Friday, February 22, 2019

(New) Author Book Trailer 2019!!!!

Greetings all!!!!

I have updated my Author Book Trailer to reflect the publication of my latest book "The Chronicles of The Black Fist: F.U.R.I. of the People" (KDP, 2019).  The cover to the new book has been added to the trailer, so now it reflects all TEN books that I've published in my career so far.  And, considering that this is my publishing anniversary month, I thought that it was fitting to share it here.  The trailer is already posted up on YouTube, so you can also see it there.  So, without further ado....:

Hope that you were able to enjoy it.  Might take a break for a while, and just concentrate on promoting the books that I already have out, for now.  Looking forward to doing some panel discussions, or a book signing, or two.  Aaaaaaaand....don't forget to buy a few of my books!

Keep the fist raised!!