Friday, August 2, 2024

The Rising Heat of Revolutinary Black August

 Welcome to the month of AUGUST.  We are in the last legs of the summer season.  Time is flying by this year, as the summer is coming to a close, and the new school year is just about upon us. It's also about to be football season, for all you football maniacs out there....

In the month of August, I will be celebrating the 9-year publishing anniversary of my poetry book "Spittin' Lyrics N Waxin' Poetic" (Draft2Digital, 2015).  Originally posted only in eBook format, it's been made available as a paperback for about a year, now. I wouldn't say that it's my best work, but you're able to see me be lyrical with my pen, and hit you guys off with some poetic prose; especially with the love poems.  Hope that you support that project...

Soooo....the Smashwords Summer/Winter Sale was a complete bust.  I didn't sell ANY eBooks for the entire month of July.  I'm not actually surprised, nor am I completely mad about it.  It's actually what I expected to happen, so I wasn't greatly disappointed.  The people who I fuck wit online just aren't my true fans.  Any jackass can press a 'like' button, and keep it moving; a real fan would support the sale, purchase something, and help to spread the word to their circle of associates.  I just need to get back out there, and do the whole festival circuit to generate some hand-to-hand sales.  Quite obviously, this online shit just ain't working. 

August will also mark the 5-year production anniversary of my web series "The Rough Draft".  Started on August 23rd of 2019, I started shooting and posting the episodes on YouTube.  Been five years strong, and the production values have increased slightly.  Still don't get a whole lot of subscribers or views, but fuck it....I actually enjoy doing the videos.  If you're not my fan that consistently watches the series, then fuck you, and your entire family bloodline. You're missing out on some good content.

August also make it three years since I moved to Raleigh.  It's going pretty good for me, and I don't see myself wanting to leave here anytime soon.  Other than wanting to relocate to the continent, I like it here. It's still affordable to live here (for the time being), and I feel at ease.  Once I'm a little more settled in my new apartment, I'm hoping to get back onto my literary grind.  My w.i.p.'s are stagnant as hell, and I'm behind schedule with my book releases.  I value the break form publishing my books, but I have my own personal goals to achieve and reach.  At least my work schedule makes it easier to get that done, I'm sooooo mf glad I left that other job!!!

Well, that all for now, mi gente.  I'll keep you guys updated on my other plans.  Catch you guys next time!!! 😁😁😁😁😁

Uhuru sasa, y paz.  Keep the fist raised!!!


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Home Sweet Home...

 To update you guys...I've FINALLY moved into my new apartment.  I've lived here little over a week, now.  It's the best feeling in the world, to know that you have a roof over your head.  I was homeless for three weeks, ducking and hiding, sleeping at my day job after hours.  It wasn't fun AT ALL!!  It was so stressful, especially hiding my shame and pain from everyone.  At least's over.

I still have to furnish the apartment.  I don't have a bed yet; not even a mattress to sleep on.  At least I was able to get my clothes and stuff being stored at the day job.  Now, I have all of my stuff in one place.  I can finally change clothes, now.  I can finally wash my clothes.  I can do the stuff that I normally do to feel comfortable.  I don't necessarily have a routine yet, but I'm getting there.  I don't have a TV in here (not that I really watch that much television), but I do have internet, so that helps.  definitely need a dresser, and a desk to work on.  Hoping to get my hands on a mattress sometime soon.  Kinda wish that I could have some of my stuff from New York shipped down here, but I don't want to risk them getting damaged in transit.  Oh, well...

Don't know if I'll be having a house warming party, since I don't have much stuff in here.  I don't have much food to offer, and I don't feel like coming out of pocket to have it catered, or anything like that.  I'm trying to save my money, as it is.  My rent is affordable, but I'm not making any serious bank by any means.  Maybe if people actually contributed to the writing career, I wouldn't feel so hesitant to spend any money. But, we all know how that goes, smdh.. 😕😕😕😕


The other good thing about the apartment's close to my day job.  I'm also near several supermarkets.  Whatever I need is actually within walking distance from the new crib.  I'm actually not too far from where I was staying at the hotel, so it's not like I'm in a completely new and different part of the city, and have to learn my way around.  That works to my advantage.  The only thing that concerns me, is that they're building up the neighborhood, and doing a lot of construction.  I hope that doesn't jack up my rent by next year.  My salary is okay, even though I do get occasional raises, but I don't earn a whole hell of a lot of income.  If they raise my rent to a ridiculously high rate, I might have to go through this whole process all over again next year.  😢😢😢😢

You know what...?  Time to live in the present!!  I'll worry about that other shit when it comes.  Right now...I just wanna enjoy having my new apartment. 😁😁😁😁

Here's to having a roof over my head!!  Here's to having my own piece of mind!!  Celebrating having my new apartment!!

Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Changing Tides....

 So....things are starting to get a liiiittle bit better.  I've got one more week before I can move into my apartment.  so, in essence...I'll be back to actually having a roof over my head, again.  Man...when I tell you that the struggle has been real, I ain't bullshitting you... 😢😢😢😢😢

I'm still ducking & dodging, hiding out and sleeping at the day job.  I'm still stressing, since I don't want to get caught before I can move into my new apartment.  I tried to rent a cheap ass hotel room for the weekend, and ended up paying only for one night.  These assholes wanted $135 for just ONE fucking night!!  It was a cheap ass, two-star hotel for crying out loud.  GTFOH 😡😡😡😡😡!!  It felt good to sleep in a bed again, though.  It also felt good to finally leave the premises of the fucking day job, and not have to worry about sneaking back in, or looking over my shoulder while sleeping there, hoping not to get caught.  I soooo cannot wait for when I move in!! 😌😌😌😌

Once I'm in the new place, I can concentrate on enjoying my life.  I can work on shooting episodes of "The Rough Draft", and working on my unfinished manuscripts.  Now that I have a fairly regular schedule, I can work on consistently posting episodes, and doing other things to boost my writing career.  I can worry about furnishing the apartment down the line.  i don't really need much; maybe just add a few more books that I want to read.  I can always find a way to use milk crates as a book shelf, or something. gotta learn to be frugal with your money, these days...  

It'll be good to not have to spend a shit load of money, just to maintain a roof over my head.  That fucking hotel that I was living out of was killing me, financially.  My new apartment is only a few hundred bucks a month, plus paying utilities, and maintaining my phone bill.  I don't think that they provide internet for my apartment, but the building does have their own wifi.  I might be able to get away with using it, for the time being.  I'll et you guys know how that works out... 

I need my life to get back to normal.  I feel so out of whack, it ain't even funny. Normalcy is the key.  Once i have a roof over my head, everything else should/will fall into place.  I still like being in Raleigh; I just need my life to get back into sync.  Maybe, after everything settles, I'll be able to enjoy my life a little bit more.  I don't like being in the mental and emotional space that I'm in, right now.  It's completely throwing me off my game, and making me miserable.  At l east i see some light at the end of this tunnel..


I'll keep you guys updated after the move.


Uhuru sasa, y paz....

Monday, July 1, 2024

Bringing that July Heat

 We have now entered into the month of JULY.  The year is now a little over half completed.  Where has the time gone...?  Is it the process of getting older, that time seems to fly by...?

So, the apartment seems to be coming along.  I should be able to move in within the next coming weeks.  This has been a bit of a headache for me, and will be glad when it's over with.  I know that I should be feeling excited to be having my own place again, but the struggles that I've been dealing with just to get to this point have really been taxing on my spirit.  It's been draining on me spiritually & financially, and I truly hope that it will be all worth it in the end... 😔😔😔😔😔

No publishing anniversaries to speak of in the month of July.  I haven't chosen to publish anything during this month, at this time.  Maybe, once I get me writing mojo back, I'll (hopefully) publish a book/novel during this month.  Other than the month of July, I don't have any publishing anniversaries for the months of September, October, or December either.

This year, I've decided to participate in the Smashwords Summer/Winter Sale.  It runs from July 1st through to July 31st.  For the entire month of July, my eBooks will be 50% off on their platform.  You can purchase any of my titles by clicking on  the link here:

My eBook titles will be priced at $0.99 (99 cents) for the whole month.  You can afford 99 cents.  Stop being so mf cheap, and support the books & writing career. Fuck pressing a gd mf 'like' button; try actually financially supporting, for once.  Acting like my books are trash, or something...😡😡😡😡 dinosaur ass finally got with the times, and now have an account with CashApp. If you want to financially support the career, and contribute to the funding of my web series "The Rough Draft", send your donations via CashApp to $KevinSabioKAS to help to sustain all that I do.  None of what I do is cheap, and everything I do is strictly out of pocket.  I have nobody funding me, and I barely make a living off of book sales; paperback OR eBook. 

Hoping to shoot an episode of "The Rough Draft" for the month.  Hopefully, once I get into my new apartment, I can start shooting a new episode, and have it uploaded soon.  With my new work schedule being more consistent, I'm hoping to up the ante a bit, and shoot more episodes per month.  Hopefully, that'll result in more views for the channel, and more more support for the writing career, and boost some sales.  Hopefully, this move will also help me to get my writing mojo back, and finally finish some of the manuscripts.

That's all for now.  Hope that you guys will support me.  I'll update you all on how the move goes, and my further literary progress.  Wish me lots of luck.  I'm gonna need it. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Uhuru sasa, y paz.

Keep the fist raised!!!


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Struggle is REEEEEEEAAAAL!!!! :-(

 I'm going through a really, really tough period in my life, right about now....  😢😢😢😢

Financially speaking, I'm broke. Trying to get this apartment, and trying to pay for this expensive ass hotel has almost completely drained my finances.  I'm literally homeless right now.  I'm surviving by illegally sleeping at my day job, and working some serious overtime hours, where I don't necessarily have to go 'home'.  No book sales are coming in, and my last paycheck wasn't as beneficial as I thought.  Not to mention, I get paid every two weeks, so it's a long stretch of time before I can get any money in my pocket.  I couldn't have written a worse situation for any of my characters... 😢😢😢😢

Technically, I've been homeless since I moved out here, living out of a hotel.  I can't even do that now, since I can't afford to stay there.  Now, I have NO place to stay.  I don't even know if I'll be able to afford to move into this new apartment that I'm trying to get.  I've never hit bottom like this, before.  I'm trying to stay positive & hopeful, but...this is A LOT to deal with.  Nobody really knows about my situation; I'm too ashamed and embarrassed to tell anyone.  Only my new department head, and a handful of associates out here know what's going on with me. 😔😔😔😔

At least if I had some residual income from book sales, this experience wouldn't be so bad.  I would be able to have at least something in my pocket.  Hell, I might have been able to afford to stay at that price gouging ass hotel a little bit longer, if I had any additional money coming in.  Such is the state of my writing career; people can press a fucking 'like' button, but refuse to buy shit.


At least when I'm at work, I'm distracted about my situation.  Once my shift ends, though...I'm reminded that I have no place to go, once I clock out for the day/shift.  Working overtime hours helps because that's putting some much needed money in my pocket, but having to wait for that next paycheck is painful and scary.


I really pray that I can get into this new apartment.  I need for this to come through for me.  I can't really live like this.  The price for the apartment is one that I can live with, and I know that this new job will provide me with the hours needed to maintain it.  Furnishing the new apartment should be easy; I have contacts at my old job that I can reach out to, to help me with that.  I just need a place where I can lay my head, and I don't have to worry about coming out of pocket to maintain it every few days.

I've been sending prayers to the Creator & the ancestors.  I hope that they are listening, and doing what they can from the ancestral realm.  I just need everything to line up for me, and come through.

Keep me in your thoughts....


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Feeling the Coming Heat of JUNE

 Greetings to all!!  We are now in the month of JUNE!! The year is officially half over 😳😳😳😲😲😲.  We are now at the midway point. Time is certainly flying by.  Hoping that you're all actively keeping up with your plans and goals for the year...


To start off...June marks the nine-year publishing anniversary for my Erotica novel "Demure Nights" (CreateSpace, 2015).  It was clearly an experiment, and a departure from my other works published at the time.  It marked my 5th book, and second novel at the time it was published.  You can download the eBook, or order the paperback through Barnes & Noble from this link here:;jsessionid=6DF48510C4AEEFB16216419791E422BD.prodny_store01-atgap15?ean=2940152202618


I'm actually quite happy with this literary project.  I got to flex my 'freaky' muscles, and showed that I could write something completely different from what I was known for. 

June also marks Father's Day, and the Summer Solstice.  There was an event this month that I wanted to attend called SableCon, a local comic & manga con out here in Raleigh.  I wasn't able to attend; I had to work the weekend that it was held (June 1st & 2nd).  I'm not blaming the day job...that's just how the ball bounces.  I left my old day job, and recently started a new one.  I kinda figured that I would end up working that first weekend with them, which happened to be the weekend that SableCon was happening.  Hopefully, I'll get to attend (and hopefully VEND) next year.


On a personal note...I'm trying to apply for an apartment.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  This hotel shit is for the birds.  I've been stuck living in this place for damn near three years; I want my own place.  I was finally able to find something that was affordable out here, and going through the application process now.  I'm hoping that I qualify.  The sooner I get my own place, the better I'll feel.  It feels like I've been stuck in limbo, the whole time I've been living out here, smdh... 😔😔😔😔😔


I'm surprised that I was able to shoot two episodes of The Rough Draft last month.  I'm looking forward to shooting one for this month.  Hopefully. if/when I get my own place, I can be more consistent with making the videos.  I'll have my own space, and can invest in some lighting equipment that I need to shoot the videos (at least, a ring light, or something). Looking forward to shooting & posting Episode 73!!!


As I stated earlier, I left my old day job.  I hated that mf place!!  The work was tedious, and my schedule was fucking ass.  The money wasn't worth it, and I just wasn't happy being there.  This new gig seems to be going well.  The pay & benefits are pretty good, and they gave me a signing bonus.  Hell, they even have Employee Referral Bonuses if you can bring in people to work for the company!  Of course, my priority is my writing career.  I haven't told anyone about my writing career at the new day job.  Might just keep it to myself...


That's all for now.  Will do my best to keep you all updated on the writing career, and other goings on in my life.  I'll let you guys know how the apartment hunting goes!!  😁😁😁😁


Keep the fist raised!!!  Uhuru sasa, y paz!!!





Sunday, May 5, 2024

(Hopefully) Flowering In May

 We are now in the month of MAY.  Five months into the new year; almost at the midway point. I swear that time is flying by so fast... 😳😳😳😳

In the month of May, we have my Publishing Anniversaries!!  Celebrating the seven-year publishing anniversary of my Urban Lit novel "Seductra, Web of Desire" (CreateSpace, 2017).  One of my favorite books to publish, I feel that it is severely slept on (much like all of my works).  Also, you have the two-year publishing anniversary of my Sports Drama novel "Second Chance Points" (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2022).  Yet another favorite book that I wrote; I loved this story as a screenplay, and continue to love it now as a novel.  I just wish that the book would get the support that I feel it deserves...

Latest updates....Draft2Digital now has a new distribution channel available.  My books are now available on Fable.  It is a social media app, as well as an online bookstore!!  You can create a community, as well as create book clubs based on your book(s).  I'm hoping to get some traction with that new app.  You can check out my titles by clicking on the link here:

Hope that you guys will support me on Fable!!  😁😁😁😁

The promotional grind has been a hard one for me.  It's gotten me deeply depressed, and off my writing game.  I have some ideas rolling around in my head, but I'm not currently motivated to write anything down, or finish my other unfinished manuscripts.  What's the mf point of putting in all of this effort, if nobody is going to support you?  The really sad part is...I have many of my indie author friends who are also in the same boat.  

The day job is really getting me down.  I can't afford to stay where I'm at because of my cheap ass paycheck, not to mention being given the runaround when it comes to my schedule.  A little consistency is all I ask.  And, hold others accountable for they shit they do/don't do at the mf job when I'm scheduled off!  Stop expecting ME to do all this bullshit!!  And, I hate those stuck up ass bitches from the Guest Services department.  Incompetent buncha bitches...




Support the books that are out there.  Support your indie authors.  Support your indie bookstores.  Festival/book fair/comic con season is upon us.  Check out the latest episode of "The Rough Draft" posted on YouTube!!


Keep the fist raised!!!

