work to an audience who will.  I need to be able to make a living at this; that's the bottom line.  I need a team around me who is going to help me to promote my work.

That's all for now.  I'll hit y'all back when I have more updates, and other news for you.

Keep the fist raised.